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Mevlut Cavusoglu appointed as Turkey's new Foreign Minister

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  • Mevlut Cavusoglu appointed as Turkey's new Foreign Minister

    Mevlut Cavusoglu appointed as Turkey's new Foreign Minister

    16:12 29.08.2014

    Turkey's new Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday reappointed
    all key ministers who served under the new president, Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan, AP reports.

    Erdogan was sworn in as Turkey's first popularly elected president on
    Thursday. He has picked former foreign minister and loyal ally
    Davutoglu to succeed him as prime minister and immediately asked him
    to form a new government.

    Davutoglu made no substantial changes to Erdogan's old government with
    the bulk of his ministers staying in place. He appointed Yalcin
    Akdogan -- Erdogan's former chief adviser and his closest aide -- as a
    deputy prime minister.

    Mevlut Cavusoglu, a minister whose earlier task was to negotiate
    Turkey's accession to the European Union, took over the Foreign
    Ministry from Davutoglu. Former diplomat Volkan Bozkir replaces
    Cavusoglu as the minister in charge of ties with the EU.

    Ali Babacan, a deputy prime minister in charge of the economy, would
    stay in place, in a move that is likely to reassure financial markets.
    Numan Kurtulmus, a senior party official and economist, was also
    promoted to deputy prime minister.

    Cavusoglu, a founding member of Erdogan's Justice and Development
    Party, was previously the president of the parliamentary assembly of
    the 47-nation Council of Europe, and visited Armenia in this capacity.
