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Orange Foundation concludes results of "Lunettes pour l'Arménie" pro

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  • Orange Foundation concludes results of "Lunettes pour l'Arménie" pro

    Orange Foundation concludes results of "Lunettes pour l'Arménie" program

    YEREVAN, August 28. / ARKA /. Orange Foundation continues its activity
    in the regions of Armenia. Following the projects implemented in
    Tavush region, a number of initiatives are now taken in Gegharkunik,
    which representatives of the Foundation have visited to conclude the
    results of "Lunettes pour l'Armenie" program, dedicated to children
    open an Integrated Development and Rehabilitation Center in Vardenis
    town and a computer center in Akounk village.

    In the frame of "Lunettes pour l'Armenie" program, free of charge eye
    screenings have been performed for 6200 children of Gegharkunik
    region, including Vardenis town and 32 communities. The program,
    founded by "Union Médicale Arménienne de France de Paris" (UMAF) and
    by Orange Foundation, aims at early identification and prevention of
    sight issues of the children.

    In the frame of the project, special eye screening trainings for local
    nurses were organized and performed by the specialists of UMAF. After
    examinations, 407 specialized examinations have been performed and
    241 individualized glasses made and distributed by ophthalmologists of

    "Orange Foundation puts a lot of importance to supporting children
    and people with disabilities. Already for 4 years, together with our
    partners, we implement the mobile hospital eye care project, in the
    frame of which more than 50'000 inhabitants of 9 regions have
    received free of charge eye care services and treatment. Now we are
    very glad to support "Lunettes pour l'Armenie" program of UMAF, as we
    believe that treating sight issues at an early stage will enable to
    prevent further development and contribute to the quality of life and
    future success of these children ", said Francis Gelibter Chairman of
    the Board of Orange Armenia Foundation.

    ""Union Médicale Arménienne de France de Paris" has implemented
    "Lunettes pour l'Armenie" project since 2004. This year we have joint
    our efforts with Orange Foundation concentrating on Vardenis and 32
    communities of Gegharkunik region. Apart from examining the children
    and providing individualized eyeglasses produced on place by our
    specialists, we have as well trained the local personnel so they can
    carry on with the periodic checkups and eye screenings of the
    inhabitants of Gegharkunik region" said Dr Léon Artinian project
    manager of "Lunettes pour l'Armenie" .
    During their visit to Vardenis representative of the Orange
    Foundation have inaugurated an Integrated Development and
    Rehabilitation Center, equipped with special sports facilities,
    teaching tools, games as well as computers and Orange internet
    connection. The Center will enable local population, including around
    180 children and young adults with disabilities, to have individual
    training with the help of field specialists, to improve their health
    and support the education process as well as get
    professional/vocational education.. The center has been opened in
    partnership with "Astghavard" Disabled children parents NGO.

    "This project has been implemented in the scope of the special program
    launched by the Orange Foundation, which supports philanthropic
    initiatives of our employees. This time the grant has been awarded to
    Azganush Davdyan and it is the 7th project in a row financed based on
    proposals of Orange employees. We believe, this Development and
    Rehabilitation Center will provide the necessary environment and
    conditions to contribute to the integration of local disabled children
    and young adults into the society. said Francis Gelibter Chairman of
    the Board of Orange Armenia Foundation.

    "We are very glad to open this newly equipped Development and
    Rehabilitation center in partnership with Orange Foundation and
    believe it will have a significant impact on the lives of these
    children and their families. On behalf of the community we are
    thankful to the Orange Foundation for the support and their activity
    aimed at creating conditions for members of different vulnerable
    groups to integrate into the society" noted Melanya Yepremyan, the
    Chairman of the "Astghavard" Disabled children parents NGO.

    During the day representatives of Orange Foundation visited as well
    Akounk village, where a community computer room has been equipped in
    partnership with Shen NGO. The newly opened center is equipped with
    Orange MyFi 3G router, which allows up to 21.6Mbps download speed, as
    well as computers, printer and furniture. Special educational computer
    courses will be provided to further promote the use of Internet and
    make Internet services more available for the inhabitants of the
    village. It is already the 23rd computer rooms established in
    different rural communities. -0- ur_l_arm_nie_program/#sthash.VC5A05lh.dpuf
