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Crossroads E-Newsletter - December 18, 2014

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - December 18, 2014

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    December 18, 2014

    Faithful to Our God; Faithful to Our People

    `All this has come upon us, yet we have not forgotten you,

    or been false to your covenant.' (Psalm 44:17)

    People who have gone through the difficulties and turmoil of life
    understand and unwillingly accept that suffering and persecution are
    events that happen to human creatures. This experience pounds into
    them a mindset to endure human relationship's most difficult
    conditions. They become =80=9Cabove' man, a `super' man, while at the
    time reinforcing the supernatural secret of endurance and survival.

    During these days leading to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
    joyful Christian world forgets anxieties and pain and enjoys the
    happiness that hope brings. Our Christian faith comes to us to spread
    the news that God's supreme love was revealed to us with the birth of
    Jesus, while at the same time proclaiming love and mercy toward all
    humankind. Christ's merciful touch fills the faithful with complete
    obedience to Him. His
    mercy deeply kindles the love and trust of the faithful in Him.

    The road to salvation that Christ brought to humankind also became the
    road for our people. In spite of centuries of difficulties and
    persecution, our fathers carried the cross with Him, and walked toward
    Golgotha; many times they were crucified, but at no time did they
    break the covenant they sealed with God. We maintained our
    faithfulness and fought to survive with hope
    and the faith of resurrection. And we survived, always celebrating
    the remembrance of Christ's birth, our continuous resurrection,
    budding, and strength in the lives of our people.

    We are in the closing days of December 2014, with the year 2015
    opening before us.

    How deeply we would have wanted the peace, love, and solidarity of
    Christ's birth to be pure for us! We have carried with us a deep and
    bloody pain for one hundred years and every year we experience the
    stress of the remembrance and gird ourselves with hope and resolve as
    we relive the memory and legacy of the millions of victims of the

    `I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the
    Lord,' (Psalm 118:17)

    Contrary to their cruel death, the martyrs did not die. Their
    posterity lived in order to relate their martyrdom, to live through
    them with the same resolve. Their death became the inspiration for
    those who followed, and behold, one hundred years later, through our
    lives and our deeds we recount their martyrdom of blood and are
    witness to the lives we live according to our will and faith.

    We witnessed the best vow to gain life through martyrdom, when in
    all of the bishops of the Armenian Church met under the presidency of
    the Catholicos of All Armenians, His Holiness Karekin II and the
    Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, His Holiness Aram I, and
    agreed to sainthood for our faithful martyrs (the sanctification will
    take place on the forthcoming 2015 Martyrs day). Thereafter, we will
    no longer pray for their immortal
    souls, but will rather beseech them to intercede and hear our
    prayers. Behold the miracle of gaining life through martyrdom.

    And this must be our duty and our song, just as the Hebrew people
    during their exile sang with longing for their land. It is necessary
    for us to affirm that the Armenian people and our Motherland are the
    object of our purpose and the summit of our goal.

    `How could we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?' (Psalm 137:4)

    Yes, we can, if our Motherland becomes an impelling force and the
    focus of
    our everyday life; if being Armenian becomes an everyday concern; if
    our goal becomes the perpetuity of our nation.

    Christ was born and revealed.

    May our people be re-born with new hope and the power to overcome.


    Archbishop Oshagan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the
    sermon last Sunday at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Granite
    City, Illinois. His Eminence presided over the celebration of the
    parish's 60th anniversary during which six members of the parish were
    honored for their service to the church. The honorees were: Susan
    Hagopian, Janet Haroian, Takouhie Kakligian, Stanley Karibian, Leslie
    Lovett, and Marlene Manoogian.

    Archbishop Oshagan celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Gregory
    Church, Granite City, with the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Torkom
    Chorbajian assisting.

    Archbishop Oshagan with the honorees.


    Bishop Anoushavan attended the Children of Armenia Fund's (COAF) 11th
    annual holiday gala last Friday in New York. The gala raised $2.4
    million to help children in rural Armenia. Ara Arslanian was honored
    with the Humanitarian Award and Alexis Ohanian received the Save the
    Generation Award.

    Bishop Anoushavan with COAF founder Garo Armen.



    Joseph Garrett and Bared Maronian visited St. Illuminator's Cathedral
    in New York last week for a working session regarding the
    of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Mr. Garrett, a
    digital media executive and internet entrepreneur, is the
    great-grandson of Cleveland H. Dodge, one of the founders and the
    first president of Near East Relief (now Near East Foundation) that
    was founded in 1915 as `The American Committee for Syrian and Armenian
    Relief,' in response to the massive humanitarian crisis precipitated
    by the Ottoman Empire.

    Mr. Maronian, a four-time Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker, is
    director of the `Orphans of the Genocide' documentary. Currently he is
    working on the documentary `Women of 1915' that will bring to light
    the lesser known, but equally compelling stories of compassion and
    humanitarian relief provided by Armenian and non-Armenian women from
    the United States, Canada, and Europe. The documentary will highlight
    the integral role Armenian women played in their families and
    communities, coupled with the courage and resolve shown to save their
    children and their Christian faith from forced Islamization.

    Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian with Bared Maronian (left) and John Garrett
    at the Martyrs Memorial Altar at St. Illuminator's Cathedral.


    The year 2014 was designated as `The Year of the Elderly,'
    by His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. In
    to bring this year-long focus to a close in a memorable way,
    St. Stephen's Church of Watertown, Massachusetts, and the Armenian
    Relief Society Social Services honored the elderly on December 6 in a
    festive event with
    more than 170 people attending.

    Following the invocation by the parish priest, Archpriest Fr. Antranig
    Baljian, and table fellowship, Der Hayr spoke about why elders have
    been looked upon as an essential part of the community and have played
    such an important role in society as described in scripture and
    recognized throughout Armenian history. Four individuals were honored
    for their years of service within the community. Der Hayr presented
    Certificates of Merit to Mrs. Hasmig Der Vartanian, Mrs. Zona
    Zerdelian, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Florence Markarian.

    >From left, Nevart Kouyoumjian, Hasmig Der Vartanian (Honoree),
    Nartouhi Abrimian and Der Antranig.

    >From left, Nevart Kouyoumjian, Sonia Zerdelian Iradian (Honoree),
    Abrimian and Der Antranig.

    >From left, Der Antranig and honorees Florence and Joe Markarian.


    The 2015 color poster of the Liturgical Calendar of the Armenian
    Church is now available at the Prelacy. This 27x36 inch poster belongs
    in every classroom, church hall and home.

    The Armenian Apostolic Church uses a liturgical calendar to mark its
    feasts and fasts and seasons, like all traditional churches but with
    its own unique features. As one can readily see, the Armenian Church
    year has eight seasons, depicted on the poster in different colors
    with the names of the seasons indicated in the outermost ring: 1)
    Nativity and Epiphany, 2) Lent, 3)
    Easter, 4) Pentecost, 5) Transfiguration, 6) Assumption of the Holy
    of God, 7) Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 8) Advent. The innermost ring
    shows the months.

    The weeks of the year are represented by the sectors of the circle,
    starting with Sunday and moving towards the center, with slots for
    each day of the week. Sunday is the first day of the week,
    mi-ya-shapat (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1), the day Jesus rose
    from the dead. Christians from the earliest times designated Sunday as
    `the day of the Lord' (deroonee / deroonagan). The word geeragee
    (Sunday) comes from the Greek Kyriaki, meaning dominical, lordly,
    royal. Thus, all Sundays are dominical days, commemorating and
    celebrating the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ (along with
    other dominical celebrations, such as the ascension, transfiguration,
    and so forth). Some dominical feasts could also be celebrated during
    the week, for instance, the Nativity and Epiphany of our Lord Jesus
    on January 6.

    In addition to dominical (deroonee) feasts, we also have feasts
    dedicated to saints. On saints' days the church remembers and
    celebrates those Christians who have bore an exemplary witness to
    Jesus Christ and to his gospel-these include the apostles, the
    martyrs, the confessors, teachers, ascetics, bishops, priests,
    deacons, kings, queens, princes, and people from all walks of life,
    male and female, young and old. In our tradition, saints are
    commemorated and celebrated on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
    Saturdays, except during the weekdays of Great Lent and the 50 days of
    Easter. This coming year, the Armenian Church will canonize the
    martyrs of 1915 genocide as saints.

    The church does not always celebrate. There are also days of fasting,
    set aside for self-restrain and self-examination; hence festivities
    are not compatible with the ethos of the days of fasting. In the
    Armenian tradition, Wednesdays and Fridays are designated as days of
    fasting, except during the eight days of the Christmas festivities and
    during the forty days after Easter festivities. We also have ten
    weeklong fasts preceding major feasts and
    commemorations, observed from Monday through Friday, except for the
    fast of the Nativity which is six days. And there is the great fast
    (medz bahk) of Great Lent, preceding the feast of feasts: the
    Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Easter).

    The liturgical calendar poster indicates all these with names and
    dates=80'showing all Sundays and other dominical days, saints' days,
    and days of fasting.

    As part of the celebration and commemoration of feasts and saints'
    days, as well as observing days of fasting, the Armenian Church has
    assigned Bible readings for all these days. To see the daily Bible
    readings prescribed in our lectionary, please visit the Prelacy's
    website at
    ( And for more info
    about Feast and Fast, please click here

    To order copies of the liturgical calendar poster, please contact the
    Prelacy at 212-689-7810 or at [email protected]. The cost of
    the poster is $5.00 plus shipping and handling.


    Bible readings for Sunday, December 21, Fifth Sunday of Advent, are:
    Isaiah 40:18-31; Hebrews 4:16-5:10; Luke 18:9-14.

    He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they
    righteous and regarded others with contempt. `Two men went up to the
    temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The
    Pharisee, standing by himself, was praying thus, `God, I thank you
    that I
    am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers or even like
    this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of all my
    But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even look up to
    but was beating his breast and saying, `God, be merciful to me, a
    sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather
    than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all
    humble themselves will be exalted.' (Luke 18:9-14)

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here


    This Tuesday, December 23, the Armenian Church commemorates David the
    Prophet King and James the Brother of the Lord.

    David was the youngest of eight brothers and was brought up to be a
    shepherd where he learned courage, tenderness, and caring. David
    became the second King of Israel. In the Bible, the name David belongs
    solely to him, which
    indicates the unique place he had as an ancestor and forerunner of our
    Lord Jesus Christ. In the New Testament there are more than 50
    references to David, including the title given to Jesus-Son of
    David. David was a poet and the author of some of the Psalms.

    James the Apostle, called `Brother of the Lord,' probably because of
    his close relationship with Jesus, was granted a special appearance of
    the Lord after the Resurrection. He is believed to have been a first
    cousin of the Lord, or as some biblical scholars have suggested, a son
    of Joseph. After the Resurrection and the Ascension, while the other
    apostles scattered all over the world, James remained in Jerusalem
    where he served as the Bishop and became a leading spokesman of the
    early church.


    Next Thursday, December 25, the Armenian Church commemorates
    St. Stephen, the first deacon and proto-martyr. After Christ's
    ascension, the apostles went about spreading the Word. It soon became
    apparent that more people were needed to serve the growing church
    community. Seven worthy individuals were called upon to serve the Holy
    Altar and called `deacons' (sarkavag). The most noteworthy of the
    seven was Stephen, described
    as a `man full of faith and the Holy Spirit' (Acts 6:5). The Feast of
    St. Stephen is a popular and important commemoration in the Armenian
    Church. It is also a day to honor all deacons of the
    church. St. Stephen became the first martyr of the Christian church
    and is therefore called
    the `proto-martyr.' The only information about his life and death is
    in the Book of Acts of the Apostles (Acts 6:8 and 8:2).


    On Saturday, December 27, the Armenian Church commemorates the Holy
    Apostles Peter and Paul, perhaps the two individuals who had the
    greatest role in
    the growth of Christianity. It is, therefore, appropriate that the
    Church honors them together.

    After the Crucifixion and Resurrection, Jesus came to Peter and asked
    him to tell the other apostles of His appearance and to give them His
    message (Luke 24:34-35). Peter was renowned for his oratory skills,
    and he used his talent to spread the Word. He preached in Rome and
    founded the church there. He is considered to be the first Bishop of
    Rome. According to tradition, Peter was crucified in Rome upside down
    because he declared himself unworthy to die in the same manner as the
    Lord. He was buried in Rome and his relics are enshrined under the
    high altar of the magnificent St. Peter's Basilica.

    Paul (Saul) was born in Tarsus in Cilicia. He was an oppressor of the
    early Christians until on the road to Damascus he converted when a
    brilliant light blinded him and he heard, `Saul, Saul, why do you
    persecute me?
    I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. Enter the City and you will be
    told what to do,' (Acts 9:4-6; 26:12-16). Saul was baptized and
    renamed Paul and he went on to become the greatest preacher of the new
    religion, traveling and writing extensively. Many theologians credit
    him for shaping the
    future of the Church. His fourteen epistles comprise more than
    one-third of the New Testament, not including the Book of Acts, which
    although written
    by Luke, primarily is an account of Paul's preaching.


    Next Thursday, December 25, is Christmas for most of the Christian
    Originally all of Christendom celebrated the birth, baptism, visit of
    the Magi, and the First Miracle at Cana, on January 6. Of course the
    actual date of Christ's birth is not known. Rome changed the
    celebration to December 25 in the year 336, and this date gradually
    became accepted; December 25 was officially adopted as the birthday of
    Christ at the Council
    of Chalcedon (451)-a Council the Armenian Church did not attend and
    never accepted. Therefore, the Armenian Church to this day has
    remained faithful to the original date of January 6.

    Our parents were wise to celebrate both December 25 and January 6. It
    is nearly impossible to escape the holiday activity leading up to
    December 25. For us January 6th was a more religious event; we
    attended the long church service from beginning to end as a family,
    and then spent the rest of the day with extended family. My late
    mother used to tell us, `Our Lord is worthy of two birthday


    The Sanctuary of St. Gregory Church in Philadelphia was filled with
    joy, peace, the `sound of music,' last Saturday evening as
    parishioners joined in singing and praising God during the parish's
    Advent concert. Rev. Fr. Nerses Manoogian welcomed the worshippers,
    explained the meaning of `Advent' and the concert as a way of escaping
    the secularism and stress of the world during this special season and
    embracing the true message of Christmas-the birth of our Lord and
    Savior, Jesus Christ. Ara Eloian, master organist, offered two Advent
    selections that were followed with four Christmas selections, Gospel
    readings from the Book of Luke, group caroling, and a candle lighting
    ceremony and the
    collective signing of `Silent Night' in English and Armenia in a
    darkened Sanctuary lit only by candlelight. A reception took place in
    Terhanian Hall, where all gathered for shared fellowship.

    The popular Christmas carol, `Silent Night,' is sung in the darkened


    Children presented a beautiful Christmas pageant at St. Gregory Church
    of Merrimack Valley in North Andover, Massachusetts, last week, to the
    of parishioners that included parents, grandparents, friends and
    relatives. (photos by Violet Dagdigian)

    The angels of North Andover in the Christmas pageant.

    The star of Bethlehem guides the pageant.


    The St. Sarkis Church community of Douglaston, New York, enjoyed a
    Simply Wonderful Christmas recital last Sunday. The annual Christmas
    tradition is now in its 6th year and has become an event the
    parishioners look forward to each year. This year, following the
    Divine Liturgy, parishioners were overjoyed to enjoy a beautifully
    orchestrated concert, featuring the beautiful
    voice of Hooshere, and talented musicians Elizabeth Kalfayan (cello)
    and Peter Douskalis (acoustic guitar). A reception took place in the
    parish's main hall following the concert.

    Traditional Christmas Carols were presented with an Armenian twist.


    St. Illuminator Cathedral's sister community in Lchkadzor, Armenia,
    received the first 200 pairs of winter and summer shoes from the
    Prelacy's St. Nerses the Great Charitable Organization. The donation
    became possible after Archbishop Oshagan's recent visit to
    Armenia. The
    shoes have been distributed to school children in the community as
    well as
    to needy families.

    Shipment of winter shoes are being distributed to children in
    Lchkadzor, Armenia, through the St. Nerses the Great Charitable
    Organization with the sponsorship of St. Illuminator's Cathedral.


    Principal Houry Boyamian of St. Stephen's Armenian Elementary School,
    and Ruth Thomasian, Executive Director of Project SAVE Armenian
    Photograph Archives, both located in Watertown, Massachusetts, have
    entered into a
    teaching collaboration to engage fourth-grade students in discovering
    their Armenian heritage through vintage photographs. On October 23,
    2014, as part of their Armenian Cultural Day celebration, students
    were introduced to this discovery process with a unique classroom
    program presented by Ruth, a
    former elementary school teacher herself.

    Using enlargements of vintage photographs from the collections of
    Project SAVE Archives, Ruth engaged students in observing details and
    using these clues to `read' the photographs and discover their deeper
    meaning. She asked students to observe all the many `things' in the
    photo, and then went on to ask `What-do-you-think?' types of questions
    followed by, `And your reason is?' In this way students learned to
    support their thoughts with the details they have observed. The
    challenge for students was to be observant and to support their ideas
    with visible details. St. Stephen's will incorporate Project SAVE
    Archives' `Reading Photographs' into the fourth grade enrichment
    program every year.

    Project SAVE Archives' mission is to preserve and promote Armenian
    heritage through photograph. Its `Reading Photographs' program at
    St. Stephen's School is both a contribution to the community and a
    thank-you for local support of its archives and educational
    programs. St. Stephen's is fully accredited by the Association of
    Independent Schools in New England (AISNE), the accrediting body for
    independent elementary schools. AISNE has commended the school `for
    creating an environment where all the students love to read and appear
    committed to academic excellence and for recruiting a remarkably
    talented and dedicated staff.'

    St. Stephen's Armenian School fourth-grade students hold a Project
    SAVE Archives photo enlargement that they have just `read'
    in an exercise to help develop observational and critical thinking
    This year's fifth graders also participated so that they would
    experience `Reading Photographs' before moving on to middle
    school. Staff, left to right, principal Houry Boyamian, teachers Cathy
    Bass and Mark Boylan, Ruth Thomasian, executive director of Project
    SAVE Archives, and Armenian teacher Ardemis Megerdichian.


    Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC)

    Closure of the Kevorkian Lyceum (December 21, 1917)

    In the nineteenth century, the Armenian Church did not have an
    that provided superior religious education and prepared its future
    members. At the beginning of his tenure, Catholicos Kevork IV
    (1866-1882) met Russian czar Alexander II (1855-1881) and asked for
    permission to found such an
    institution. The construction of the lyceum (jemaran) started on May
    25, 1869 and the grand opening was held five years later, on September
    28, 1875.
    The bylaws approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Empire
    in the same year established that the lyceum would have two sections:
    a six-year school and a three-year auditory, and would provide higher
    religious education. After the death of the Catholicos, the lyceum was
    named in his honor.

    Despite many efforts, Kevork IV did not see any graduate becoming a
    celibate priest during his tenure. A secularist spirit predominated in
    the lyceum. His successor Magar I (1885-1891) played an important role
    to redirect the institution into its actual purpose. He invited a
    qualified faculty, which included Bishop Maghakia Ormanian, future
    Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople. The latter became the teacher of
    theological subjects, and thanks to
    his efforts, four graduates were consecrated celibate priests in 1888.

    The level education at the lyceum was quite high. At the school level,
    following subjects were taught: Armenian history and geography,
    general history and geography, ancient Armenian literature, Armenian
    and foreign (Russian, French, German) languages, natural sciences,
    astronomy, mathematics, the Bible, religious music, logics, etc. The
    auditory section included Armenian language (Classical and Modern),
    Armenian history, religious literature, Armenian literature, European
    literature, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, political economy,
    history of the Armenian Church, Armenian religious law, ritual
    studies, ancient Greek, etcetera.

    The graduates presented final essays, which were defended before an
    examining committee and then they became clerics or continued their
    higher studies in Russian and European universities.

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, the lyceum had 20 paying
    students and 230 others with scholarships. It was maintained through
    the incomes of the monastery of Holy Etchmiadzin, as well as
    fundraisers and donations.
    The Catholicos was the principal, who followed the activities of the
    lyceum through the Educational Council and the dean. The deans
    included Bishop Gabriel Ayvazovsky (brother of the famous painter),
    Rev. Garegin Hovsepiants
    (future Catholicos of Cilicia), Rev. Mesrop Ter-Movsisyan, and other
    names, generally but not exclusively ecclesiastics. Among the teachers
    of the Kevorkian lyceum were such luminaries of Armenian culture as
    Manuk Abeghian, Hrachia Ajarian, Leo, Stepan Lisitsian, Gomidas, Hakob
    Manandian, and many others. Those teachers were partly graduates of
    the same lyceum.

    Within the frame of the lyceum there was an intensive intellectual
    activity: preparation of Armenian schools programs, writing of
    textbooks and handbooks, as well as many historiographic,
    philological, pedagogical, and theological works. The faculties of the
    Armenian schools of the Caucasus were filled by graduates of the
    Kevorkian lyceum for more than half a century.

    Due to the political and military unfavorable conditions at the end of
    1917, Catholicos Kevork V (1911-1930) decided to cease temporarily the
    activities of the lyceum on December 21, 1917. Attempts to reopen the
    Kevorkian Lyceum during the first independent Republic did not
    succeed. The unique and rich collection of its library (45,000
    volumes) became one of the starting points of the collections of the
    National Library of Armenia and the Matenadaran.

    The Etchmiadzin lyceum was finally reopened in 1945 and continues its
    activities until today.

    Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' can be
    read on the Prelacy's web site (


    The crisis in Syria requires our financial assistance.

    Please keep this community in your prayers, your hearts, and your





    Armenian Prelacy

    138 E. 39th Street

    New York, NY 10016

    Checks payable to: Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief

    Thank you for your help


    Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee (ANEC)

    New Armenian Words Not in Your Dictionary

    1) Password

    Any person with some reasonable knowledge of the Armenian language may
    invent a word, especially compound words. The old `watchword,'
    related to military issues, has found its equivalent in the
    twenty-first century as `password.' How should we say it in Armenian?

    If you get into the business of literal translation, you may put
    together ants-nil (Õ¡Õ¶Ö=81Õ¶Õ«Õ¬) `to pass' and par (Õ¢Õ¡Õ¼) `word'
    to obtain antsapar =80=9Cpassword.' However, there is not always the
    need to translate literally. A password is a secret (encrypted) word
    or text used to `pass' the obstacle; for instance, to enter a
    computer. People came up with a better solution that has become most
    used: kaghdnapar (Õ£Õ¡Õ²Õ¿Õ¶Õ¡Õ¢Õ¡Õ¼). This word combines kaghdni
    (Õ£Õ¡Õ²Õ¿Õ¶Õ« `secret') and par, the same as we have kaghdnakir
    (Õ£Õ¡Õ²Õ¿Õ¶Õ¡Õ£Õ«Ö=80) to say... `cryptogram.'

    2) Upload and download

    Anyone may get a load of something or, otherwise, load something (for
    instance, on a vehicle). The Armenian word for `load' is perr (Õ¢Õ¥Õ¼)
    and the verb, perrtsnel (Õ¢Õ¥Õ¼Ö=81Õ¶Õ¥Õ¬). How do you deal with
    `upload' and `download' in Armenian?

    You may hear, here and there, partzratsnel
    (Õ¢Õ¡Ö=80Õ±Ö=80Õ¡Ö=81Õ¶Õ¥Õ¬) and ichetsnel
    (Õ«Õ»Õ¥Ö=81Õ¶Õ¥Õ¬). However, these words are standard Armenian for `to
    raise' and `to lower.' They give the `up' and `down' idea of the
    English term, but not the
    concept of `loading.' Since `to load' has a clear meaning of putting
    up something, but not putting down, you cannot use perrtsnel either.

    Someone went to the roots and found the solution: to turn perr
    (`load') into a new verb, perrnel, to give the idea of putting up
    something. The new verb perrnel (Õ¢Õ¥Õ¼Õ¶Õ¥Õ¬) became the Armenian
    word for `upload,' and, combined with the prefix ner (Õ¶Õ¥Ö=80), which
    means `under, intro, down,' helped create the Armenian word for
    `download': nerpernel (Õ¶Õ¥Ö=80Õ¢Õ¥Õ¼Õ¶Õ¥Õ¬).

    3) Audiobook

    The world of books has gone through unprecedented transformation in
    the past ten years. Readers of paper books are now sharing their world
    with other
    media, like e-books and audiobooks.

    We do not have many audiobooks in Armenian yet, but what do we call
    the ones we have?

    The problem is with `audio.' As the reader knows, the word
    is related to hearing. The immediate answer would be something related
    to lsel (Õ¬Õ½Õ¥Õ¬ `to hear'). Since we have lsaran (Õ¬Õ½Õ¡Ö=80Õ¡Õ¶
    `audience'), Why
    not lsakirk (Õ¬Õ½Õ¡Õ£Õ«Ö=80Ö=84), with l(i)s =80=9Caudio' and kirk

    Again, it is a matter of being creative. More than hearing, an
    audiobook is about the voice (tzayn) as the means to transmit the
    information. Doesn't tzaynakirk (Õ±Õ¡ÕµÕ¶Õ¡Õ£Õ«Ö=80Ö=84) sound better?
    We already have tzaynakrutiun (Õ±Õ¡ÕµÕ¶Õ¡Õ£Ö=80Õ¸Ö=82Õ©Õ«Ö= 82Õ¶) for
    `audio recording.' Let's continue the word family.

    Previous entries in `The Armenian Language Corner' can be read on the
    Prelacy's web site (


    Our next issue of Crossroads will be on Tuesday, December 30.


    Home and school are two places where children should be safe and
    sound. This week, during the season of hope, peace, and good will, the
    world witnessed another horror of inhumanity. On Tuesday morning nine
    militants stormed into a public school in Peshawar, Pakistan, and
    murdered 145 people, 132 of
    whom were school children whose only crime was being children
    attending school. Our hearts go out to the families who lost their
    loved ones in yet another senseless and cowardly crime.

    We pray for the day when the peace of our Lord will descend upon all

    `But the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my
    refuge. He will repay them for their iniquity and wipe them out for
    their wickedness.' (Psalm 94:22-23)


    December 21-Armenian Chamber Music, presented by St. Illuminator's
    Cathedral and Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society
    of New York, at St. Illuminator's Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street,
    New York City, at 2 pm. Featuring: Noune Karapetyan (soprano), Sargis
    Karapetyan (violin), Nune Hakobyan (piano). Program includes works of
    Armenian contemporary composers. Musical notes by Krikor Pidedjian
    (musicologist). Aram Satian, president of the Composers Union of
    Armenia will attend. Admission: $20. For information and/or tickets:
    St. Illuminator's Cathedral, [email protected] or

    February 7, 2015-Armenian Relief Society, NJ Shakeh Chapter presents
    `The Sound of Music' (in Armenian), performed by the Bedros Atamian
    Theatrical Group of Hamazkayin Sanahin Chapter, Montreal,
    Canada. Director and playwright, Lena Khacherian, at Fort Lee High
    School, 3000 Lemoine Avenue, Fort Lee, New Jersey. Tickets: $50, $35,
    $25. Contact: Ani Keshishian 201-417-0204; Anik Kechichian
    201-394-4408; Lena Tarakjian 201-592-7991.

    February 9-11, 2015-Ghevontiantz gathering of clergy serving the
    Eastern Prelacy.

    March 13-15, 2015-`Responsibility 2015,' International conference for
    Armenian Genocide's centennial at Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York,
    featuring prominent historians, policymakers, authors, and
    artists. Organized by the ARF Eastern US Centennial Committee, under
    the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America,
    Eastern Region. for information.

    March 20, 2015-Musical Armenia, presented by Eastern Prelacy and
    Prelacy Ladies Guild, Weill Recital Hall, 8 pm, Carnegie Hall, New
    York City. Featured artists Patil Harboyan, piano and Heather Tuach,
    cello, will present a program dedicated to the 100th anniversary of
    the Armenian Genocide that will include works of Armenian composers
    Atamian, Babajanian, Gomidas,
    Khatchaturian, Saradjian, Stepanian, and Talalyan. Tickets are $25 and
    will be on sale after December 20th at the box office and the Prelacy,

    March 13-15, 2015-International conference, `Responsibility 2015'
    marking the Armenian Genocide's centennial, at Marriott Marquis Hotel,
    New York City. Organized by the ARF Eastern United States Centennial
    Committee, under the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial
    Committee of America, Eastern Region. For information visit the web
    site (

    April 25, 2015-Connecticut Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day at the
    Connecticut State Capitol. Keynote speaker: Noted author Chris

    April 26, 2015-Centennial commemoration of Genocide. Joint united
    Divine Liturgy in New York City (site to be announced), presided by
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian and Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan. To be
    followed by Times Square gathering `100 Years to Remember.'

    May 7, 8, 9, 2015-National Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration
    in Washington, DC, organized under the patronage of the Diocese and
    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Presided by His Holiness
    II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His
    Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of the Great House of
    Cilicia. May 7, Ecumenical Service at the National Cathedral, 7 pm;
    May 8, A Journey Through Armenian Music at the Music Center at
    Strathmore, 7:30 pm; May 8 & 9, Exhibits, Films, and Events at various
    venues; May 9, Divine Liturgy at the Basilica of the National Shrine
    of the Immaculate Conception, 10 am; May 9, A Time to Give Thanks,
    banquet, 6 pm (location to be announced).

    May 10 to June 4, 2015-Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Aram I to the
    Eastern Prelacy.

    July 18, 2015-Blessing of the Holy Muron (Oil) by His Holiness Aram I,
    at the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in Antelias,

    October 5-9, 2015-Clergy gathering of Eastern, Western, and Canadian

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]

    From: Baghdasarian