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A new Cyclotron at Yerevan Physics Institute

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  • A new Cyclotron at Yerevan Physics Institute

    December 19, 2014
    Artem Alikhanyan National Laboratory
    Yerevan Physics Institute
    2 A. Alikhanian Brothers St
    Yerevan, Armenia 0036
    Isotope Research Center
    +37410 39-83-92

    A new Cyclotron at Yerevan PhysicsInstitute:

    Nuclear Physics & Society

    Yerevan: The Alikhanyan National Laboratory in Yerevan (Yerevan
    Physics Institute - YerPhi) will soon take delivery of a new 18 MeV
    (Million electron Volt) cyclotron for a modern diagnostic center funded
    by the Armenian government. The cyclotron is purchased from a Belgian
    Company (IBA) and the plan is to start installation of the new 18 MeV
    cyclotron in January of 2015. The cyclotron will be placed in a newly
    constructed, specially designed building on the grounds of the
    laboratory. The new cyclotron, the Cyclone 18, is one of the most modern
    cyclotrons produced today in the world. The cyclotron will produce
    negative proton beams of 18 MeV and deuteron beams of up to 10MeV energies.

    The new cyclotron, in addition to providing short-lived radioactive
    isotopes for Positron-Electron tomography, will also be used to expand
    the capability of YerPhI in nuclear physics research and the
    applications of nuclear science to society. The science questions
    explored at YerPhi will range from studying the stellar nuclear
    reactions which are essential to the formation of the solar system and
    to understanding the conditions responsible for life on earth, as well
    as applying the techniques and tools of nuclear science towards
    understanding early human development. This science is also applicable
    to environmental science and the dating of art and archeological
    artifacts. This will expand the capabilities of Armenia in medical
    treatment and diagnostic techniques.

    This type of cyclotron is being implemented worldwide to produce
    radio-isotopes for hospitals and research centers all over the world.
    The production of radio-isotopes in Yerevan will provide services that
    presently do not exist to patients in Armenia and potentially provide
    sales to neighboring countries.The cyclotron will place Armenia amongst
    a select list of the world's countries with their own production of
    radio-isotopes that can be used in medical diagnostics and therapy. The
    cyclotrons are also very versatile and can be used to carry out basic
    nuclear research. Some recent proposalsby scientists at YerPhi, and
    approved by the Ministry of Science and Education, include using the
    proton beams to study the `Hoyle' state, whichis the resonance state
    that captures an alpha particle to make Oxygen and hence facilitated the
    origin of life in our cosmos. The state was discovered more than 50
    years ago, but remains a challenge in physicsworldwide. Scientists at
    YerPhi propose to measure the decay of the Hoyle state.

    Another example of the kind of research that can be done at YerPHi with
    the new C-18 Cyclotron is the conversion of the proton beam into a
    neutron beam for use for a broad class of studies and experiments.
    Neutrons are fundamental particles that make up the atomic nucleus along
    with protons. The properties of neutrons such as their charge neutrality
    makes them ideal probes to peer inside all types of matter, including
    properties of nuclei and various types of dense matter. Wavelengths of
    neutron are about the same as the distances between atoms making them an
    ideal tool to the study of engineering of materials, as well as
    biological, chemical, and physical systems. Neutrons and the likelihood
    of various materials to absorb neutrons (cross-sections) are important
    to answering a broad range of open questions from astrophysics, nuclear
    physics, and material science. The production of a neutron beam at
    YerPhi will be an important experimental tool for the country of
    Armenia. Other societal applications of Nuclear Physics include energy,
    climate physics, physics of art, and archeology.

    From: Baghdasarian