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Lyova Khachatryan has not voted for the EaEU accession deliberately

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  • Lyova Khachatryan has not voted for the EaEU accession deliberately

    Lyova Khachatryan has not voted for the EaEU accession deliberately

    December 13 2014

    During the voting of the membership to the EaEU Treaty at the National
    Assembly, some PAP MPs did not participate in the voting. One of them,
    Lyova Khachatryan, appears that he was present in the session but did
    not vote deliberately. In the interview with "Aravot", Lyova
    Khachatryan, in response to our question of whether he feels a danger
    for not voting, replied, "No, absolutely not, I have my opinion. I
    have lived in Russia for many years, I know that it is a powerful
    state, and there is no problem. But first of all, we need to be ready
    ourselves to be involved in any economy. Russian market was open to us
    before too, and we too the use of it. Now, it is open again with EaEU.
    The sense of an open thing to open again... It is possible to be
    integrated to the whole, but when you're not ready, you would not
    benefit. We need to be prepared inside, develop agriculture, industry
    and reduce import. We need to be ready for the external market. If we
    are not ready, it is absolutely not necessary." We clarified saying
    that in other words, according to him, the EaEU would give nothing to
    us and is nothing formal, he said. "Maybe there was a matter of
    security." To our question of whether there was no political decision
    in the PAP faction for their party members to vote for accession to
    the EaEU in line with the opinions expressed by the faction, Lyova
    Khachatryan replied, "No, there was no such a political decision."

    Read more at:
