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Anti-Semitism in Armenia: a clear and present danger

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  • Anti-Semitism in Armenia: a clear and present danger
    Anti-Semitism in Armenia: a clear and present danger

    By By Arye Gut/
    Dec. 8, 2014

    The conflict in Syria has forced millions to leave their homes, among
    them many of the country's Armenian minority. Many have fled and
    returned to Armenia, a safe haven for ethnic Armenians'much as Israel
    is for Jews around the world. So it is ironic, given this shared need
    for a homeland free of religious intolerance, that Armenia's own
    Jewish community has been pressured and intimidated since the country
    attained independence.

    Anti-Semitism in Armenia is an unfortunate and little-acknowledged
    fact. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the country's Jewish
    minority and Jewish heritage'the products of a more tolerant time'have
    shrunk dramatically. The end of Soviet rule removed constraint, and
    anti-Semitic attacks rose dramatically. That, and Armenia's ongoing
    economic collapse, drive the Jews of Armenia to flee the country. In
    just 20 years, Armenian Jewish population has shrunk from more than
    5,000 to just a few hundred.

    And the cultural violence has continued. Anti-Semitic books are
    published and TV programs aired, and the Holocaust memorial in the
    capital of Yerevan has been repeatedly defaced. Of course, many
    countries have suffered such unfortunate incidents, the product of an
    ignorant populace. But in Armenia such views have been espoused even
    by mainstream politicians and media personalities. In 2004, a
    pro-government radio presenter expressed anti-Semitic views for months
    on end. A nationalist politician was also allowed to freely make lurid
    slurs against Jews before public pressure forced the government to
    arrest him.

    The dwindling Jewish community in Armenia has complained about these
    attacks'the head of the Jewish community expressed her concern that
    `this [anti-Semitism] has the backing of people in power.' But appeals
    have fallen on deaf ears, which is hardly a surprise when such
    attitudes are shared by much of Armenian society. The Anti-Defamation
    League's latest survey in June 2014 showed that the rate of
    anti-Semitism in Armenia (at 58 percent) was the third-highest in all
    of Europe, and the highest in all of the former Soviet Union and
    Eastern Europe. Thus, around 1.3 million out of 2.2 million adults in
    Armenia expressed anti-Semitic attitudes. Armenia's closest
    comparisons were with virulently hostile countries in the Middle East.

    Sixty-three percent of Armenians surveyed believe that Jews are hated
    `because of the way Jews behave;' 60 percent claimed that `Jews don't
    care what happens to anyone but their own kind;' 45 percent think that
    `Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the
    Holocaust;' and 38 percent consider that `Jews are responsible for
    most of the world's wars.'

    Also disturbing, and of concern to Jews around the world, is that in
    1988 some 49,928 families (250,000 Azerbaijanis) were forced to flee
    their places of origin in 172 Azerbaijani inhabited villages, 89
    villages with mixed ethnic population, and six cities from Armenia.
    During the deportation, 226 Azerbaijanis were killed by Armenians and
    scores horrifically injured. Their houses and properties were burned
    as well.

    The Khojaly massacre, committed by current Armenian leadership with
    incredible brutality, was one of the worst tragedies of 20th century.
    It is a historical fact that the Armenian armed forces and gunmen
    spared none of the Khojaly residents, who had not managed to leave the
    city and its surroundings. As a result of the atrocities of the
    Armenian armed forces, 613 people were killed, 487 people were
    crippled, and 1,275 people'the elderly, children, and women who were
    captured'were subjected to unprecedented torture, abuse, and

    In addition, Armenia, the aggressor, illegally occupied 20 percent of
    Azerbaijan, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent districts.
    This caused a refugee crisis numbering nearly 1 million innocent
    Azerbaijanis, as they attempted to ethnically cleanse the region.
    Today, this remains a threat to peace and security in the South
    Caucasus region. Encouraged by intense Armenian lobbying efforts in
    the U.S. and other key nations, as well as by strong and ongoing
    Russian military, economic, and political aid, Armenia has ignored
    four United Nations Security Council resolutions associated with the
    occupation of Azerbaijani lands and treatment of civilians.

    Perhaps this is not so surprising considering that one of Armenia's
    closest allies is theocratic Iran, which has always opposed Israel's
    right to existence. This strange relationship has been very beneficial
    for Iran, which has used Armenia as a conduit for smuggling and other
    illicit activities, often with serious consequences for U.S. national

    The last point also has unnerving overtones for Armenia's Jewish
    community, which has never forgotten the participation of the brutal
    20,000-strong Armenian Legion as part of Wehrmacht in the Second World
    War. The Legion, led by the nationalist warlord known as General Dro,
    was tasked with rounding up Jews and other `undesirables' behind the
    German army as it swept across Russia, and organized their death
    marches to the concentration camps.

    In such an environment, it is hardly surprising that most of Armenia's
    Jewish population has either fled or intermarried to avoid attracting
    attention. Regrettably, the government of Armenia does almost nothing
    to curb the growing anti-Semitism in the country. Until Armenia
    realizes that narrow-minded nationalism and blaming the country's
    economic and political problems on outsiders will never solve
    anything, the Jews of Armenia will continue to suffer.

    Arye Gut is a board member of the Israeli-Azerbaijani International
    Organization, official coordinator of the `Justice for Khojaly!'
    international campaign in Israel, and an expert in international

    From: A. Papazian