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ICRC: Missing persons must not be forgotten

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  • ICRC: Missing persons must not be forgotten

    ICRC: Missing persons must not be forgotten

    16:01 28.08.2014

    In the run-up to the International Day of the Disappeared, 30 August,
    the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is calling on the
    international community to show greater awareness of the tragedy of
    people who have gone missing and the plight of their families.
    Hundreds of thousands of people in all parts of the world have
    disappeared as a consequence of armed conflict, natural
    disasterormigration. Each person who vanishes leaves behind a large
    number of people -the family in particular -suffering the anguish of
    not knowing what happened.

    "When people disappear, there are two kinds of victims: the
    individuals who have gone missing and their families, torn between
    despair and hope, living with uncertainty and pain, waiting for news,
    sometimes for decades," explained Marianne Pecassou, who heads the
    activities carried out by the ICRC for missing persons and their
    families. Although what the families need more than anything else is
    to find out just what happened to their relatives, they also need an
    appropriate way to honour the memory of their missing loved ones.
    "They struggle against forgetting. Commemorative ceremonies offer them
    public acknowledgement of their suffering, give them a voice and bring
    them out of isolation," said Ms Pecassou.

    In some places, the numbers of people who have disappeared are
    staggering. In Colombia, for example, over68,000 peopleare still
    missing, out of more than 90,000 initially reported as such. In Sri
    Lanka, the fate and whereabouts of more than 16,000 people remain
    unknown.In Peru,between 13,000 and 16,000 people have vanished and
    their families are still waiting for news. And more than 11,000 people
    of a total of almost 35,000 reported to the ICRC who went missing in
    connection with the Balkan conflicts are still unaccounted for

    "States have an obligation under international humanitarian law to
    take all feasible measures to clarify the fate and whereabouts of
    people who have gone missing and to inform their families
    accordingly," said Christine Beerli, vice-president of the ICRC, at a
    commemorative event at ICRC headquarters attended by government
    representatives and members of the humanitarian and diplomatic
    communities of Geneva.

    The plight of people who have disappeared- and the suffering of their
    families, all too often ignored - has been a constant concern of the
    ICRC. The organization is currently attempting to establish the fate
    and whereabouts of more than 52,000 people. "This figure is just the
    tip of the iceberg, since these cases are only the ones brought to the
    attention of the ICRC by relatives. We know that many more people
    remain unaccounted for around the world," said Ms Pecassou. Besides
    working directly with the families of missing persons, the ICRC plays
    an important role in bringing the issue of the missing onto the public
    agenda. It urges the authorities to take action aimed at responding to
    the needs of the families and encourages the search for their missing
    loved ones.

    To mark the International Day of the Disappeared, the ICRC is
    unveiling a new publication entitled "Living with Absence:Helping the
    Families of the Missing," which highlights the ordeal of people
    unaccounted for, underlines the multiple needs of the families and
    describes the tailored responses the ICRC is providing. The content is
    enriched by personal narratives of relatives of missing persons.

    In Armenia, there are more than 400 people registered as missing in
    relation to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict. Since the beginning of its
    humanitarian mission in the region in 1992, the ICRC has been working
    closely with the authorities towards clarifying the fate of those
    people and addressing the needs of their families.

    In support to the authorities' efforts to provide answers to the
    families about the fate of their loved ones, the ICRC has been
    implementing the detailed data collection programme. This includes the
    collection of biological reference samples from the families of the
    missing, which would increase the probability of the identification of
    human remains. The ICRC also promotes the adaptation of the national
    legal framework as related to the issue, working closely with
    respective state authorities.

    The organisation works countrywide with the families of the missing
    offering them material assistance via house renovations and
    micro-economic projects to start up small businesses and obtain
    employable skills. Together with the Armenian Red Cross Society and
    other local partners, the ICRC also provides psycho-social support to
    the families, helping them to cope with the trauma of their loss and
    to resolve their health, legal and social issues.
