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Book: Fighting the Good Fight: Jane Haddam

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  • Book: Fighting the Good Fight: Jane Haddam

    Publishers Weekly
    Aug 28 2014

    Fighting the Good Fight: Jane Haddam

    By Lenny Picker
    Aug 28, 2014

    A corrupt scheme involving private prisons. Mortgage fraud. These are
    the latest current public controversies to serve as significant plot
    elements for the twisty whodunit featuring Jane Haddam's
    Armenian-American detective, Gregor Demarkian, a brilliant retired FBI
    agent who now works as a consultant, in his 29th outing, Fighting
    Chance (Minotaur, Sept.)

    Fighting Chance involves a corrupt judge who gives juveniles lengthy
    sentences in exchange for payoffs from the private company contracted
    to run Pennsylvania's prisons--an obscenity borrowed directly from a
    2009 federal investigation, which was the subject both of the
    documentary Kids For Cash, and William Ecenbarger's Kids for Cash: Two
    Judges, Thousands of Children, and a $2.6 Million Kickback Scheme (The
    New Press, 2012).

    A second storyline in Fighting Chance involves a neighbor of Gregor's
    who's been threatened with foreclosure despite never having had a
    mortgage on the property. This development allows Haddam to comment on
    the consequences of mortgages being bought and sold all over the
    country by entities having no connection at all to the property owner.
    During a frustrating encounter with a functionary at the Federal
    Reserve in Fighting Chance, Gregor vents his frustration at the
    mortgage mess. Says Haddam, "We have a young man who's done that thing
    we're always talking about, and played by all the rules. He's never
    been late on a mortgage paper in his life. He hasn't dealt with any of
    the big banks exactly because he's heard too much about the way they
    operate. And in spite of all that, he's gotten letters threatening to
    send officers to his door."

    Fighting Chance illustrates Haddam's talent in keeping the
    long-running series, launched in 1990, fresh. Rather than follow
    detective fiction tradition and focus on her lead, Gregor, and the ups
    and downs of his personal life, Haddam makes her readers care about
    the characters who appear only in one book, often opening a novel with
    lengthy sections providing the perspectives of half-a-dozen people:
    one or more of whom will be the victim and one or more of whom will be
    unmasked as the killer.

    Haddam says she spends a great deal of thought planting the clues to
    the mystery, and it shows: the reveal always demonstrates how artfully
    she has concealed a murderous intent, or a deception about a
    credential. This tack avoids making the lives of her continuing
    characters--Gregor, his now-wife Bennis Hannaford, and their close
    friend, Father Tibor Kasparian-- "sound like ones from a soap opera."

    As much as her crafty fair-play whodunits end with a definitive
    solution, Haddam herself defies pigeonholing. In addition to being a
    successful and prolific mystery writer, Haddam, who routinely begins
    her writing day at 3.30 a.m., producing 800-900 page first drafts, is
    a relentless blogger; her Hildegarde blog is named for an abbess who
    was a prominent intellectual in the Middle Ages. Since 2001, "to get
    me out of the house," she's taught Composition and Introduction to
    Literature at Naugatuck Valley Community College in Waterbury, Conn.

    In an isolated cafeteria at the college, deserted over summer break
    (which feels like a setting for murder in one of her books), Haddam
    expands on her trademark contrariness. "I give good outrage," she
    says, conceding that as a student at Catholic school, she would ask
    her teachers whether the Virgin Birth made rational sense.

    She feels that she comes by her contrarian nature naturally. Her
    father, an attorney who worked 80-hour weeks, was once expelled for
    leading a strike aimed at getting softer seats in his school library.
    She also recalls her father's belief that "if I couldn't make my
    opponent's argument as well as I could make my own, I didn't know what
    I was talking about."

    In a recent blog post, Haddam wrote of participating in two discussion
    threads on the same day, defending the pro-life point of view in one,
    and the pro-choice point of view in the other. A Living Chance (2009)
    exemplifies Haddam's facility at making characters with differing
    positions sympathetic and comprehensible, in an investigation of an
    assault that may connect to a heated local controversy on the teaching
    of intelligent design.

    Longtime fans will have noticed a shift in tone in the Gregor books,
    which corresponds with the untimely death of Haddam's husband, Bill
    DeAndrea, himself an accomplished mystery author, who died in 1996, at
    the age of 44. "Bill died and I just couldn't write light anymore,"
    Haddam says. "The books starting with Skeleton Key (2000), the ones
    published by Minotaur, are just more serious than the ones that came
    before. There's no cute at all--well, there never really was 'cute'
    cute--and there's a lot less humor. I was a different person after Bill
    died, after everything we went through while Bill was dying. So the
    focus in the books got stronger. But I'm just not as light and
    optimistic about life as I was before Bill's death. I tend to expect
    the worst. My characters tend to get the worst."

    Still, Haddam is more than able to poke fun at her own foibles. When
    asked about the inspirations for the titles of her books, she foregoes
    any attempt at intellectual pretension. "When I was nine or 10, I
    wrote titles for Nancy Drew novels--not the novels, just the titles,
    and I just used some of those." Even more amusing is how the woman
    born Orania Papazoglou became Jane Haddam. Under her birth name,
    Haddam wrote the Patience McKenna series (featuring a crime-solving
    author, and a crime-solving cat) between 1984 and 1990, before
    Gregor's debut in Not A Creature Was Stirring, only to learn that some
    readers concluded from her name that she was a foreign writer.

    She was pondering a name change as she began planning the Gregor books
    when editor Kate Miciak told her of a survey that determined that the
    "typical mystery reader turned out to be in her 40s and five foot
    four. I'm five foot four. So I went to the Barnes & Noble bookstore
    nearest my house, stood in the mystery section, and saw what was at
    eye level. That was the H's. So I chose Haddam, the name of a city in
    Connecticut." Now, even many of her friends call her Jane.

    Under any name, Haddam is a true renaissance person, with wide-ranging
    interests, and no respect for sacred cows.

    Wanting Sheila Dead (2010), which features a clever concealment of key
    evidence in plain sight, is centered on America's Next Superstar, a
    spot-on, savage, and funny indictment of reality show culture.

    On whether J.K. Rowling has staved off the loss of a generation of
    readers Haddam says, "Nor do I think the popularity of the Harry
    Potter books is necessarily a hopeful sign... The numbers for the Harry
    Potter series, although stunning in book sale terms, are abysmal by
    any other measure. This is not evidence of a nation of readers."

    One group Haddam hasn't outraged is fans of traditional mysteries, who
    enjoy learning about human nature against the backdrop of an
    engrossing murder plot, and pitting their wits against Haddam, and
    Gregor, her proxy. They can only hope that her ability to craft new
    crimes for Gregor to solve matches her passion for vigorous debate of
    vital issues and intolerance of ideologues.

    Lenny Picker is a freelance writer in New York City.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress