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Karabakh President visits towns of Martakert and Martouni

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  • Karabakh President visits towns of Martakert and Martouni

    Karabakh President visits towns of Martakert and Martouni

    17:11, 13 December, 2014

    STEPANAKERT, DECEMBER 13, ARMENPRESS. On 13 December Artsakh Republic
    President Bako Sahakyan visited the town of Martakert and tookpart
    there in a solemn ceremony of opening the capitally renovated

    The Central Information Department of the Artsakh President's Office
    informed "Armenpress" that on the same day the Head of the State was
    present in the town of Martouni at the opening ceremony of a new
    regional hospital.

    The President stressed that medical institutions, equipped with modern
    facilities and corresponding to contemporary standards would
    substantially contribute to the development of healthcare system both
    in their regions and in the whole republic, adding that increasing the
    quality of medical services in the regions would remain at the
    spotlight of the county's authorities.

    The Head of the State expressed gratitude to the "Karabagh-Telecom"
    company for assisting the realization of these projects.

    Primate of the Artsakh diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, prime-minister Ara Haroutyunyan and
    other officials tookpart in the events.
