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Russia to continue help Azerbaijan, Armenia find agreements on Karab

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  • Russia to continue help Azerbaijan, Armenia find agreements on Karab

    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    December 5, 2014 Friday 03:27 PM GMT+4

    Russia to continue help Azerbaijan, Armenia find agreements on Karabakh - Lavrov

    BASEL December 5.

    . Russia will continue helping Azerbaijan and Armenia find generally
    acceptable agreements on the Nagorno Karabakh settlement, Russian
    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday

    "The Nagorno Karabakh settlement is an ancient and complicated
    process. I'm sure that the US and French partners will continue help
    Azerbaijan and Armenia find generally acceptable agreements," he said.

    For some years Russia together with the US and French co-chairmen has
    done its best to set common approaches towards this problem "in order
    to start agreeing on the practical implementation of the principles
    for respecting territorial integrity, the non-use of force and the
    people's right to self-determination", Lavrov said.

    "The process is very complicated, but it continues," he added.

    "As for the hostage problem, we treat it seriously. I cannot give
    information on concrete cases because I don't have news. But we want
    all hostages to be released and exchanged," Lavrov said.

    The Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents adopted the statement
    on this issue at the summit in Astrakhan in 2010. The Armenian and
    Azerbaijani presidents obliged to create a mechanism for exchanging
    people taken hostages and the dead bodies. "I hope that this statement
    will be taken into account in the parties' practical steps on the line
    of contact in the region," Lavrov said. --0--yur

    From: Baghdasarian