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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 08/28/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 08/28/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-686-0710
    Fax: 212--779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY August 28, 2014
    The Prophet Jeremiah as depicted by Michelangelo.

    ** Jeremiah: Prophet of Sorrow-and Hope
    The Armenian Church liturgical calendar designates today as the feast
    of St. Jeremiah: one of the major prophets of the Bible.

    Jeremiah received his prophetic calling in a time of great promise:
    the reign of the godly king Josiah, during which a lost book of Moses
    (eventually known as Deuteronomy) was re-discovered, and a movement of
    spiritual renewal awakened among the Hebrew people.

    But the pious king died in battle; his successors were weak and
    profligate; and Jeremiah's generation saw its worst fears realized:
    the conquest of their holy city, Jerusalem, and the bitter exile of a
    nation from its homeland.

    Jeremiah documented his painful experiences in the Old Testament book
    of his name, as well as in the aptly titled book of Lamentations. As a
    result, he became known to the ages as the `weeping prophet.'

    Yet even in defeat, Jeremiah was something other than a voice of
    doom. To his people he spoke with the words of God; and they were
    words of hope, not despair.

    Click here ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434) to learn more.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 9:8-19
    2 Cor 1:1-11
    Mk 4:35-40

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Heavenly King, grant me your kingdom which you promised to your
    beloved, and strengthen my heart to hate sin and to love you only and
    to do your will. Have mercy upon your creatures, and upon me, a great
    sinner. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    2 September: Holy Prophets Ezekiel, Ezra, and Zechariah, Father of John the Baptist

    4 September: St. John the Forerunner and Job the Righteous

    Armenian Church in Myanmar
    St. John the Baptist Armenian Church in Yangon, Myanmar.

    ** An Armenian Outpost in Yangon
    BBC News Magazine features a profile of Myanmar's historic Armenian church.

    Built in the mid-19th century, at the height of the Armenian presence
    in southeast Asia, St. John the Baptist Church is now the last vestige
    of the Armenian merchant community that once thrived in Yangon,
    Myanmar's largest city.

    Still, a handful of local residents are determined to keep the church
    open and to preserve the badarak in this all but forgotten Armenian
    outpost. `We're part Armenian," parishioner Rachel Minus told the BBC,
    `and this church and its services mean a lot to us.'

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to read the article on BBC's website.

    Boyajian Youth Choir Directors program
    Gregory Zohrabian, a participant in this year's BYCDP, looks through
    the Divine Liturgy pew book during the group's visit to the Diocesan

    ** Boyajian Youth Choir Directors Program
    The Sacred Music Council of the Eastern Diocese concluded its annual
    =80=9CBoyajian Youth Choir Directors Program' (BYCDP) at St. Nersess
    Seminary last week. Six young candidates participated in the week-long
    program to study Armenian Church hymns, language, liturgical
    traditions, and conducting. This year's focus was on the requiem
    service and hymns related to the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy

    Sacred Music Council chair Dn. Rubik Mailian led the program, teaching
    music ministry, vocal music, and basic conducting gestures. Other
    members of the Sacred Music Council who assisted Dn. Mailian were the
    Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Rev. Fr. Hovhan Khoja-Eynatyan, and
    Maestro Khoren Mekanejian. The Rev. Fr. Gomidas Zohrabian supervised
    the young people during their stay at St. Nersess Seminary.

    On Wednesday, August 20, program participants traveled to the Diocesan
    Center in New York to meet with Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan
    Primate. Archbishop Barsamian commended the students on their
    dedication to learning the sacred music of the Armenian Church and
    encouraged them to play an active role in their parish choirs.

    The BYCDP is a three-year program to prepare young musicians for music
    ministry in the church. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view a gallery of photos.

    Young artists in Tavush.

    ** Nourishing Minds Through Art
    More than 300 children in Armenia's Tavush region are now taking part
    in a program of extracurricular activities-including Sunday School
    classes, sports, dance, crafts, and art classes-thanks to the Fund for
    Armenian Relief's `Breaking the Cycle of Poverty" program.

    In art class, the children have learned to make still-life drawings,
    paint scenes from nature, and knit colorful scarves and hats. Their
    artwork is regularly displayed at FAR's regional office in Berd. Click
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to read more on FAR's blog.

    The `Breaking the Cycle of Poverty" program was established by the
    Mardigian Family Foundation through the largest-ever contribution made
    to FAR. The five-year project addresses malnutrition, unemployment,
    poverty, and infrastructure weaknesses in Armenia's northeastern

    Diocesan Director Search

    ** Search for Diocesan Director of Administration
    The Eastern Diocese is searching for candidates for the position of
    Director of Administration.

    Based in New York City, the Director of Administration will be
    responsible for the management and operations of the Diocesan Center;
    management of the administrative, operations, and business staff; and
    coordination of Diocesan programs, in accordance with the directives
    and policies established by the Primate and Diocesan Council.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view a complete job description and list of
    qualifications. Qualified applicants should send resume and cover
    letter to the Primate's office at the e-mail address
    [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Diocesa n%20Director%20Applicant)

    St. Gregory of Narek Church, Cleveland, OH
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian blesses grapes on the Feast of Assumption
    in Cleveland.

    ** Cleveland Parish Welcomes Ecumenical Director
    St. Gregory of Narek Church of Cleveland, OH, welcomed Archbishop
    Vicken Aykazian, the Diocese's Ecumenical Director, on Sunday, August
    17: the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother-of God. Archbishop
    Aykazian celebrated the Divine Liturgy and performed the `Blessing of
    Grapes' ceremony. He was assisted by the Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan,
    parish pastor.

    Later that afternoon, an ecumenical prayer service was held with the
    participation of local church leaders and clergy. The prayer service
    was organized as part of St. Gregory Church's 50th anniversary

    The day concluded with the annual church picnic featuring Armenian
    food, games, and activities for kids. Click here
    ( 2ac0ca6093&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=f063f9e651-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Ecumenical Prayer Service in Chicago
    Fr. Aren Jebejian at Chicago's interfaith service last week.

    ** Prayers for Peace in Chicago
    On Monday, August 18, the Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, pastor of
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Chicago, IL, took part in an
    interfaith prayer service in downtown Chicago.

    Fr. Jebejian read Psalm 50 at the service, which drew more than 400
    participants to pray for peace and to condemn the violence in the
    Middle East and the recent turmoil in parts of the United States.

    The service was organized by the interfaith organization Council of
    Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago.

    Bible Study

    ** Reading Luke in Cheltenham
    `What did two disheartened followers of Jesus talk about as they
    departed Jerusalem after the crucifixion? And what gave them the
    courage to return?'

    Such questions were the focus of a four-week summer Bible study on the
    Gospel of Luke at Holy Trinity Church in Cheltenham, PA. Led by the
    Rev. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan, parish pastor, and Nancy Basmajian, the
    parish's director of adult Christian education, parishioners worked
    together in small groups to explore passages from Luke's gospel.

    Reading the story of the Road to Emmaus along with the parables of the
    Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, the Bible-study group drew out a
    common thread in Luke's gospel on the nature of discipleship and the
    spiritual journey of following Christ, being transformed by him, and
    committing oneself to his mission.

    `I enjoyed this series because of its challenging questions and the
    opportunity to hear other people share their views,' remarked parish
    council treasurer Don Paretchan, who attended all four sessions. `I
    also came to realize the importance of one's faith journey.'

    Bible study at Holy Trinity has become a regular feature of parish
    life. A six-week study on the Gospel of Mark is planned for the fall.

    Garen Sendjian
    Armenian basketball talent Garen Spendjian.

    ** Full Court Press to Cairo
    In a follow-up to a story we ran in December 2012 about the
    establishment of the Armenia Basketball team, the Diocese's newsletter
    has received word that team member Garen Spendjian has accepted a
    position with the El Shams team of Cairo, Egypt.

    Spendjian is a parishioner of Holy Martyrs Church of Bayside, NY. Most
    recently he played on the Republic of Armenia's national basketball
    team as it prepared to take part in Europe's Fédération Internationale
    de Basket-ball (FIBA) competition. Under the leadership of head coach
    Carl Bardakian, Spendjian and his Armenian teammates traveled to
    Yerevan last summer to begin training for the FIBA event.

    Now Spendjian is preparing for his new life in Egypt. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to read more about his career in the Armenia Basketball team

    Concert in Minnesota
    Karo Avakian at St. Sahag Church.

    ** An Evening of Opera in St. Paul
    St. Sahag Church of St. Paul, MN, hosted an evening with Los
    Angeles-based opera singers Nadima and Karo Avakian on Saturday,
    August 23. The couple gave a moving performance of arias by Puccini,
    Dvorak, and Spendiaryan, among other composers.

    On Sunday, the Avakians sang in the church choir during the
    celebration of the Divine Liturgy by the Rev. Fr. Tadeos Barseghyan,
    parish pastor. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    St. Mark Church | Springfield, MA
    St. Mark Church of Springfield, MA, will host its annual Armenian Fest
    on Sunday, August 31, from 12 to 7 p.m. on church grounds.

    Enjoy shish kebob, losh kebab, and chicken; Armenian sweets; and other
    traditional favorites. Entertainment will include performances by the
    Ansbigian Armenian band and the September Girls of Wilbraham. For
    information, call the church at (413) 783-5793.

    Holy Martyrs Church | Bayside, NY
    Holy Martyrs Church of Bayside, NY, will host its annual Oceania
    Street Festival on Saturday, September 6 (from 12 to 8 p.m.), and
    Sunday, September 7 (from 12 to 6 p.m.).

    The festival features Armenian food, street vendors, dance
    performances, games for kids, a raffle, and other activities. The
    Vosbikian Band will entertain guests on Saturday, and the Onnik
    Dinkjian band will perform on Sunday. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church | Providence, RI
    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, will host its annual
    picnic on September 13 and 14.

    Enjoy live Armenian music and dancing under large tents on church
    grounds. Dinner on Saturday night will feature kheyma; on Sunday
    guests will be served chicken. Armenian shish and losh kebab will also
    be available.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view a flyer. For more information, visit,
    or call the church at (401) 272-7712.

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, will host the Trinity Family
    Festival on Sunday, September 14, from 12 to 5 p.m. on church grounds.

    Join the parish for an afternoon of food and fellowship. The day will
    feature traditional Armenian food, music by the Greg Krikorian
    Ensemble, face-painting and other activities for children, and a
    `tavloo challenge.' The blessing of madagh will take place at 4 p.m.

    Click here
    ( stern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=f063f9e651-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email&utm_term= 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information, or contact the church office at (617)
    354-0632, or via e-mail at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

    St. Vartan Cathedral | New York, NY
    Registration and the first day of St. Vartan Armenian School will take
    place Saturday, September 20, at 10 a.m. Classes are geared towards
    children ages 2 to 14, with bi-lingual sessions available. For
    information, contact the school principal Shakeh Kadehjian at (718)
    729-7265, or e-mail [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. Thomas Church | Tenafly, NJ
    The Kirikian Armenian Saturday School of St. Thomas Church of Tenafly,
    NJ, will resume classes on Saturday, September 20. The school offers
    Armenian language and culture instruction. Registration for new
    students will be held on the first day of class. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Church of Our Saviour | Worcester, MA
    The Church of Our Saviour of Worcester, MA, will sponsor its 21st
    annual Charity Golf Outing on Monday September 22, at the Sterling
    Country Club in Sterling, MA. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. An
    awards banquet will follow the day's tournament. Sponsorship
    opportunities are available. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to learn more and to download registration materials.

    Jerusalem Students at St. Nersess Seminary
    Nanar Nakashian and Dikran Enoyan with Archbishop Khajag Barsamian.

    ** Jerusalem Students Spend Summer at St. Nersess

    Two students of the Sts. Tarkmanchatz School of Jerusalem's Armenian
    Patriarchate took part in the annual summer conferences at St. Nersess
    Armenian Seminary this year.

    Nanar Nakashian and Dikran Enoyan joined dozens of other summer
    conference participants for Bible study sessions, daily worship,
    lectures from clergy and lay leaders, Armenian language instruction,
    as well as sports and outings.

    This is the ninth year of the unique program, which gives students
    from Sts. Tarkmanchatz School an opportunity to study at St. Nersess
    Seminary during the summer months. The program was created and
    continues to be organized by the Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, dean of
    St. Nersess Seminary.

    Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to visit the seminary's website and to read more.

    ** EVENTS
    Upcoming Events at the Zohrab Information Center

    ** Fall Series at the Diocese's Zohrab Center

    The Diocese's Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center has announced
    its fall schedule of cultural events.

    The series opens on Wednesday, September 10, with the screening of the
    film Garod (`Yearning') by Frunze Dovlatyan. Released in 1990, the
    film explores such topics as nationalism and genocide through the
    lives of villagers on the Armenia-Turkish border in the 1930s. Writer
    and filmmaker Christopher Atamian will give a brief introduction at
    the September 10 screening.

    Other events scheduled for the fall include discussions of Armenian
    architecture, a talk on the canonization of the martyrs of the
    Armenian Genocide, an evening of poetry, and a presentation on the
    Armenian community of Azerbaijan. Click here
    ( 0_3f0172fcf2-f063f9e651-159688434)
    to view the full schedule.

    Prayer Services at St. Vartan Cathedral

    ** Come Pray at St. Vartan Cathedral

    Beginning on Tuesday, September 2, morning and evening prayer services
    will take place every Tuesday through Friday at St. Vartan Armenian
    Cathedral, under the leadership of the Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon
    Kiledjian, cathedral dean, and clergy of the Diocese.

    The Morning Service (Aravodyan zham) will begin at 8 a.m., and the
    Evening Service (Yeregoyan zham) will begin at 6 p.m. Each service
    will last 30 minutes and include psalmody, prayers, and hymns.

    All members of the Armenian Church, along with their friends, family,
    and work colleagues, are warmly invited to join in the Armenian
    Church's prayer to Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Bike for Independence Day

    ** Ride for Armenian Independence

    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral and the Permanent Mission of the
    Republic of Armenia to the United Nations will host a bike ride in New
    York in observance of Armenia's Independence Day next month.

    The event is scheduled for Saturday, September 20, beginning at 9:30
    a.m. Riders will proceed from 34th Street to West 12th Street and
    return to the cathedral for lunch.

    Vasken Melikian, Lebanon cycling champion and Guinness World Record
    holder for towing a car by bicycle the farthest distance, will be the
    day's featured participant.

    The event is free, but prospective participants are asked to RSVP by
    Wednesday, September 17, by contacting Maria Barsoumian at the
    Diocesan Center at (212) 686-0710, ext. 136, or at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .
