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Serzh Sargsyan's Desperate Call To Nazarbayev

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  • Serzh Sargsyan's Desperate Call To Nazarbayev

    Comments - 10 December 2014, 22:11

    On December 10 Serzh Sargsyan telephoned the president of Kazakhstan
    Nursultan Nazarbayev. A few days earlier he had telephoned
    the president of Belarus Lukashenko. The focus of the telephone
    conversations was apparently ratification of the agreement on Armenia's
    membership to the Eurasian Union in the parliaments of those countries.

    On December 10 the agreement on Armenia's membership was ratified by
    the Russian Duma. Serzh Sargsyan is anxious to have the agreement
    on Armenia's membership ratified by the parliaments of Belarus and
    Kazakhstan by January 1.

    Otherwise, after January 1 the membership of Armenia will continue
    to hang up in the air as it was over the past one year and a half.

    The deputy minister of foreign affairs of Armenia Shavarsh Kocharyan
    has confessed on one occasion that Belarus and Kazakhstan are not happy
    with the membership of Armenia to the Eurasian Union. In addition,
    both Belarus and Kazakhstan have explained their reluctance by the
    issue of Artsakh, not wishing to upset Ilham Aliyev.

    With their comments for every stage of membership of Armenia Minsk
    and Astana actually resolved their problems with Russia. It is not
    ruled out that they will try to do the same now, especially that
    the economic conjuncture among the three founding members of the
    Eurasian Economic Union is too bad, trade relations between Russia,
    Belarus and Kazakhstan are tense. Moscow accuses Minsk and Astana
    for transit of sanctioned EU products.

    Recently the president of Belarus Lukashenko has announced about his
    decision to restore BCPs at the border with Russia and to check cargo.

    Hence, Minsk and Astana may again trade Armenia's membership for
    their problems with Russia.

    Besides, Serzh Sargsyan could have another important reason to
    telephone Nursultan Nazarbayev. The point is that besides the
    ratification of the membership agreement by the Russian Duma
    the Russian foreign minister Lavrov made a dangerous statement on
    December 10. He said the issue of joining of EEU members to Russia's
    countersanctions against Russia may occur in the future.

    It is possible that Serzh Sargsyan asked Nazabayev's thoughts on this.

    This is very important for Armenia because Armenia lacks the necessary
    level of sovereignty and may only rely on Nazarbayev's and Lukashenko's
    resistance in tackling with Russia's requirement.
