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"Lake Sevan, Gegharkounik Region, Littoral Area Representatives Comp

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  • "Lake Sevan, Gegharkounik Region, Littoral Area Representatives Comp


    13:16 December 11, 2014


    "Lake Sevan, Gegharkounik Region, Littoral Area 18 representatives
    have sent a Complaint to EBRD and IFC concerning Amulsar project. The
    Complaint says, "We, the representatives of the active civil
    society, live in the communities located on the shores of Lake Sevan,
    Gegharkounik Region, read the opinion of the environmental expertise
    of Nature Protection Ministry on Amulsar gold mining published on

    The opinion says that the project area is a direct impact zone of Lake
    Sevan (requirement 1: "RA Law "On Lake Seva", Article 8 says that the
    zone of direct impact of Lake Sevan basin is an object of special
    regulation, and when implementing urban development activities the
    requirements of the governmental resolution N792-N shall be guided
    with "On Approving Urban Development Procedure in Specially Regulated
    Objects" and resolution "On Approving Master Plan of Lake Sevan
    Drainage Basin", N1787 N dated on 11.12.2003").

    The aforementioned shows that we, the residents of Lake Sevan littoral
    communities, are also located in the zone of Amulsar project immediate
    impact. If the requirements of the Nature Protection Ministry are
    not fulfilled, while the water in Lake Sevan will be polluted with
    the mining wastes through Arpa-Sevan canal, the residents of over 40
    communities will be jeopardized with deprivation of the main source
    of income - Lake Sevan. Gegharkounik region has very heavy climatic
    conditions. We have scarce vegetation at over 2000 meters above sea
    level. We came here and stayed to live here only for the sake of Lake
    Sevan. Our incomes directly depend on the ecological state of the lake,
    the pureness of its water, fish reserves, resort activities etc.

    We are direct stakeholders in the matter of Amulsar project impact.

    Nevertheless, our rights to the decision-making process on Amulsar
    project, which are prescribed by the Aarhus Convention and RA Law "On
    Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise" were neglected. The
    Nature Protection Ministry, which determines the list of the
    communities in the project impact zone, didn't include our communities
    in the project affected area. While "Geoteam" CJSC, which is entitled
    to hold public hearings in the communities undergoing project impact in
    line with RA Law "On Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise",
    didn't inform us in proper manner and didn't organize public hearings
    in our communities.

    We think that our statutory rights are violated both by the company
    and the government.

    The absence of relevant information and neglecting our rights to
    decision-making process on Amulsar project didn't enable us, the
    residents of Lake Sevan littoral area communities, taking part in
    the discussion of Amulsar project in proper manner.

    IFC Performance Standard 1, Assessment and Management of Environmental
    and Social Risks and Impacts, Clause 8, has been violated, 'Where the
    project involves specifically identified physical elements, aspects,
    and facilities that are likely to generate impacts, environmental
    and social risks and impacts will be identified in the context of
    the project's area of influence. The area likely to be affected by:
    (i) the project and the client's activities and facilities that are
    directly owned, operated or managed (including by contractors) and
    that are a component of the project.'

    But our group was not identified when submitting the EIA of Amulsar
    project, though the matter of impacting Lake Sevan was covered at
    the public hearings many times.

    The provisions of Clause 31 - Informed Consultation and Participation
    were neglected, 'For projects with potentially significant adverse
    impacts on Affected Communities, the client will conduct an Informed
    Consultation and Participation (ICP) process that will build upon the
    steps outlined above in Consultation and will result in the Affected
    Communities' informed participation.'

    We would like to advise that no informed consultation was held
    either at community level or at the level of Gegharkounik regional

    Performance Standard 4, Community Health, Safety, and Security,
    has also been violated - ' The diminution or degradation of natural
    resources, such as adverse impacts on the quality, quantity, and
    availability of freshwater, may result in health-related risks and

    Performance Standard 5, Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement,
    has also been violated: we would like to advise that nobody hold
    discussions with the residents of the littoral communities located
    in the immediate impact zone about involuntary resettlement, in case
    Lake Sevan is exposed to the threat of pollution.

    The same standards have been confirmed in the socio-environmental
    policy of the EBRD. In addition, we would like to note that
    the ban on the activities forbidden by the legislation of the
    project-implementing country or the international conventions on
    the protection of biodiversity and cultural heritage has also been
    violated. The violation is as follows: Lake Sevan is inhabited
    with endemic trout species, which are protected by RA Law 'On Lake
    Sevan' and the activities will result in the change of the chemical
    composition of the water conditioned with the industrial wastes.

    The absence of proper information and neglecting of our rights to
    decision-making participation on Amulsar project didn't enable us,
    the residents of Lake Sevan littoral communities, to completely
    participate in the discussion of the Amulsar project.

    We think that, under such conditions, the opinion of the environmental
    expertise must be reviewed and include 40 communities, located on the
    shores of Lake Sevan, in the immediate project affected zone of Amulsar
    project and once again hold public hearings in the communities and
    only afterwards 'Environmental Expertise' SNCO must issue an opinion
    to Amulsar project.

    We think that the violation of our rights doesn't comply with the
    EBRD and IFC standards and we would like to ask to obligate Lydian
    International and its representative in Armenia, 'Geoteam' CJSC, to
    withdraw its project and to include assessment on Lake Sevan impact
    and its communities located in the immediate project affected zone.

    On behalf of active civil society of Gegharkounik Region (list
    attached) the complaint is lodged by Anahit Gevorgyan, Chairman of
    'Women's Council of Martuni Communities".
