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Armenia Wins Backing To Join Trade Bloc Championed By Putin

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  • Armenia Wins Backing To Join Trade Bloc Championed By Putin


    The New York Times
    Dec 10 2014


    MOSCOW -- Russia's lower house of Parliament voted unanimously on
    Wednesday to approve a treaty allowing Armenia to join a trade bloc of
    former Soviet states that President Vladimir V. Putin has championed
    as an alternative to the European Union.

    The bloc, now called the Eurasian Economic Union, already includes
    Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, with Armenia and Kyrgyzstan on the
    path to membership. Mr. Putin envisions it as a counterweight to
    the European Union and a better guarantor of the region's economic

    Tensions have emerged in recent months, however, as Russia has come
    under economic pressure as a result of sanctions imposed by the West
    over the Kremlin's intervention in Ukraine.

    Russia's mounting economic worries, including a steep decline in the
    ruble and a simultaneous slide in global oil prices, have weighed on
    its closest trading partners, particularly Belarus.

    The Russian authorities late last month banned the transit of
    Western products from Belarus through Russia to other countries,
    including Kazakhstan, partly out of concern that such shipments were
    being used to violate Russia's retaliatory sanctions against Europe,
    which prohibit the import of most European agricultural products.

    Belarus has since stepped up inspections in a bid to persuade Russia
    to ease the restrictions. But the Belarussian president, Aleksandr G.

    Lukashenko, has declared publicly that Belarus would not impose
    restrictions that will break existing agreements with Western

    "We cannot ban transit of goods to other countries through the
    Belarussian territory; this is a violation of all the norms of
    international law," he said at a recent government meeting. "If Russia
    does not want any goods to go through it by transit to Kazakhstan,
    Uzbekistan, China, Mongolia, Turkey, then it should ban this transit."

    Russia has expressed concerns that some truck shipments purportedly
    destined for Kazakhstan, including frozen meat, have been unloaded
    instead in Russia. Some Russian officials have also raised suspicions
    that banned European goods are being repackaged in Belarus and sold
    in Russia as Belarussian products, which Belarus has denied.

    The tensions over the extent to which Belarus and Kazakhstan are
    willing to support Russia in its conflict with the West over Ukraine
    have raised questions about the longer-term viability of the Eurasian
    Economic Union. Belarus and Kazakhstan must also ratify the treaty
    allowing Armenia to enter the bloc.

    Armenia, like Ukraine, had been working toward closer political and
    economic relations with the European Union, including steps toward
    a new free-trade accord.

    That all changed abruptly in September 2013 as Russia stepped up
    efforts to thwart a European Union program aimed at strengthening
    ties with former Soviet republics. After a meeting in Moscow that
    September with Mr. Putin, the Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan,
    announced that he was abandoning the European talks and that his
    country would join Russia's economic bloc instead.

    Continue reading the main story Continue reading the main story

    His decision set off some protests in Yerevan, the Armenian capital,
    but the country ultimately had little choice as it is heavily dependent
    on Russia for economic and security assistance. The value to Armenia
    of joining the trade bloc has been questioned, in part because the
    country shares no common border with any of the other member countries.

    The European Union has been Armenia's main trading partner. Its economy
    is severely hamstrung because borders with two of its neighbors, Turkey
    and Azerbaijan, are sealed as a result of longstanding conflicts.

    Commercial activity with its southern neighbor, Iran, has been
    restricted because of international sanctions over that country's
    efforts to develop its nuclear program. That leaves only the northern
    border with Georgia fully open for trade.

    In remarks before the vote in the State Duma, Russia's lower chamber
    of Parliament, the speaker, Sergei Naryshkin, compared the economic
    benefits of the Eurasian Economic Union with what he described as
    the toxic results of Ukraine's closer ties with Europe.

    "In one case, that which we are discussing with you today, Eurasian
    integration is proceeding with utmost mutual respect, understanding
    of the economic interests and national traditions of partners," Mr.

    Naryshkin said, according to Russian news services. "And in another
    case, as with our brotherly Ukraine, it is going on ignoring economic
    interests, national interests of the state, with violence, ruin,
    and even the loss of human life."

    From: A. Papazian