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Turkish Journalist Hasan Cemal Wins Harvard Award

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  • Turkish Journalist Hasan Cemal Wins Harvard Award


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Dec 17 2014


    Nieman Fellows in the class of 2015 at Harvard University have selected
    prominent Turkish journalist and writer Hasan Cemal as this year's
    recipient of the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity
    in Journalism.

    Cemal was chosen in recognition of a long career dedicated to
    championing freedom of the press in Turkey and as a representative
    of all Turkish journalists working under increasingly difficult
    conditions, Nieman Foıundation stated on its website on Dec. 17.

    "Hasan Cemal and Turkish journalists like him have shown great courage
    in upholding the importance of a free press in their native land.

    Bearing witness and speaking truth to power are more necessary than
    ever in Turkey and other places around the world where journalists face
    government hostility, harassment, and arrest," the Nieman Fellows said.

    Cemal has served as a reporter, editor and columnist at various Turkish
    news organizations. He resigned from daily Milliyet last year after
    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was the prime minister at the
    time, publicly criticized a column he wrote in defense of the paper's
    reporting of sensitive negotiations between the government and the
    outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Cemal resigned after Milliyet
    allegedly decided not to publish his columns with similar content.

    "Critical voices and a free press are vital to a healthy democracy,
    which Turkey professes to be," the Nieman Fellows said in their
    award citation. "We applaud all those like Cemal and others who work
    to ensure that the media in Turkey can do their job without fear
    or favor."

    More recently, Cemal helped found and serves as the president
    of Punto24, a nonprofit initiative aimed at promoting editorial
    independence, journalistic practice, and the use of digital media in
    Turkey. He now writes a column for the Turkish news website T24.

    Cemal is also the author of 12 books, including the bestselling
    "1915: Armenian Genocide," a personal story acknowledging the role
    that Turkey and Cemal's own grandfather, Ottoman general Cemal Pasha,
    played in the mass killings of Armenians in 1915.

    His other books have focused on the Kurdish issue, military dominance
    in Turkey and the country's far-from-independent media.

    The Louis M. Lyons Award will be presented to Cemal at the Nieman
    Foundation for Journalism during the spring term at Harvard.

    The Nieman class of 1964 established the Louis M. Lyons Award in honor
    of the Nieman Foundation curator who retired that year after leading
    the institution for a quarter of a century. The award honors displays
    of conscience and integrity by individuals, groups or institutions
    in communications, and the winner is chosen each year by the members
    of the Nieman class. The 2015 class is composed of 24 journalists
    representing 13 countries, including Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Serbia,
    Spain and the United States.

