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Troika: Action Plan Will Be Presented Soon

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  • Troika: Action Plan Will Be Presented Soon


    POLITICS | 11.12.14 | 10:22 yan

    The three parliamentary minority parties known as Troika have promised
    to publicize the schedule of their next actions soon as they rallied
    thousands of supporters in Yerevan on Wednesday.

    Levon Zurabyan, the leader of the parliamentary faction of the
    opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC), read out the joint
    statement of the group that also includes the Prosperous Armenia Party
    (PAP) and Heritage, during a gathering held to mark International
    Human Rights Day.

    Zurabyan emphasized that the plan of further joint actions would be
    aimed at achieving a "regime change" in Armenia.

    "The popular movement will soon present a program of joint actions,
    including mass public gatherings, aimed at expediting a complete
    regime change in Armenia and establishing a government of the people
    through pre-term free and fair elections," he said in a speech in
    Liberty Square.

    The Troika parties held two well-attended rallies in Yerevan in
    October during which they appeared to have agreed on a joint push
    for a power change. The absence of visible action in the weeks that
    followed against the backdrop of alleged differences among the three
    parties led some observers to conclude that another wave of opposition
    protests often described as "hot autumn" is over.

    The ANC and PAP leaders, Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Gagik Tsarukyan, did
    not attend Wednesday's rally and subsequent march through the central
    streets of Yerevan. Only Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian was
    present at the gatherings.

    Hovannisian told reporters he is still awaiting Ter-Petrosyan's and
    Tsarukyan's responses to his calls for forming a "complete agenda".

    Representatives of the ruling Republican Party are skeptical about
    the current opposition campaign. They have ruled out early elections,
    advising that the minority parties wait until the next general polls
    to try to achieve the "power change" through the ballot box.
