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BAKU: Fruitless outcomes of negotiation process-2014 on Nagorno-Kara

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  • BAKU: Fruitless outcomes of negotiation process-2014 on Nagorno-Kara

    Trend News Agency (Baku, Azerbaijan)
    December 6, 2014 Saturday

    Fruitless outcomes of negotiation process-2014 on Nagorno-Karabakh

    byElmira Tariverdiyeva

    Dec. 06--At the year-end it is usual to sum up the results of
    political processes that have taken place throughout this period.
    However, in the case of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, summing up the results becomes increasingly meaningless from
    year to year.

    The 21st OSCE Ministerial Council held in Basel, Switzerland, didn't
    bring any results other than another statement of heads of delegations
    of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries urging the sides to comply
    with the ceasefire regime and common phrases of major figures of
    European diplomacy on the need to resolve the conflict.

    The foreign ministers of the conflicting sides met with OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairs, discussed the current situation and...And didn't
    reach any decision again. Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar
    Mammadyarov even didn't meet with Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
    Nalbandian as part of the 21st OSCE Ministerial Council. And this in
    general proves the vainness of co-chairs' efforts to present the
    negotiations in OSCE MG format as positive.

    Alongside with the conflicting sides, all the observers are also aware
    that the format of OSCE mediation doesn't work and is confined to
    declarative calls.

    One would think that in such a good time, after Azerbaijan and Armenia
    have already held presidential election, in a year, when at the
    initiative of the presidents of Russia, France and the US State
    secretary the leaders of the two countries held three meetings, at
    least some progress could be expected. Alas! Nothing new has happened
    excluding another provocation by Yerevan.

    And who will condemn the military command and authorities of the
    aggressor country, if the international mediators allow them to do
    everything that is contrary to the international law, only limiting
    themselves to the endless appeals? Why not hold military exercises on
    the occupied territories turning a blind eye to the light reproaches
    from the OSCE Minsk Group, if it provides no threat? With human lives
    not taken into account, the Armenian authorities are known to be
    indifferent to the victims on the path of their self-will.

    Thus, one just doesn't feel like summing up the Nagorno-Karabakh
    process for the last year at all. And all the optimistic promises of
    the intermediaries that they will continue efforts sound less and less
    convincing today. Efforts remaining futile for more than 20 years, are
    apparently made in the wrong manner and from the wrong place!

    From: A. Papazian