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German Group Launches Initiative For Worldwide Reading For Armenian

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  • German Group Launches Initiative For Worldwide Reading For Armenian


    10:02, 17 Dec 2014

    Among the numerous initiatives launched to commemorate the centenary
    of the Armenian Genocide is a reading of Armenian literary works on
    a grand scale. Organized by two cultural institutions in Germany, the
    initiative will honor the memory of Armenian intellectuals rounded up
    and killed on April 24, 1915, by presenting public readings of their
    works and those of later writers, the Armenian Mirror-Spetator reports.

    On November 20, at the Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin, Dr. Rolf
    Hosfeld, director of the Lepsiushaus, and Ulrich Schreiber of the
    International Literature Festival Berlin, presented the initiative
    to representatives of the international press. The call issued by the
    organizers, reads as follows: "The International Literature Festival
    Berlin (ilb) and the Lepsiushaus Potsdam are calling for a worldwide
    reading on April 24, 2015, the day that marks 100 years since the
    beginning of the Armenian Genocide.

    "Several hundred Armenian intellectuals -- poets, musicians,
    parliamentary representatives and members of the clergy -- were
    arrested in Constantinople (today Istanbul) on April 24, 1915, and
    deported to the Turkish interior where most of them were murdered. It
    was the start of a crime against humanity. The extermination of the
    Armenians during World War One was the first systematically planned
    and executed genocide of modern times. More than a million Armenians
    in the Ottoman Empire died during this genocidal campaign.

    "The events took place before the eyes of the whole world and were
    clearly documented by German, Austro-Hungarian, Italian, American,
    Scandinavian, Armenian and Ottoman sources as well as by a great
    number of historical research projects. As early as August 1915, The
    New York Times reported on a methodically planned program of ethnic
    cleansing and extermination which was unprecedented in history up to
    that time. The German Reich's government, which was allied to the
    Ottoman Empire, reached the same conclusions without undertaking
    anything against what was happening.

    "The Turkish political world denies the Armenian Genocide up
    to the present day, although the facts have been known for more
    than a hundred years. The Indian writer Arundhati Roy has spoken
    publicly about this scandal on many occasions, including at the 2009
    International Literature Festival Berlin. A great number of Armenian
    voices were silenced in 1915 and in the years thereafter. Since then,
    others have become loud and have spoken out against forgetting, among
    them an increasing number of voices from the democratic Turkish civil
    society. In remembrance of the victims and in association with the
    demand for international recognition of the genocide, we are calling
    for a worldwide reading on 24 April 2015, with literary texts from
    Armenian authors, among them Siamanto, Komitas, Yeghishe Charents,
    William Saroyan, Hovhannes Shiraz, Paruyr Sevak, Hakop Mntsuri,
    Silva Kaputikian and Hrant Dink."

    Since the first signatories Rolf Hosfeld, Konrad Kuhn, Ulrich Schreiber
    and Hasmik Papian endorsed the call, more than 400 others from 65
    countries have added their names. Among the signatories are Nobel
    Prize winners Elfried Jelinek, Mario Vargas Llosa, John M.

    Coetzee, Herta Muller, Orhan Pamuk, as well as Elif Shafak, Alberto
    Manguel, Breyton Breytenbach and John Ashbury.

    As the organizers stated at the press conference, their hope is that
    readings will take place in many, many different cities throughout
    the world on April 21, 2015.
