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U.S. sending too much money to Armenia

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  • U.S. sending too much money to Armenia

    U.S. sending too much money to Armenia
    By Lala Aliyeva and Creve Coeur
    Dec. 20, 2014

    Congress' historically low approval and confidence ratings of the last
    decade are in major part due to corrupt behavior of some of its
    members and pandering to various lobbies. Case in point is the
    Armenian lobby and its protectors in the Congress: Sen. Robert
    Menendez, D-N.J.; Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif.; Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.,
    Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif., and Rep.
    Michael Grimm, R-N.Y.

    Armenia, despite being a pro-Russian and pro-Iranian puppet state that
    creates tensions and problems in the region, violates U.S. laws and
    was several times sanctioned or nearly sanctioned by the U.S., is
    being consistently funneled with U.S. taxpayers' dollars by these
    lawmakers ' becoming the second highest per-capita recipient of U.S.
    foreign aid. So far Armenia received some $3 billion in free money
    from the U.S., and is supposed to receive millions more in 2015 ' in
    fact, twice more than nearby allied Azerbaijan, which is twice larger
    in size and population, and whose land Armenia illegally militarily
    occupies for over 20 years.

    According to a report released this week by a German
    government-financed think-tank, the Bonn International Center for
    Conversion, Armenia ranks third as the world's most militarized
    country relative to population and size of economy. Last year it was
    fourth in the world, so this year's "achievement" is not surprising.
    While U.S. taxpayers' money is wasted by the members of the
    Congressional Armenian Caucus, by bankrolling Armenia, its government,
    which hosts thousands of Russian troops in its several military bases,
    is free to spend more on militarization, and thus terrorize its
    neighbors more.

    This needs to stop: U.S. government should not waste taxpayers' money
    by helping an already aggressive and unfriendly nation, like Armenia,
    to arm itself more. And real change is needed to the way U.S. Congress
    and its members operate. Pandering to ethnic lobbies and its personal
    and political action committees contributions should not be allowed.
    Members of Congress should be concerned with the national interests of
    the U.S., and not Armenia or some other nation.

    From: Baghdasarian