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Closed Border Hurting Eastern Turkey More Than Armenia, Says New Hra

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  • Closed Border Hurting Eastern Turkey More Than Armenia, Says New Hra


    Anna Muradyan

    10:50, December 9, 2014

    According to a recent study entitled "Research on the Socio-Economic
    Impact of the Turkey-Armenia Border" commissioned by the Hrant Dink
    Foundation it would appear that the closed border between the two
    neighboring countries is hurting citizens on the Turkish side more
    than the Armenian.

    On page 73 of the study we read:

    The TRA2 region (Kars, Igdır, Agrı, Ardahan),a majority of which
    is located right on the border with Armenia, cannot benefit from the
    opportunities offered by free trade agreements - unlike the other
    regions of Turkey - due to the sealed border. The region also cannot
    benefit from the indirect trade between Armenia and Turkey as the
    border is closed and these goods get shipped from regions close to
    Georgia or Iran borders. Besides, since the existing trade with Armenia
    is not legal and comes at a high transit cost, due to the sealed land
    border, the volume of the existing trade remains very limited.

    According to Zumrut Ä°mamoglu, a Research Associate at Bahcesehir
    University's Center for Economic and Social Research, Turkey's opening
    the border with Armenia would not only mean economic development and
    growth for the residents of Kars, but also a window to communicate
    with the outside world.

    "People say that their lives end at the border and that they want to
    change that end point and to feel free. There are those who say that
    Turkey, by keeping the border closed, is penalizing the residents of
    Kars and not Armenia," says Ä°mamoglu, who presented the conclusions of
    the study at a two day conference held in Ankara on November 22 and 23.

    The study also concludes that despite the small scale of Armenia's
    economy, opening the border would benefit the eastern regions of
    Turkey substantially.

    On page 75, we read:

    It is estimated that employment in the border region will increase
    approximately by fifty percent within a period of five years in case
    of opening up of the Armenia border. Retail trade, accommodation and
    transportation sectors are amongst those that are expected to grow.

    The study findings suggest that the opening of the border will not
    only increase transit trade but will also have real impact on the
    regional economy.

    The study notes that residents of the Kars Province (located in
    Turkey's TRA2 development zone; the least developed in Turkey) have
    been migrating. Fourteen years ago the region had a population of
    325,000. That number now stands at 78,000.

    During her presentation Ä°mamoglu noted that residents complained
    that they couldn't take advantage of the trade taking place with
    Armenia since it now passes through Georgia.

    On page 73 we read:

    While Turkey continues to trade with all the neighbouring countries
    in her land borders, with or without signed free trade agreements,
    her border with Armenia remains sealed since 1993. This is indeed
    the only closed land border in Turkey. Besides, import and export
    activities with Armenia are carried out through indirect channels
    and in limited volumes. There are anecdotes and accounts referring to
    the limited volume of goods being exported to Armenia through other
    countries (Georgia, Iran). According to the estimates from Armenia,
    every year goods worth US$300 million are imported from Turkey. 1 On
    the other hand, official data in Turkey gives us different figures;
    exports to Armenia were US$241,000 in 2012, and imports from Armenia
    were US$222,000.

    Given that Kars has no manufacturing base, the Turkish government has
    tried to encourage people to stay and work in the region by lifting
    tax obligations.

    "But people say they would rather be registered as unemployed and
    receive benefits rather than paying social security to the state,"
    says the researcher.

    The study concludes that if the border would open the number of
    registered private sector workers would increase 7% every year in
    the region.

    "One of the most terrible things is that people have lost the
    optimism and will to live. They say it's like they've been covered
    with graveyard dirt and are slowly dying," Ä°mamoglu said.

    Former Kars mayor Naif Alibeyoglu says that if residents knew that
    the border would open they'd invest in the region and build plants

    Alibeyoglu has always spoken in favor of opening the border and
    normalizing relations between Turkey and Armenia.

    During his tenure in office, Alibeyoglu launched a campaign in 2005
    in which 50,000 inhabitants of Kars signed a petition for open borders
    and submitted their common demand to the government.

    Sayat Tekir, an Istanbul Armenia researcher who conducted interviews
    on both sides of the closed border, says that he found people on
    either side to be excited about the prospect of an open border.

    "However, at the same time, they also felt fear, saying that they
    do not recognize those living on the other side and that while they
    freely walk the streets on their side, they don't know what will
    happen if the border is opened," Tekir says.

    Regarding the past history of the region, we read the following policy
    recommendation on page 76 of the study:

    It is necessary for the region to lay claim to its historical past and
    to, once again, receive all the people who have lived here with open
    arms in order for it to be able to evaluate the tourism potential of
    the region. Hence it is imperative for the historical fabric of the
    city to be preserved, for the sites of ruins to be maintained and for
    new archaeological excavations and similar activities to be initiated.

    P.S. The "Research on the Socio-Economic Impact of the Turkey-Armenia
    Border" was commissioned by the Hrant Dink Foundation with the support
    of TUSÄ°AD (Industry and Business Association of Turkey) and Istanbul
    Policy Center (IPC). The study was conducted by two institutions
    reputable in their fields: BETAM (BahceÅ~_ehir University Center for
    Economic and Social Research) and SAM (Social Research Center)
