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Lessons Learned From National Catastrophes: On The Threshold Of The

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  • Lessons Learned From National Catastrophes: On The Threshold Of The


    14:14, 08 Dec 2014

    Chairman of the Political Science Association of Armenia, Doctor of
    Political Science Hayk Kotanjian made a statement at parliamentary
    hearings on "The World without Genocides." Members of the European
    Jewish Parliament participated in the sitting.

    Honorable Mr. Chairman, Dear Members of the National Assembly of
    the Republic of Armenia and the European Jewish Parliament, Ladies
    and Gentlemen,

    Let me start my presentation highlighting the fact that tomorrow is
    the very day when 66 years ago - on December 9, 1948 - the United
    Nations adopted The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
    the Crime of Genocide developed by Professor of Jewish origin Raphael
    Lemkin. At the same time, the proposal to legislatively announce the
    December 9 the Remembrance Day for victims of all Genocides in Armenia
    is on the agenda of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of
    the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia, under the auspices of
    which today's hearings are conducted, that are very important in
    terms of understanding the perspectives of the security cooperation
    in the interest of the sustainable development of World Armenians
    and World Jewry.

    Nevertheless, we must state, bearing the full responsibility,
    that on the eve of this significant event, in close proximity to
    the Republic of Armenia and the State of Israel the torturers of
    the Islamic State perpetrate genocide of Christians, Jews, Yazidis,
    and Muslims - not engaged in terroristic jihad. To efficiently solve
    the problem of countering this common threat, it is instrumental
    to consider and reconsider the lessons learned by peoples from the
    genocidal crimes committed against humanity and mankind during the
    contemporary history. At the same time, the absolute or proportionate
    number of victims from different peoples and religious groups is,
    indeed, various; nevertheless, this in no way belittles the role of
    tragedy in the fates of each of them.

    The Armenian and Jewish peoples are alike in having responded to the
    genocides by restoring and democratically promoting their ancient
    statehoods. These remarkable events occurred at the end of the two
    World Wars of the 20th century: the Republic of Armenia and the
    State of Israel were established accordingly on 28 May, 1918 and 14
    May, 1948.

    The "Never Again" principle integrates the logical and moral
    bases of the Jewish and Armenian peoples' right to contribute to
    the international community in providing Israel and Armenia with
    the guarantees of non-recurrence of genocide. This principle is
    a cornerstone underlying the National Security Strategies of the
    Republic of Armenia and the State of Israel.

    The urgency of the "Never Again" principle for the Armenian people
    called forth by the genocidal acts against the Armenians of Azerbaijan
    during Perestroika in the USSR, in response to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Armenians' peaceful political actions for self-determination and
    withdrawal from the Azerbaijani SSR in compliance with the USSR
    legislation then in force. It concerns the pogroms in Sumgait and
    Kirovabad in 1988 and in Baku in 1990. These crimes were interspersed
    and to this day are being interspersed with the attempts to
    "counterbalance" them with the genocidal acts against Azerbaijanis
    allegedly committed by the Armenians. Thus, the slaughter of its
    own citizens in Khojalu, carried out in 1992 by the Popular Front of
    Azerbaijan - in order to discredit the then Azerbaijani President and
    to seize the power - is imputed to the Armenians who, when neutralizing
    enemy's firing positions, had actually opened a humanitarian corridor
    for the evacuation of the people of Khojalu.

    In recent past, the Baku mass media played up the information that
    on the territory of the mass grave in Guba - a town in the north of
    Azerbaijan - a memorial complex was erected in commemoration of the
    victims of the genocide allegedly committed by the Armenians against
    the Mountain Jews at the beginning of the last century. This fact
    became a matter of political manipulations targeted at cultivating
    anti-Armenian sentiments among the Jews. However, as the historical
    facts picked up from the Turkish sources and published by the Armenian
    side evidence, in fact this concerns the mass grave of the Armenians
    killed as a result of the massacre perpetrated by the Ottoman Islamic
    army under the command of Nuri Pasha at the invasion of the South
    Caucasus in 1918. Besides, according to the documents of the Central
    State Historical Archive of Russia the relations between the Armenians
    and the Jews in the South Caucasus region were exceptionally friendly.

    The attempts of using falsification of historical events in Guba -
    to lead the Jewish and Armenian peoples to a clash - failed due to the
    productive cooperation of the scholars and influential organizations of
    the Armenian and Jewish Diasporas, as well as the experts of Armenia
    and Israel.

    In the case of the Jews, the urgency of guaranteeing non-recurrence
    of the Holocaust is conditioned by the unremitting mortal attacks
    against the Jewish people since the establishment of the State of
    Israel, and at present accompanied by the terrorism of the radical
    Islam. Direct intersection of security interests of the Armenians
    and Jews in terms of the threat of recurrence of genocides in the
    Middle East has recently been reflected in the destruction of the
    1915 Armenian Genocide Martyrs' Memorial Church of the Armenian
    Catholicosate of Cilicia in the Syrian desert Deir ez-Zor by the
    vandals of the Islamic State.

    As it is well known, there is a serious issue regarding the fact that
    genocide - being an international crime against humanity and humankind
    - requires recognition from the state, the former authorities of
    which had committed genocide, as well as the international community.

    Meanwhile, non-recognition of genocide, as a rule, is politically
    motivated. As a precedent we should consider the recognition of the
    Holocaust by the authorities of the FRG, who have fundamentally
    dissociated themselves from Nazi Germany's former genocidal
    leadership. As we know, the government of Konrad Adenauer on this
    basis signed an agreement with the government of Israel and the
    Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, under which
    committed itself to pay compensation to the affected party.

    Distancing itself from the genocidal regimes of Sultan Abdul Hamid
    and the Young Turks with the assumption of adequate responsibility for
    compensating the damage is expected from modern Turkey's authorities
    in terms of the Genocide committed against 1.5 million of its citizens
    of Armenian origin.

    As some Israeli experts think, in due time, taking into account the
    dynamics of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel, with a view to build
    and maintain partnership with secular Turkey - an alternative to
    Arab states - has refused to recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as
    not to irritate Ankara. The public arguments of the given political
    solution were veiled in the form of protection of the uniqueness of
    the Holocaust as a phenomenon incomparable with any other genocide
    in the history of mankind.

    However, along with the changing priorities of the Turkish authorities,
    based on the doctrine of "neo-Ottomanism", and the consequent recent
    new geostrategy of Turkey in the Middle East and the Islamic world,
    there is a tendency for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by
    authoritative representatives of the world Jewry. Let me provide you
    with some assessments by the leading researchers of the Holocaust.


    Executive Director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide,

    Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Genocide.

    "The Armenian Genocide is remarkable in many respects, including
    the fact that in the bloody 20th century it was an early example
    of mass genocide, which many recognize as a "dress rehearsal" of
    the Holocaust."


    Provost and Head of the Chair of Judaic Studies, Tufts University (US).

    "The campaign of vilification and dehumanization which preceded the
    destruction of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in 1895-1896 and
    again in 1915 was, in subtlety and in preparation, just as carefully
    orchestrated as was the preparation of Dr. Goebbels. The Armenians
    were categorized according to the stereotype. Therefore, they were
    less than human, and killing men, women, and children was not an
    act of brutality, but rather an act of heroism necessary to free the
    country from an infection."


    Expert on Holocaust, Harvard (US).

    "The Armenian Genocide in its extent and horror most closely
    approximated the murder of the European Jews The once unthinkable
    "Armenian solution" became, in our time achievable "Final solution",
    the Nazi code name for the annihilation of the European Jews."

    Meanwhile, Israel urged to recognize the Armenian Genocide not only
    by leading experts on the Holocaust. Over the years Knesset members
    Aryeh Eldad, Ze'ev Elkin, Zahava Gal-On, Haim Oron, Yossi Sarid,
    Yuri Stern, Yair Tzaban, Alexander Tzinker and others bore on the
    agenda of the plenary sessions of the Israeli Parliament proposals
    for official recognition of this tragic fact of history. Today's
    Israeli president Reuven Rivlin - the then Speaker of the Knesset -
    also considered the recognition of the Armenian Genocide to be the
    duty of the Israeli parliament.

    A crucial support for the recognition of Armenian Genocide demonstrated
    Yona Metzger, Chief Rabbi of Israel, who visited the Memorial to the
    victims of the Armenian Genocide in Tsitsernakaberd in 2005.

    We welcome the members of the European Jewish Parliament at the
    National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on the threshold of the
    100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Let
    me express my confidence that today's joint discussion of ours
    will advance the understanding and implementation of constructive
    cooperation between the Armenians of the World and World Jewry in
    the interests of security and sustainable development of the Republic
    of Armenia and the State of Israel, as well as the Armenian and the
    Jewish Diasporas.

    In conclusion, I feel genuinely obliged to speak about the
    appropriateness of the invitation of His Excellency the President
    of Israel Dear Mr. Reuven Rivlin to Yerevan in April, 2015, to take
    part in events marking the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
    in the Ottoman Empire. This visit, reflecting the national security
    interests of the State of Israel and the Republic of Armenia, and I
    am sure of it, may become a high performance act of moral duty for
    all the states and peoples of the world - in relation to the memory
    of the victims of crimes against humanity and mankind.

    From: Baghdasarian