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Why Armenia Chose The Eurasian Economic Union

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  • Why Armenia Chose The Eurasian Economic Union


    By Mher Almasian on DEC 3, 2014Armenia, Nation, News Desk

    On January 1, 2015, the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) will go into
    effect and alongside Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Russia will be Armenia
    as one of its four founding members.

    When President Serzh Sargsyan announced that Armenia would be joining
    the Eurasian Customs Union more than a year ago, the decision was
    met with skepticism in some circles. Now that Armenia is officially
    a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, as of October 10, 2014,
    that skepticism still exists.

    "Why the EEU and not the European Union?" critics asked. Some
    suggested that Russia used Armenia's dependence on its energy and
    security to influence the decision. Others raised questions about
    potential customs checkpoints being implemented at the Artsakh border.

    The truth is that choosing membership in the EEU over an association
    agreement with the EU is much more logical. For starters, the majority
    of Armenian citizens support an EEU membership. According to a Gallup
    International poll that was conducted in October of last year, 64
    percent of Armenians favored membership into the union.

    Populism aside, Armenia sits between two sworn enemies, one which
    regularly fires upon it. When making political decisions, its
    foremost concern is, and must be, security. Today, Armenia's security
    fundamentally depends on its military alliance with Russia, which
    was formed in 1997 and extended in 2010. As part of this agreement,
    Armenia receives discounted and advanced military hardware as well
    as security provided by Russian soldiers at the Turkish and Iranian
    borders. In return, Russia maintains a stronghold in the strategic
    South Caucasus among other regional powers like Iran and Turkey.

    Armenia has become even more dependent on Russia as a result of the
    extraordinary increase in military spending by Azerbaijan. Due to the
    country's massive oil revenue, Azerbaijan has used its new wealth to
    increase its defense budget by nearly 500 percent. According to the
    Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI,) Azerbaijan
    allocated $3.44 billion for defense in 2013 while Armenia spent a
    meager $427 million in comparison.

    But, despite the fact that Armenia has a defense budget that's dismal
    compared to its enemy's, the country has successfully maintained a
    military balance, prevented a potentially devastating war, and avoided
    any territorial losses. Russia often plays both sides, although, for
    lack of an alternative, Armenia has put in its lot and the alliance
    has proven fruitful in many regards.

    Moreover, Armenia has been historically reliant on Russia to defend
    against its more traditional foe: Turkey. During the Artsakh War, and
    before the establishment of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
    (CSTO,) a significant portion of Armenia's military resources were
    kept in Armenia proper rather than Artsakh due to fear of a potential
    invasion by Turkey. If not for the presence of Russian soldiers at
    the Turkish-Armenian border, it's likely Turkey would have invaded
    once the tide of the war turned for Azerbaijan.

    It is this self-interested Russian support that Armenian authorities
    are cautious not to endanger; any erosion in this relationship could
    prove fatal to Armenia and to the Artsakh Republic.

    By contrast, Armenia's potential path to EU membership, by way of
    the European Union Association Agreement, would provide no security
    guarantee and would risk alienating the country's sole security
    guarantor, Russia. If the EU Association Agreement was signed, not
    only would Russia decrease its level of support as a consequence,
    the sacrifice would be in the name of future benefits that may never
    actually materialize.

    The EU's impotence in cases of international enmity is on display
    in Cyprus. For all its economic might, the European Union has been
    unable to apply any meaningful pressure on Turkey for the return of
    occupied territories in Cyprus, one of its member states.

    When it concerns Armenia, the European Commission -- the executive
    body of the European Union -- has previously questioned the presence
    of Russian soldiers on Armenian soil and it's been suggested that
    the existence of a Russian military base in the country impedes
    Westernization and reform in Armenia. But despite these critiques, the
    EU has failed to suggest how Armenia can otherwise ensure its security.

    Beyond its security needs, Armenia has other reasons to prefer
    membership in the EEU. By opting into the EEU, Armenia will
    reap notable monetary benefits, like a massive share in annual
    tariff revenue. According to an International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    representative in Armenia, the country's membership in the union
    will bring in about $250 million a year in customs revenue. Russia is
    already a big trading partner with Armenia, but entry into the EEU will
    give Armenia additional opportunities to build export relationships. As
    an added bonus, Armenia will secure privileges for 752 products in the
    first five years, meaning that EEU taxes won't apply to the country
    during this time due to its union membership.

    Membership in the EEU will also help Armenians working in Russia, as
    well as the families they subsequently support back in their homeland.

    Today, hundreds of thousands of Armenians who work in Russia contribute
    more than $1.5 billion annually to Armenia's economy in the form of
    remittances. Many of these Armenians are seasonal workers who often
    don't have legal status in the country and risk illegal work conditions
    and deportation. Being a part of the Eurasian Economic Union will
    undoubtedly help facilitate better labor conditions across member
    states, which will improve the quality of life for these workers and
    ensure stability for the Armenian economy dependent on their support.

    Further, accession to the Eurasian Economic Union will guarantee
    Armenia's stability in the energy market and secure preferential
    rates for the future. This is particularly important considering
    Armenia is fully reliant on Russia for its gas supply. As part of
    the negotiations for membership in the EEU, Armenia has been able to
    guarantee preferential gas rates that will be upheld until 2018.

    This is the opposite of what Armenia can expect as a former Soviet
    republic in the European Union's sphere of influence. Russia has a
    history of imposing retaliatory energy policies on Eastern European
    countries that have drifted toward the West. In fact, the five
    countries with the highest gas rates are all former Eastern Bloc
    members that are now EU members or candidates. At the moment, Armenia
    receives the second-lowest rate for Russian gas in all of Europe,
    after Belarus.

    In spite of all these indisputable facts, there are potential
    advantages that the Association Agreement could have provided. Perhaps
    the most important of these is the prerequisite of better business and
    government regulatory laws that are in line with EU standards. These
    regulations are intended to lead to a more independent judiciary,
    a freer economy, and improved civil society.

    However, as attractive as all of these qualities may be, simply
    agreeing to the Association Agreement will not lead to reform in a
    culture that's been developed under centuries of corrupt Ottoman and
    Soviet occupation. This can be seen in many former Eastern Bloc EU
    members, like Bulgaria and Croatia, where corruption is rampant and
    the respective economies continue to underperform.

    More importantly, there is no reason to believe that any of the
    potential benefits promised under the Association Agreement cannot
    be achieved from within Armenian society and without external pressure.

    If Armenia is to transform into a more open and just society, it will
    be up to the citizenry of the republic and not a technocrat posted
    in Brussels.

    Another potential benefit of the Association Agreement was the
    opportunity to increase trade with the European Union, as part of
    the mutual and gradual tariff elimination. The European Union offers
    a market of about 500 million people as well as the world's biggest
    collective economy, which together trump the economic breadth of the
    Eurasian Union.

    But along with a highly developed economy comes a high level of
    competition. Even with reduced tariffs, it's unrealistic to expect
    Armenian goods to be competitive in such an aggressive market. At
    the moment, most of Armenia's exports are raw materials rather than
    produced goods. The low level of tariffs will not change the fact that
    Armenia's economy has a long way to develop. On the other hand, the
    markets of the EEU are much less developed and competitive, meaning
    Armenian companies will have a better chance to create a demand for
    their goods in this more realistic marketplace.

    Doing business with less corrupt and more economically potent nations
    will not improve Armenia simply by association any more than doing
    business with the United States or Europe makes Saudi Arabia more
    democratic or less misogynistic. Any potential long-term benefits
    provided by the European Union are attainable by Armenia if there is
    an internal understanding of the importance of such improvements.

    Given Armenia's current geopolitical realities, the Eurasian Union
    is a pragmatic decision with returns that will ensure the stability
    of Armenia in the near future while creating new opportunities for
    the country's economy.

    Read more:

    From: Baghdasarian