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Five Best Armenian Investment Projects To Receive STEP Grants

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  • Five Best Armenian Investment Projects To Receive STEP Grants


    YEREVAN, December 4. /ARKA/. The five best Armenian investment projects
    will receive grants under the "From Idea To Market Competition"
    initiative of the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program
    (STEP), head of Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) Bagrat
    Yengibaryan said at a venture conference on Thursday. This year fifteen
    applications sel ected by an expert jury out of a total of 65 have the
    chance to participate in the conference. Five winning projects will
    receive funding - tree of them $15,000 each, and the other two will get
    $7,500 each, Yengibaryan said. The venture conference on accelerated
    innovations in science and technology is held in Yerevan as part of
    the STEP program. Fifteen investment projects on IT, architecture,
    agriculture and biotechnology developed by Armenian researchers
    and startups will be presented during the conference. The number of
    applicants is higher this year, so is the number of fields, Yengibaryan
    said. Another novelty this year is the jury with members that not only
    make professional judgments, but are potential investors as well, he
    said. Applicants will have an opportunity to get a consultation fr om
    the American member of the jury after the project presentation. Deputy
    minister of economy Emil Tarasyan said similar events facilitate
    formation of IT and high-tech infrastructures. The ministry starts
    creating a database of all investment projects, irrespective of whether
    they won or not, for future meetings with investors, Tarasyan said. The
    venture conference is held by Armenia's ministry of economy, the US
    Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and the EIF. The
    STEP program has been implemented by the EIF together with CRDF Global
    and the ministry of economy since 2006 to reveal efficient ideas,
    teams and projects of interest to investors. -0-- step_grants/#sthash.g6Gzxojy.dpuf

    From: A. Papazian