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"Unusual" Tone In A Usual Interview, Or Why Aliyev Blinked Helplessl

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  • "Unusual" Tone In A Usual Interview, Or Why Aliyev Blinked Helplessl

    Wednesday, 03 December 2014 17:08

    A few days ago, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave an
    interview to the Russian news TV channel Russia-24. The interview
    covered a wide range of issues relating mainly to the economy of
    Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani-Russian relations and the prospects of
    their development. In short, a usual interview of the kind based,
    so to speak, on "the laws of the genre".

    Surely, the correspondent of the Russian TV channel could not bypass
    the Karabakh conflict, and I must say, this time Aliyev, in this
    usual interview, surprised to some extent with his "unusual" tone,
    because he didn't, as usual, saber-rattle and threaten with a new
    Azerbaijani-Karabakh war.

    We have only to guess about the motives of such restraint by the
    leader of Azerbaijan. Maybe the reason is the Russian audience,
    which, witnessingAliyev's aggressive militarism, will inevitably bring
    parallels with the current Ukrainian leadership, which behaves in a
    similar manner towards the residents of Donbass and therefore causes
    the dislike by most Russians. Perhaps Aliyev took into account the
    fact that he was broadcasting for Russia, which is a co-chairstate of
    the OSCE Minsk Group and which consistently advocates an exclusively
    peaceful settlement of the conflict. It is also possible that
    Aliyev, whose regime is experiencing strong pressure by international
    organizations in view of the unprecedented violation of human rights,
    thus tries to avoid new problems associated with ignoring the appeals
    of the international community to seek a solution to the conflict
    exclusively at the negotiation table. It is also possible that the
    recent incident with the downing of the Karabakh military helicopter,
    which caused a sharp condemnation of Azerbaijan by international
    structures, played its role. But, it isn't excluded that Aliyev's
    desire to appear before the Russian publicas a prudent political
    figure was dictated by all the mentioned reasons combined.

    But later, when Aliyev, in the usual Azerbaijani interpretation,
    "analyzed" the conflict settlement process, the unusual tone, which
    surprised us, was completed. It was for the simple reason that the
    President of Azerbaijan "traditionally" blamed Armenia for the lack
    of success in the negotiation process. It turns out that, according to
    Aliyev, Armenia... "does not seek peace, does not seek the resolution
    of this issue". It sounds at least strange, because it is well known
    that it is Azerbaijan that threatens with a new war, and the appeals
    of the international mediators for the non-use of force of threat of
    force in the conflict resolution are addressed to Azerbaijan. Then,
    Aliyev began discussing the unacceptability of the current status quo.

    In his view, the change in the status quo "means de-occupation
    of the Azerbaijani territories, which is the main condition for
    the conflict settlement". Or, is it still the main condition for
    newAzerbaijani aggression against the Nagorno Karabakh Republic,
    as the fulfillment of Azerbaijan's requirement will inevitably lead
    to the violation of the existing balance of forces? It is clear that
    Aliyev would not state it directly at the Russian channel, but the
    pan-Turkic policy of official Baku against Armenia and Artsakh leaves
    no doubt in the real intentions of Azerbaijan. The threats of Baku,
    its arms race, its unwillingness to abandon the idea of a military
    revenge and itspersistent violations of the ceasefire pose the major
    threat not only to NagornoKarabakh, but also to the entire region,
    and the elimination of this danger is precisely the main condition
    for the conflict settlement.

    The following pearls of Aliyev's analytical mind are simply amazing.

    It turned out that the distinctive feature of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh
    conflict is that its solution is based on ... the UN Security Council
    resolutions. "And not one, but four, requiring the immediate and
    unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied
    territories", the Azerbaijani President exclaims pathetically,
    but with bitter resentment in his voice. Moreover, Aliyev, in
    spite of the proposals by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen, makes a
    counter-proposal, advising to base the conflict settlement on these
    resolutions. "Because there is simply no other option", the Azerbaijani
    leader sums up flatly, in a tone admitting no objection.

    Apparently, Aliyev counts on the ignorance of the Russian audience.

    Well, we'll have to remind him that the four UN Security Council
    resolutions required the immediate cessation of hostilities,
    but Azerbaijan, resorting to the military force, violated this
    requirement. We'll remind him of something else. During this summer
    meeting of the Presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in Sochi,
    Aliyev again tried to saddle his favorite horse, appealing to the noted
    resolutions. However, when Serzh Sargsyan asked directly whether he
    could point out the resolution containing a direct requirement for
    Armenia to withdraw its troops and how Azerbaijan carried them out,
    Aliyev could not answer and he just blinked helplessly.

    Aliyev completed the Karabakh section of his interview with the
    accusation of international institutions, in particular, the UN and the
    OSCE, which, as he said, fail in their duties and do not justify the
    hopes pinned on them. And he urged them not to violate international
    law. That is the international law, which he constantly violates.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
