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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/18/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/18/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY December 18, 2014
    St. David
    Michelangelo's `David'-a man of twists and turns who knew both the
    exhilaration of victory and the desolation of personal loss.

    ** Re-Introductions are in Order
    One of the wonderful things about the Christmas season is the way it
    re-introduces us to such interesting people. And it's not limited to
    friends and family: some of the most memorable re-introductions come
    from the surrounding culture. Who can suppress a warm smile at their
    first yearly sighting of Santa, Rudolph, and the elves? Or at the
    Grinch, and the whole Peanuts gang?

    But the church, too, is actively bringing some memorable people to our
    attention in the run-up to Christmas. It shares these vivid
    personalities with us through the feast days that occupy the weeks in
    the latter half of Advent.

    We'll meet King David: poet and warrior, fugitive and conqueror; a man
    of twists and turns who knew both the exhilaration of victory and the
    desolation of personal loss.

    We'll meet James: the apostle called the `Brother of the Lord,' who
    after Christ's ascension led the church in its turbulent dawning days,
    and became the first bishop of Jerusalem.

    We'll meet Stephen: that fiery speaker who preached the gospel in the
    public square; who is remembered as the first deacon of the
    church=80'and its first martyr.

    We'll meet Peter and Paul: the `odd couple' of the Apostolic Age;
    rivals in so many matters of practice and policy, yet united in a
    friendship of the spirit that drew both to the heart of the Roman
    Empire, to preach and suffer in their Master's name.

    Finally, we'll meet the brothers James and John: two of the most
    intimate confidants of our Lord. John in particular left us some of
    the deepest, most introspective writing in the Bible. Yet to Jesus, he
    and James were known as the `Thunder Boys'-a name evoking vigor and
    action (which would also make a great title for next summer's
    superhero blockbuster).

    These are the stories the church re-introduces to us through the
    feasts of the next two weeks (on December 23, 25, 27, and 29). In the
    days to come-especially in that quiet period between the two blessed
    celebrations of Christ's nativity, on December 25 and January
    6=80'devote some time to reading and thinking about them. Somehow,
    getting to know these figures prepares us for that greatest
    re-introduction of all, when we will once more welcome the infant
    Jesus into our hearts and lives.

    Armenian Genocide Cintennial

    ** The Armenian Genocide: 100th Year of Remembrance
    The coming year will mark 100 years since the start of the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915. At the time, it was the greatest calamity to ever
    befall our nation. But the subsequent century also tells an
    extraordinary tale of our people`s resilience, strength, and faith.

    Armenian-Americans will commemorate this milestone year with a
    national observance in Washington, D.C. in May 2015. Special events
    are scheduled for May 7 to 9. The weekend will include an ecumenical
    prayer service at the National Cathedral, a Pontifical Divine Liturgy,
    a memorial concert, and an awards banquet honoring organizations and
    individuals who helped the survivors. His Holiness Karekin II, the
    Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness
    Aram I, the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, will both
    journey to the United States to lead the Washington
    commemoration. They will be joined by Armenians from across the U.S.,
    under the auspices of the Eastern and Western Dioceses, and the
    Eastern and Western Prelacies. Click here
    ( se+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to learn more about the May events in the nation's capital.

    The Eastern Diocese's Annual Diocesan Assembly and Clergy Conference
    will convene in Washington that same week; details on the 2015
    Assembly will be forthcoming.

    People should also reserve the dates of April 24, 25, and 26 for
    commemoration events in New York. These will include liturgical
    celebrations and the annual Times Square program sponsored by the
    Mid-Atlantic Knights and Daughters of Vartan.

    We encourage our parishes to let us know as early as possible about
    their local observances. Resources are available on the Diocesan
    website to assist parishes in raising awareness in their surrounding
    communities. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to access these materials.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 40:18-31
    Heb 4:16-5:10
    Lk 18:9-14

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Dear Lord, you parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River as your people
    journeyed to the Promised Land. Lift away those things that keep us
    from you today as we continue the journey. We ask this in your name,
    and with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    23 December: St. David the Prophet-King and the Holy Apostle James,
    Brother of the Lord

    25 December: St. Stephen the Protodeacon and First Martyr

    27 December: Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

    29 December: Holy Apostles James and John, "Sons of Thunder"

    Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian
    Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian is the new Primate of France.

    ** Diocese of France Welcomes New Primate
    Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, the newly elected Primate of the Diocese of
    the Armenian Church of France, celebrated his first Divine Liturgy at
    the Armenian Church of St. John the Baptist in Paris on Sunday,
    December 7.

    In his sermon, Bishop Hovhanessian spoke about the importance of
    attending church on Sundays, and playing an active part in carrying
    forward its mission. He called on all community members to work
    together as they embark on this new chapter in the history of the
    Armenian Church of France. A celebratory banquet followed
    services. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view a video of this month's badarak.

    Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian most recently served as the Primate of the
    Armenian Diocese of Great Britain. He was elected to lead the Diocese
    of France in November. Prior to Bishop Hovhanessian's work in Europe,
    he served with distinction for many years in the Eastern Diocese.

    Armenian Christmas Schedule at St. Vartan Cathedral

    ** Christmas Services at St. Vartan Cathedral
    The Feast of the Nativity and Baptism of Jesus Christ will be observed
    at New York's St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral on Monday and Tuesday,
    January 5 and 6, 2015. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view the special liturgical schedule for these "Armenian Christmas"

    The Blessing of Water service will follow the Divine Liturgy on
    January 6. Dr. Vicken Pamoukian will serve as "godfather" of the
    Blessing of Water service.

    A Home Blessing service and Christmas reception will be held in Haik
    and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium following services on January 6. The
    Akh'tamar Armenian Dance Ensemble, under the direction of Sylva
    Assadourian, will perform during the reception, which is open to all.

    Most local parishes will celebrate Christmas on January 6, but the
    Primate has also directed that they may observe the occasion on
    Sunday, January 11. For information on services in your area, contact
    your local parish
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to ascertain the date and time of its Armenian Christmas celebration.

    Click on the following links to read the Primate's Christmas message
    in English
    ( +E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    and Armenian
    ( +E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    , and to view a brief video
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    about Christmas in the Armenian Church.

    When I was Baptised
    An illustration by Anush Movsesian Avejic from When I Was Baptized.

    ** New Children's Book on Baptism
    The Diocese's Department of Christian Education is proud to announce
    the publication of a new children's book on the sacrament of baptism.
    When I Was Baptized features 16 pages of beautiful illustrations by
    Anush Movsesian Avejic and bi-lingual text. It describes in a few
    words what children experience when they are baptized: from the joy
    they bring to their families simply by being born to being immersed in
    water and blessed with holy oil; from receiving holy communion to the
    celebration afterwards.

    The book-sized for a child's small hands and made of thick, coated
    cardboard-makes an ideal baptismal gift, and is also perfect for
    church pews, Sunday School classrooms, name days, birthdays, and

    When I Was Baptized is available from the St. Vartan Bookstore. Click
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information on how to order.

    Zulal Concert
    Members of the Zulal a cappella folk trio at the Diocesan Center.

    ** Zulal Transports Audience to a Bygone Time
    Some 300 people gathered at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral on Sunday,
    December 14, for a concert by the
    a cappella folk trio Zulal.

    Following the Divine Liturgy, guests headed to the Haik and Alice
    Kavookjian Auditorium for a program of Armenian village folk melodies
    cleverly arranged and performed by Zulal members Teni Apelian, Yeraz
    Markarian, and Anaïs Tekerian. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view photos.

    The concert was generously sponsored by Sandra Shahinian Leitner, so
    that all proceeds would benefit the ministries of the Eastern Diocese.

    Attendees who successfully completed the courses were awarded
    certificates by Rutgers University.

    ** Training Courses for Armenia's Engineers
    A new partnership between Rutgers University and the National
    University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA)
    recently offered training courses to engineering students in
    Armenia. The Rutgers-NUACA partnership was forged by the Fund for
    Armenian Relief, with generous support from the SJS Foundation.

    Some 50 students and several university professors attended the
    courses in engineering and construction project management and quality
    control, which were held at NUACA in Yerevan in November. Taught by
    Dr. Vahan Tanal and Dr. David Mikaelian of the United States (both
    also represent the Armenian Engineers and Scientists Association of
    America), the courses were designed to introduce the attendees to the
    best practices in the United States, while also giving them an
    opportunity to further pursue a degree program.

    Attendees who successfully completed the courses were awarded
    certificates by Rutgers University. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to read more on FAR's blog.


    ** Read our Advent Blog
    Throughout the Advent season, Eric Vozzy of the Diocese's Department
    of Christian Education has been posting weekly Advent reflections on
    the Diocese's blog. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to visit our blog for this week's entry.

    Advent is a season of preparation for one of the greatest feasts of
    the church, the Nativity of Jesus Christ. In the Armenian Church,
    Advent is a period of 50 days called Heesnag (from the Armenian word
    for 50, heesoon). It is a time for prayer, reflection, devotion to
    Scripture, fasting, and service.
    Annual Appeal

    ** Support the Diocese's 2014 Annual Appeal
    With only weeks remaining, the Eastern Diocese is making an urgent
    plea for support of the 2014 Annual Appeal. Follow this link to donate
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to the 2014 Annual Appeal-the only Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted
    each year to help the Diocese undertake the many ministries, programs,
    and resources that enrich life in our parishes.

    Your thoughtful gift brings light to our local churches. It supports
    Christian education, Armenian language instruction, summer camps,
    youth programs, mission parish outreach, and the use of new
    communication technologies.

    To our past and prospective donors, we are deeply grateful for your
    support of the creative, educational, and inspirational programs that
    lift up Armenian communities throughout the Eastern Diocese.

    Please accept this invitation to strengthen our efforts. Your generous
    contribution to the 2014 Annual Appeal will help spread the good work
    of the Armenian Church across our local communities-and across the

    Follow this link to donate now
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to the 2014 Annual Appeal.

    St. Mary Church, Hollywood, FL
    Archbishop Barsamian presents the "St. Vartan Award" to Arbo and
    Virginia Zakaryan.

    ** Two Parishioners Honored in Hollywood, FL
    Parishioners at St. Mary Church of Hollywood, FL, celebrated the 16th
    consecration anniversary of their present church building on Sunday,
    December 14, with services and a festive luncheon.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, visited the parish and
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy, with the Rev. Fr. Vartan Joulfayan,
    parish pastor, assisting.

    At a luncheon following services, the community honored longtime
    parishioners Arbo and Virginia Zakaryan with a plaque in appreciation
    of their service. On behalf of the Eastern Diocese, Archbishop
    Barsamian presented them with the `St. Vartan Award.' Parish youth
    presented a program of poetry recitations and musical performances.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)

    St. Gregory the Enlighterner Church, White Plains, NY
    Chris Bohjalian with parishioners at St. Gregory the Enlightener

    ** White Plains Welcomes Author Chris Bohjalian
    On Thursday, December 11, the Women's Guild of St. Gregory the
    Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, hosted an evening with author
    Chris Bohjalian, who has written more than 15 best-selling novels,
    including his book about the Armenian Genocide,
    The Sandcastle Girls.

    Mr. Bohjalian spoke about his family history and how it propelled him
    to write about the Armenian Genocide. He also answered questions about
    his writing process, travels to Armenia and the Middle East, and
    efforts to bring The Sandcastle Girls to the silver screen.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view photos.

    St. James Church, Watertown, MA
    Fr. Arakel Aljalian with Ruth Harutunian and parish council chair Ed

    ** "Name Day" Celebration in Watertown
    On Sunday, December 14, St. James Church of Watertown, MA, observed
    its 83nd anniversary with its annual `Name Day' celebration (the
    church is named for St. James, the Bishop of Nisibis, whose feast day
    was observed on December 13).

    The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and continued
    with a banquet and program. Taking part in the day's events were the
    Very Rev. Fr. Krikor Maksoudian; Rev. Fr. Arakel Aljalian, parish
    pastor; Rev. Fr. Arsen Barsamian; and Rev. Fr. Dajad Davidian.

    Longtime parishioner Ruth Harutunian was presented with the
    "Parishioner of the Year" award. Ms. Harutunian's nephew Mark Kavonian
    offered warm memories of her influence on his life and her service to
    St. James Church. Ms. Harutunian has taught Sunday School, supported
    local sports teams, and served on the parish's Scholarship
    Committee. She has also been a member of the Women's Guild for more
    than 40 years, and most recently has been instrumental in organizing
    and baking for the Women's Guild pastry booth at the parish bazaar.

    Two longtime choir members, Lucy Mardirosian and Bob Sanasarian,
    received the `Parish Service Award' for their decades of dedicated
    service. Ms. Mardirosian has been a choir member for 60 years, while
    Mr. Sanasarian has been singing for 70 years. Both have also helped
    organize the Junior Choir at St. James Church.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view photos from Sunday's celebration.

    St. Gregory of Narek Church, Cleveland, OH
    Parishioners at the Women's Guild tea party in Cleveland.

    ** Reflections on Faith, Hope, and Love in Cleveland
    On Saturday, December 6, the Women's Guild of St. Gregory of Narek
    Church of Cleveland, OH, hosted a "Holiday Celebration of Faith, Hope
    and Love.'

    Three women shared their personal experiences and reflections on these
    topics. Yn. Naira Azatyan shared her thoughts on faith, Elza Ter
    Arutyunov shared a reflection on hope, and Leslie Bagdasarian spoke on

    The Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan, parish pastor, opened the evening with
    prayers and a Bible reading. Women's Guild chair Cheryl Arslanian made
    welcoming remarks. The program also featured Dn. Ari Terjanian
    performing on the piano and Maral Demirjian singing Christmas carols.

    The celebration continued with a tea party in the cultural hall. All
    proceeds from the event will benefit the Women's Support Center in
    Armenia, an organization that helps protect women's rights and fight
    domestic violence in Armenia.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view photos.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, Wynnewood, PA
    Sunday School students sing Christmas carols to the elderly.

    ** Spreading Christmas Cheer in Philly
    On Sunday, December 14, the Sunday School students of St. Sahag and
    St. Mesrob Church of Wynnewood, PA, brought Christmas cheer to the
    elderly at a local assisted living center.

    The students had spent three weeks learning and rehearsing Christmas
    carols in preparation for this month's visit to `Sunrise of
    Haverford.' The children and teenagers, ranging in age from 2 to 17,
    also distributed candy canes and spent time in fellowship with the

    Later, they returned to church for a pizza lunch with parents and

    Brookly Mission Parish, NY
    Fr. Hayrapetyan and Dn. Gyadayan perform a Home Blessing service at
    the Brooklyn Armenian School.

    ** Home Blessing at Brooklyn Armenian School
    On Sunday December 7, Dn. Ivan Gyadayan of St. Nersess Armenian
    Seminary visited the Armenian School of Brooklyn, NY. The school is in
    session every Sunday, offering local Armenian students classes in
    Armenian language, Christian education, singing, and dancing.

    A special guest on that day was the Very Rev. Fr. Kevork Hayrapetyan,
    a priest from Jerusalem, who spoke about the Armenian presence in the
    Holy Land and the importance of Christian education. Fr. Hayrapetyan
    and Dn. Gyadayan performed a Home Blessing service.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Hye Pointe Church | Haverhill, MA
    The ACYOA of Hye Pointe Church of Haverhill, MA, will host a
    `Chocolate and Cookie Christmas Social' on Saturday, December
    27. Enjoy an interactive chocolate and cookie decorating demo with
    guest chef and ACYOA member Nathan Kibarian. Gift baskets and packaged
    sweets will be available for sale after the program. Click here
    ( n+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view a flyer for ticket information.

    St. Garabed Church | Baton Rouge, LA
    St. Garabed Church of Baton Rouge, LA, will host a `New Year Holiday
    Dance Party' on Saturday, December 27. The evening will feature live
    music by Kevork Artinian and George Tebrejian. The event will be held
    at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view a flyer for ticket information.

    St. Thomas Church | Tenafly, NJ
    St. Thomas Church of Tenafly, NJ, will host a New Year's eve
    celebration on Wednesday, December 31, beginning at 8 p.m. Enjoy music
    by DJ Alan, a full-course dinner, champagne, and special activities
    for children. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view a flyer for reservation information, or contact the church at
    (201) 567-5446.

    Armenian Church of Jacksonville | Jacksonville, FL
    The Armenian Church of Jacksonville will host a New Year's eve
    gathering on Wednesday, December 31, beginning at 10 p.m. Enjoy
    dinner, music, dancing, and raffles. Reservations must be made in
    advance. Click here
    ( E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. James Church | Watertown, MA
    St. James Church of Watertown, MA, will host a New Year's eve
    celebration on Wednesday, December 31. The evening will feature
    entertainment by Jaq Hagopian and band, family-style mezze, a dessert
    buffet, and more. For additional information, or to purchase tickets,
    click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    , or contact Aaron Derderian at (781) 264-8680 or
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    New Website

    ** Summer Camp Registration Opening Soon
    Before the end of the year, the new Diocesan Summer Camps website will
    be launched. The new site will offer online registration and credit
    card payment options for both Hye Camp and St. Vartan Camp,
    simplifying the registration process for families across the
    Diocese. In addition, all CIT, staff, and volunteer applications will
    be available for download.

    Click here
    ( rce=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=4d9a69376d-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-4d9a69376d-159688434)
    for this year's summer camps flyer. To be added to the camp e-mail
    list, send your contact information to Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's
    Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    ACYOA Chapter Workshop

    ** Register for ACYOA Chapter Workshop
    The ACYOA Central Council is looking forward to the annual ACYOA
    Seniors Chapter Workshop at the St. Hagop Church of Pinellas Park, FL,
    from January 9 to 11, 2015.

    All young adults 18 and older are invited to gather for a weekend
    filled with learning through interactive discussions, Bible study, and
    worship. In addition, participants will take part in a `Faith in
    Action' service project to benefit a local Florida charity. The plans
    for the weekend express the spirit of the ACYOA through worship,
    witness, service, education, and fellowship.

    The Chapter Workshop is organized by the ACYOA Central Council and
    hosted by the parish community of St. Hagop Church.
