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Lawyers ask for records after Yñlmazer's claim Dink was profiled

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  • Lawyers ask for records after Yñlmazer's claim Dink was profiled

    Legal Monitor Worldwide
    December 6, 2014 Saturday

    Lawyers ask for records after Y�±lmazer's claim Dink was profiled

    The lawyers of assassinated Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink
    have filed a petition asking for any official records or details of
    police gathering intelligence against Dink after former Police Chief
    Ali Fuat Y�±lmazer claimed there was a document containing intelligence
    against Dink in the police archive.

    Dink was assassinated in broad daylight outside the office of his Agos
    newspaper on Jan. 17, 2007.

    Ex-police chief Y�±lmazer testified as a suspect in the investigation
    into the killing of Dink on Thursday. According to media reports, when
    asked by the prosecutor whether any intelligence was collected against
    Dink, Y�±lmazer said: "There wasan [intelligence] file opened on Hrant
    Dink in the archives at the Intelligence Unit [of the National Police
    Department]. As I remember, there was a document about Hrant Dink
    because of his [alleged] leftist activities."

    The media reports say Dink's lawyers filed a petition at the �°stanbul
    Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Citing Y�±lmazer's testimony, the
    lawyers reportedly asked the prosecutor's office to demand the
    �°stanbul Police Department and the Intelligence Unit of the National
    Police Department share any official records on Dink, information
    collected about Dink or the details of intelligence activities
    performed against Dink.

    Content of Y�±lmazer's testimony

    Y�±lmazer, who is currently behind bars on wiretapping charges, had
    testified to Prosecutor Yusuf Hakk�± Do��an for five hours and denied
    any kind of link with the murder.

    The content of Y�±lmazer's testimony was covered in the Turkish media
    on Friday. According to the media reports, Y�±lmazer said he cannot be
    held responsible for the killing of Dink as he was not even serving in
    �°stanbul when the incident occurred, adding that the �°stanbul Police
    Department is at fault for failing to protect Dink despite them
    possessing intelligence before his assassination.

    He also said that he was the chief of Branch C of the Intelligence
    Unit of the Ankara Police Department when the assassination took
    place, and that the accusations against him were put forward in
    relation to two statements saying that Dink was in danger. These
    statements were sent to Branch C by the Trabzon Police Department.

    He stated that he was on duty abroad when the two statements, sent by
    former chief of the Intelligence Unit of the National Police
    Department, Ramazan Akyürek, arrived at the branch on Feb. 17, 2006,
    and he therefore did not see them.

    Y�±lmazer maintained that the statements should have been directed to
    his attention, but the presentation of those two statements to me was
    not [officially] necessary and the sharing of these reports depended
    on the consent of Necmettin Emre, who was the deputy chief of the
    intelligence unit at the time. If I had been him, I would have present
    them to the man in my position. There was a difference in the two
    intelligence statements, and when asked why by the prosecutor,
    Y�±lmazer reportedly said that only Engin Dinç, who was the chief of
    the intelligence unit of the Trabzon Police Department at the time,
    knows why the two statements differed. Media reports indicated that
    the first statement said an activity that will cause sensation" would
    take place and the other directly said that Dink "will be killed."

    Y�±lmazer maintained that regardless of the versions of these
    statements, the necessary security measures should have been taken by
    the �°stanbul police, adding that an intelligence operation should have
    also been made regarding the issue by the Trabzon police.

    He said a perception operation is being conducted against his name and
    that the two statements were actually directed to the �°stanbul Police
    Department. He added that the statements were merely sent to his
    branch to keep them informed and that it was the �°stanbul Police
    Department who was responsible in taking the necessary security
    measures to protect Dink. 2014 Legal Monitor Worldwide.
