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BAKU: OSCE Minsk Group: To Be Or Not To Be?

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  • BAKU: OSCE Minsk Group: To Be Or Not To Be?


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    Dec 12 2014

    12 December 2014, 10:00 (GMT+04:00)
    By Sara Rajabova

    Continuing tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as frequent
    ceasefire violations on the contact line has rendered efforts of
    international mediators to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict even
    more difficult.

    Peace talks, mediated by Russia, France and the U.S. through the OSCE
    Minsk Group, are underway on the basis of a peace outline proposed by
    the Minsk Group co-chairs and dubbed the Madrid Principles. However,
    the negotiations have been fruitless so far despite the efforts of
    the co-chair countries over 20 years.

    Following recent developments, namely the Armenian provocative moves
    and sabotages, and the downing of a helicopter by the Azerbaijani army,
    have negatively impacted the negotiation process.

    Some experts are questioning the effectiveness of the OSCE Minsk Group,
    saying it has lost its reputation as a mediating institution and even
    hoped to replace it with another mechanism.

    However, Aydin Mirzazade, MP and deputy chairman of Azerbaijani
    parliament's security and defense committee believes that the Minsk
    Group hasn't lost it efficiency.

    "The Minsk Group is not a separate stand-alone institution. It is a
    mechanism of action of the three influential countries of world to
    solve the problem," Mirzazade told AzerNews.

    He said the existence of this mechanism is a very unique event in
    the world because there is no such a mechanism in such conflicts.

    Mirzazade noted that it is another question that there are many
    expectations from this organization regarding the peaceful settlement
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    "We are in favor of joining efforts of the United States, France
    and Russia and impact on Armenia for its pull out from Azerbaijan's
    occupied territories. In this respect, the world has already started
    to look to this issue through the eyes of Azerbaijan and defend
    its position. This is in itself an image of new idea in the world
    regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh problem," Mirzazade said.

    On the other hand, some exerts still consider the activity of the
    Minsk Group as inactivity.

    Elman Nasirov, political expert and Director of the Institute of
    Political Studies of the Academy of Public Administration under the
    president of Azerbaijan said despite the Minsk Group has been engaged
    as a mediator in the conflict resolution, it can boast with only one
    thing: not with result, but with prevention of conflict's turning
    into a war.

    "However, military incidents on the Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line
    in late July-early August, as well as the helicopter issue showed
    that this conflict can break out at any moment," Nasirov said.

    He noted that the mediators' thoughts on prevention of conflict's
    transformation into the war is nothing more than an illusion, they
    comfort themselves with this idea.

    Nasirov also added that there are some bewildering moments. "Armenia's
    Serzh Sargsyan held an immediate meeting of the ruling party in
    the country right after his return back to Yerevan from the NATO's
    Wels summit in September. He told the party that Armenia has made
    more stringent achievements in the OSCE and its Minsk Group format,
    but Azerbaijan has achieved more serious accomplishment in terms of
    PACE and NATO. Sargsyan says that Armenians should take measures to
    repeat its achievements gained in OSCE in terms of PACE and NATO,"
    Nasirov said.

    Nasirov stressed that this once again confirms that "if Armenia
    satisfied with OSCE's activity, then its serves the interests of

    Touching upon the replacement of this format with other format,
    Nasirov noted that serious discussions should be held for finding
    the convenient format.

    The precarious cease-fire between Azerbaijan and Armenia was reached
    after a lengthy war that displaced over a million Azerbaijanis and
    has been in place between the two South Caucasus countries since 1994.

    Since the hostilities, Armenian armed forces have occupied over
    20 percent of Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    As a result of the military aggression of Armenia, over 20,000
    Azerbaijanis were killed, 4,866 are reported missing and almost
    100,000 were injured, and 50,000 were disabled.

    The UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions on Armenia's
    withdrawal from the Azerbaijani territory, but they have not been
    enforced to this day.
