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Baku in the USSR? Azerbaijan could be set to abandon West and head E

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  • Baku in the USSR? Azerbaijan could be set to abandon West and head E

    Ha'aretz, Israel
    Dec 13 2014

    Baku in the USSR? Azerbaijan could be set to abandon West and head East

    The arrest of an Azeri journalist last week is a warning to Israel
    that its strategic alliance with the oil-rich state may be on shaky

    By Anshel Pfeffer

    Azerbaijan isn't a friendly country for journalists who ask too many
    questions. Dozens have been arrested in recent years, and 20 are
    currently in prison. Others have been forced underground or into
    exile. Last year, when I visited investigative reporter Khadija
    Ismayilova at her Radio Azadliq workplace in Baku, I was surprised to
    see how openly the journalist - the biggest thorn in the side of the
    regime - operates. "We are part of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,
    which is funded by the U.S. State Department," one of her colleagues
    explained. "It gives Khadija a level of immunity that other
    journalists don't enjoy."

    Ismayilova spoke with anger of how the authorities had hounded her
    following a series of investigations revealing how the family of
    President Ilham Aliyev had amassed massive wealth through the
    embezzlement of Azerbaijan's oil and natural gas sales.

    She was particularly bitter at what she saw as the way Western
    governments ignored the human rights situation in her country.
    "Aliyev's police planted hidden cameras in my apartment and filmed me
    having sex with my boyfriend. When I didn't give into their threats,
    they posted the video online. We may be a secular society, but this is
    still a conservative Muslim country. You can imagine what that did to
    my family," she said.

    Ismayilova was arrested last week. She is to be charged with
    pressuring her ex-boyfriend and driving him to suicide, and is facing
    a seven-year prison term. However, no one is under any illusion that
    she is being prosecuted for anything other than her journalism and

    In addition to her investigations, in recent years she has become the
    main contact between civil society organizations in Azerbaijan and
    human rights groups abroad supporting the pro-democracy movement. It
    seems that Ismayilova's U.S. immunity has run out.

    Aliyev is not content with Azerbaijan's commercial ties with a West
    eager for oil and gas - he wants respectability, too. That's why he's
    spent millions on lobbying and public relations, including sponsorship
    of Spanish soccer side Atletico Madrid (last season's Champions League
    finalist). Western leaders are happy to trade with him, but less keen
    to be seen with him in public.

    Three months ago, President Barack Obama criticized Azerbaijan's human
    rights record in a public speech. Aliyev seems to feel that, after
    years courting the West and even entertaining the idea that Azerbaijan
    could join the European Union, it's time to turn back toward Russia
    (his father, the previous president, was secretary general of the
    Azerbaijani Communist Party until the Soviet Union disintegrated and
    the country achieved independence).

    Ismayilova's arrest is seen by many in Baku as a breaking point in
    Aliyev's attempts to align Azerbaijan with the West. In an interview
    he gave two weeks ago to a Russian news channel, he accused the West
    of having encouraged the emergence of the Islamic State with its
    "policies in the Middle East over the last decade."

    His words echoed the Kremlin's position that the United States and
    European Union are responsible for the rise of ISIS (also known as
    ISIL) by supporting the rebels fighting the Bashar Assad regime in

    Until very recently, Azerbaijan saw President Vladimir Putin's Russia
    as a hostile force trying to undermine its pro-Western policy and
    supporting neighboring Armenia in the conflict over the
    Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. Now, Aliyev is praising Moscow and saying
    that "Azerbaijan and Russia are two neighboring friendly countries
    which are developing together and are ready to face world challenges."

    Energy field

    One country that should be concerned by Azerbaijan's seeming
    disenchantment with the West is Israel, which has built a strategic
    alliance in recent years with Aliyev's regime, few details of which
    have been published.

    According to foreign reports, Israel has conducted intelligence
    operations against Iran from neighboring Azerbaijan, and sold it
    weapons systems, including drones and radar. Israel doesn't disclose
    details of its arms deals with Azerbaijan, or if the military and
    electronic equipment it supplies is used only for defense purposes
    against Iran and Armenian separatists or is used to suppress the
    regime's internal opposition as well.

    Another strategic dimension to the Israel-Azerbaijan relationship is
    in energy. Most of the oil used in Israel is purchased from
    Azerbaijan, pumped to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, and from there in
    tankers across the eastern Mediterranean.

    The Azerbaijanis have close ties to Turkey and are interested in
    building a new pipeline, along with the two countries. However, this
    project has yet to materialize due to the prolonged diplomatic crisis
    between Jerusalem and Ankara.

    Azerbaijan had a long period of tension with its Iranian neighbor,
    despite the fact that millions of Azeris live in Iran (even Iran's
    supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, is half-Azeri).

    There is an intense rivalry between the Islamic Republic and the
    former Soviet Republic, and competition for oil markets. In recent
    years, both countries have accused each other of aggression.

    Azerbaijan claimed that Iranian cells were planning to carry out
    terror attacks against Israeli targets in its territory. And last
    August, Iran claimed to have shot down an Israeli drone launched in
    Azerbaijan (though the footage the Iranians showed was old and filmed
    in Lebanon).

    A low point in the relationship was in 2012, when Azerbaijan hosted
    the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku and Iran accused it of holding an
    "immoral" and "unIslamic" event, even recalling its ambassador for a
    few months. (Ironically, Azerbaijan had won the 2011 event with a song
    called "Running Scared.")

    Recently though, there's been a thaw between the two countries.
    Iranian President Hassan Rohani visited Baku last month, and has now
    met Aliyev four times this year. The assumption in Jerusalem is that
    the rivalry between the two countries isn't over and the Azerbaijanis
    will still prefer the strategic alliance with Israel.

    Ismayilova, a staunch atheist, believes - like many Azerbaijanis -
    that Iran is financing and supporting Islamists in her country. In her
    interview with Haaretz last year, she warned the West and Israel from
    relying on the Aliyev regime to maintain a secular Azerbaijan and
    block the Islamists. "Don't think you're more clever than the
    Iranians. In the end, we will also have Iran here and everyone will
