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ANKARA: 'Convenient' Murderer

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  • ANKARA: 'Convenient' Murderer


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Dec 10 2014

    by EMRE USLU

    The murder of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink is the most
    scandalous, mysterious murder; it was committed during the term of
    the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), and the assailants
    were apprehended. However, these assailants were being used at the
    time they committed the murder and are still being used.

    Those who used them in the past to kill Dink, whom they saw as their
    enemy, are now using them to attack new enemies. One of the assailants
    hurled accusations at police officers as soon as he was released from
    prison. Those who gave him the gun to slay Dink have apparently given
    him a petition of complaint against several police officers and have
    sent him to the prosecutor.

    There are odd details in the statement that the murderer gave to the
    prosecutor. For instance, he gave the prosecutor the badge numbers of
    five police officers, claiming that these police officers had looked
    up the telephone number of Yasin Hayal, who was allegedly involved in
    the murder of Dink, in the police department's computer system five
    minutes after the murder. How he got these numbers is questionable,
    because he was in prison for the last few years.

    Apparently his masters who sent him to attack Christian missionaries
    and Armenians -- whom they stigmatized as enemies -- are preparing
    to send him to attack their new enemy, the Hizmet movement. Or do
    you believe that a murderer who has been silent out of fear for many
    years in prison learned the badge numbers of five police officers in
    his dreams and decided to be an informant?

    Let me tell you why this "convenient" murderer has been ordered
    to talk: The government seeks to curry favor with the leftists and
    liberals in the fight it has been waging against the Hizmet movement.

    If it can manage to put the blame for Dink's murder on those police
    officers whom it portrays as being affiliated with the movement,
    the government will be able to criminalize the movement and alienate
    the liberals who support the movement...

    I have reiterated this countless times. The ruling AKP, prosecutors
    and Nedim Å~^ener, who wrote a book about Dink's murder, were all
    unwilling to investigate the murder in depth and with the intention
    of finding out the mastermind behind the murder. Everything was being
    done to cover up the connection of the murder to the state.

    If you really want to find the real perpetrators of Dink's murder,
    you must focus on the powers that are behind the murderers and not on
    the murderers themselves. But you won't do this because those powers
    don't want you to do so. There is a single document the court must
    investigate if it is really willing to investigate Dink's murder and
    the killing of several Christian missionaries in Malatya: the decisions
    taken during the National Security Council (MGK) meetings held in 2004
    about the activities of Christian missionaries and the Armenian issue.

    Why did the Religious Affairs Directorate decide to take action
    against the missionary activities and sponsor a book about them? Why
    did certain media outlets start to churn out news stories and TV
    programs as though Turkey was snowed under with Christian minorities?

    I know you won't search for the answer because you have always been
    the state's prosecutor or judge. But let me write it down: 2005 was
    the 90th anniversary of the Armenian tragedy. The state took certain
    measures at home and abroad in connection with it.

    The sponsorship of a book about Christian missionaries by the Religious
    Affairs Directorate was one of these measures. Under the same project,
    media outlets kicked off campaigns to engineer public opinion and
    several experts on the Armenian issue mushroomed out of nowhere to
    make appearances on several TV channels.

    Å~^ener's book about Dink's murder is also part of those measures,
    as it serves to cover up the mastermind behind the murder. One day,
    the truth will come out...

    Dink was sacrificed as a result of those measures. An independent
    court would not waste time on the claims made by a convenient murderer,
    but instead investigate who gave the order to that murderer.

    Some may say "Dink was murdered in 2006," but I would like to draw
    attention to the killing of three Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
    members in Paris in 2013. The state made a decision in 2012 to act
    against the PKK leaders. In the wake of the Uludere tragedy -- in
    which 34 civilians were mistaken for terrorists and killed by military
    airstrikes in Å~^ırnak's Uludere district in 2011 due to false
    intelligence -- the state adopted a new concept, but old "measures"
    were kept in force. The state initiated peace talks with the PKK,
    but at the same time, it also killed off the PKK leaders. This is
    what we get from the media reports that appeared in the wake of the
    Paris killings.

    As a result of such measures, Murat Karayılan, the PKK military wing's
    number one, was captured in Iran. A very high-ranking intelligence
    officer had said: "We cannot go and capture Karayılan using the
    intelligence from the US while the state was negotiating with the PKK.

    Therefore, we gave the information to the Iranians, who caught him."

    This is the way the state operates. It worked in the same manner in
    Dink's murder and with the Paris killings. My intention is not to
    protect the police or military officers who should be held responsible
    for the murder. My suggestion is that all police and military officers
    who were in office at that time, politicians and those who took those
    decisions at the MGK should be tried by a real and independent court
    and not with fake investigations, fake indictments and fake courts.

    This could be the Constitutional Court or an international court, but
    it must be a real court to punish the real perpetrators. But Turkey
    cannot do this because everyone knows the real perpetrators. This
    murder cannot be resolved but is instead covered up by fake courts,
    fake indictments, expedient murderers and fake books.

    Dink's murder was one of the results of the measures the state took
    in 2005, i.e., on the 90th anniversary of the Armenian issue. 2015 is
    the 100th anniversary of this issue and Turkey is taking new measures.

    Perhaps, the first of these measures is to make that convenient
    murderer talk...
