Central Office
80 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel: 617-926-5892
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dear Members,
Welcome to the First Issue of the "Armenian Relief Society at the
United Nations". We hope that you will find the newsletter a useful
tool in the update of our activities at the United Nations (UN) and
understand better the role the ARS has, and continues to play, in the
International Arena. As a volunteer organization, the ARS recruits
members who are able to give their time and energy by networking and
ensuring that the ARS priorities are shared with decision makers and
incorporated into statements and policy whenever possible.
Our representatives learn to monitor UN activities by attending annual
commissions, special sessions, Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
meetings and take every opportunity to share the mission and vision of
the ARS. We hope you will enjoy this latest version of the newsletter,
and we look forward to updating you on our activities throughout the
upcoming year.
ARS UN Team and Editors
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Activities in New York
New York is the headquarters for the UN, and so it is here that we
have the largest team of representatives. Major annual meetings
include the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the Commission on
Social Development, and the Commission on Population and
Development. New York is also the headquarters for UN Women and the
Department of Public Information (DPI), which is the information
center for NGOs. While the Convention on the Elimination of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is now based in Geneva, most
meetings are still held in New York, its former base.
The ARS has been participating with United Nations activities since
1975. In 1978, the ARS was granted DPI status, and on May 28, 1998,
the ARS was granted consultative status in the Roster category with
the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Consultative Status is a phrase whose use can be found during the
founding of the UN and is used within the UN community to refer to
NGOs in Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC. Having Consultative
Status is a privilege granted to only a select few NGOs. ECOSOC status
provides NGOs with the opportunity to participate at UN conferences
and events, make oral and written statements at these events, organize
side events, enter the UN premises, and have the opportunity to
network and lobby with diplomats, UN staff members and other NGO
representatives. DPI status is another privilege granted to NGOs
within the UN system by the Department of Public Information
(DPI). NGOs granted DPI status are given access to the UN premises and
permitted to attend meetings, conferences and events. Unlike ECOSOC
status, NGOs with DPI status do not have the additional benefits of
making oral and written statements.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international
development goals that were established following the Millennium
Summit of the United Nations in the year 2000. There are eight goals
in particular: to halve the number of undernourished people; to
achieve universal primary education; to promote gender equality and
empower women; to reduce child mortality; to improve maternal health;
to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; to ensure
environmental sustainability; and to develop a global partnership for
Each one of these goals has a set target date of achievement by the
year 2015. We are very close to the year 2015, and these goals have
not been met yet in all parts of the world. Although these goals have
not yet been completely achieved in all geographical regions, for the
past two years, the United Nations has been working on a new set of
goals post-2015.
These post-2015 goals are called the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). On July 19, 2014, the United Nations General Assembly's Open
Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals forwarded its proposal
for a set of SDGs to the Assembly. The proposal contains 17 goals with
169 targets covering a broad range of sustainable development issues,
including ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education,
making cities more sustainable, combating climate change, and
protecting oceans and forests. The purpose of these goals will be to
"narrow the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should
The Committee on Non-governmental Organizations, also known as CoNGO,
based in Geneva and New York alternately, was established 66 years ago
to support NGOs within the UN system. Its mission is to facilitate,
through various means of development, a dynamic and informed
world-wide NGO Community able to influence policies and actions at all
levels of the United Nations. On April 4, 2014 during the Conference
of NGO's General Assembly, Armenian Relief Society was elected as an
Executive Member of the CoNGO Board from 2014 to 2017.
Currently, the ARS has been an active member with four specific NGO
Substantive Committees within CoNGO: first, the NGO Committee on the
Status of Women; second, the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development;
third, the NGO Committee on Children's Rights; and fourth, the NGO
Committee on Human Rights; as well as the Working Group on Girls. In
addition to being an Executive Member of the CoNGO Board, the ARS has
been part of the Executive Committee of the NGO Committee on the
Status of Women (CSW) for the past year and a half.
A few years ago, ARS, Inc. discovered through UNFPA Armenia (United
Nations Population Fund) the issue of "Sex Selection". In Armenia, sex
selection comprises selective abortions of female fetuses. Driven by
strong son preference, the use of prenatal sex determination
technology and declining fertility, this trend hinders progress toward
gender equality and has serious social, demographic, and health
Attendees of the CSW ARS side event on Sex Selection, in 2014.
ARS members at the CSW58 session, in NYC.
ARS is proud to claim a major influence in helping eradicate the
much-repudiated practice of sex selection in Armenia. ARS UN
Committee organized a panel discussion during the Commission on the
Status of Women 58 (CSW58) in 2014, in partnership with World Vision
while advocating with the Armenian Mission to the UN. After two years
of hard work, in May 2014, Armenia's Health Ministry introduced a
bill to the parliament that will ban the fetal gender determination
until the 30th week of pregnancy. About 20 ARS members from the
Eastern Region and Canada participated at the Sex Selection side
ARS members from New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Montreal, at
the CSW58 forum, in 2014.
ARS NGO Representatives participated in the 65th Annual DPI/NGO
Conference held August 27 to August 29, 2014. Ungerouhi Nory
Boiatchian, a Youth Representative for the ARS, had been involved in
the planning process of the conference as part of the DPI/NGO Youth
Sub-Committee. The purpose of the conference was to harness the
strategies, expertise and resources across the broadest spectrum of
civil society to include poverty eradication, sustainability, human
rights, and climate justice in the mainstream discourse and to spark
sustained public demand for political action in support of ambitious
outcomes from the post-2015 sustainable development process. A
conference declaration was produced as a result of the meetings in
order to frame an ambitious "Action Agenda" for civil society networks
and activists to look at and follow.
ARS members attended the 69th Session of the General Assembly open
debate. They heard President Barack Obama and various other heads of
State address the Assembly. Armenia's President, Serzh Sargsyan, also
addressed the Assembly on various issues related to Armenia's national
foreign policy.
ARSers attending the 69th Session of the General Assembly.
As part of the Executive Committee of the NGO Commission on the Status
of Women (CSW), ARS UN Coordinator attended the NGO CSW Geneva Forum
on November 3-5, 2014 alongside ungerouhiner in Geneva. The Forum is
part of a Global Regional Review to celebrate and help implement the
Beijing Platform for Action which took place almost 20 years ago in
Beijing and produced an unmatched document that addresses women's and
girl's rights, signed by 187 member states. Ungh. Armik Yeromian of
Geneva and Ungh. Houry Geudelekian of New York participated in many
round table discussions and submitted strong recommendations in the
outcome document.
Yeromian and Guedelekian at the NGO CSW forum in Geneva.
For more information, visit:
* [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYfRXM7w0KYjlE0S-XFMaaONJE-yo3TF9n04kQACzA1HX-F6m6OavBgW2cf-KYN0zY_Jx58aSF5bjWpOTZT_T2GYAeJvajh1pujQOZrOdWXnrm v_8lRhEFaw==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
Outcome document:
[ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYPd5dj_ZwcZWz0bQAIBw_khdk u5DbsTSV7Vkp3dkPnwT_WTlpdKi1PbNu1XSKk40zdtrIreC6mt 6BWJvroZ7Rn37OPSJXVkruavgdhsKpPGhTwmIoqZwbICWVmeW9 y70G32oDP5CPc95qOx-nwAnJN-zZTcd3-36H-Fc4-2yeyCctW--c68hMxWJ3YClZGXz6IPfECBtgLY7sgrerGqn5GphxQRpTCrrvW 3GOINabZubFGJpA7x31R9d_GIlSgoFkKIOiHQll2EDybojOsG5 O2g==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ARS UN Executive Committee
* Pauline Getzoyan - USA, CEB liaison
* Rosie Bedrosian- USA, CEB liaison
* Valentine Berberian - USA, Chairperson
* Stephanie Killian - USA, Advisor
* Lara Nercessian - USA, Communications Coordinator
* Tamar Der Bedrosian- Lebanon
* Frida Kezelian-Hadjian- Armenia
* Araxie Apelian-Kolanian- Greece
* Lucy Pamboukjian- South America
* Lucy Pampalian- Australia
ARS UN Representatives in New York
* Suzi Azarian
* Valentine Berberian
* Nory Boiatchian
* Carol Jaffarian
* Linda Tarzian
ARS UN Representatives in Geneva
* Dorine Kouyoumjian
* Armik Yeromian
* Annie Yeromian-Sallier
ARS UN Coordinator
* Houry Geudelekian
* Armenian Genocide Centennial Event at UN New York Headquarters from
March 5 to March 6, 2015.
* The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women
(CSW59)will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from
March 9 to March 20, 2015.
* Sustainable Development Goals:
[ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYnGFJB6nNpPP-FvsxheeeM2plS-qyHPHm0U2eru4EP3vUhNhQvn4kOQ6haZoqqftvxyZBKMw8Zv2H HeUyIwa3vKqzP6q0YH2Zb5c5kg_cvD9WZFxduN86SFzLGmCYNN 6JKhn0OCjRmT6dhMHm3Qm5Sw==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* DPI/NGO Conferences: [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYeel4UPc74NPZh3wYoFXsg5BV MQtBG6KL9jy8oCQ9YaVA_QXl_E9GYVji1x-O_WixjJZAxFouFGedugDB9M9x3LYwdY_-Uf7TanxfJtl_BNs5y4WzjoNNE6KqutgzXOPU4neYYm8vZEQb9b q-AXxPJg==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* NGO Committee on the Status of Women: [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYtOS8RjnsKsva2v21Jyp6bHzM 9Pxm0IgbqVdajSWUjQOZ_ezBsozKEBInRiicNha6CLUV8h_5N3 6JUhutXCVfuNOO0fTyTgK3PsTWq76Mkdg=&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* Millennium Development Goals: [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYE9c1HJk-5XvCjSxt01KXML8Rx2ESNh5Lw1SdtkufS3VS-xcWMENLwkw_aWHhFfllTqVi0FeCxgCkF0JhbwvAJMmnn1RmeB_-oWzkcY8c3TO8rnA761Kv69dX8_Q7NsyN&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* CoNGO:
From: A. Papazian
Central Office
80 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel: 617-926-5892
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dear Members,
Welcome to the First Issue of the "Armenian Relief Society at the
United Nations". We hope that you will find the newsletter a useful
tool in the update of our activities at the United Nations (UN) and
understand better the role the ARS has, and continues to play, in the
International Arena. As a volunteer organization, the ARS recruits
members who are able to give their time and energy by networking and
ensuring that the ARS priorities are shared with decision makers and
incorporated into statements and policy whenever possible.
Our representatives learn to monitor UN activities by attending annual
commissions, special sessions, Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
meetings and take every opportunity to share the mission and vision of
the ARS. We hope you will enjoy this latest version of the newsletter,
and we look forward to updating you on our activities throughout the
upcoming year.
ARS UN Team and Editors
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Activities in New York
New York is the headquarters for the UN, and so it is here that we
have the largest team of representatives. Major annual meetings
include the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the Commission on
Social Development, and the Commission on Population and
Development. New York is also the headquarters for UN Women and the
Department of Public Information (DPI), which is the information
center for NGOs. While the Convention on the Elimination of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is now based in Geneva, most
meetings are still held in New York, its former base.
The ARS has been participating with United Nations activities since
1975. In 1978, the ARS was granted DPI status, and on May 28, 1998,
the ARS was granted consultative status in the Roster category with
the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Consultative Status is a phrase whose use can be found during the
founding of the UN and is used within the UN community to refer to
NGOs in Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC. Having Consultative
Status is a privilege granted to only a select few NGOs. ECOSOC status
provides NGOs with the opportunity to participate at UN conferences
and events, make oral and written statements at these events, organize
side events, enter the UN premises, and have the opportunity to
network and lobby with diplomats, UN staff members and other NGO
representatives. DPI status is another privilege granted to NGOs
within the UN system by the Department of Public Information
(DPI). NGOs granted DPI status are given access to the UN premises and
permitted to attend meetings, conferences and events. Unlike ECOSOC
status, NGOs with DPI status do not have the additional benefits of
making oral and written statements.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international
development goals that were established following the Millennium
Summit of the United Nations in the year 2000. There are eight goals
in particular: to halve the number of undernourished people; to
achieve universal primary education; to promote gender equality and
empower women; to reduce child mortality; to improve maternal health;
to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; to ensure
environmental sustainability; and to develop a global partnership for
Each one of these goals has a set target date of achievement by the
year 2015. We are very close to the year 2015, and these goals have
not been met yet in all parts of the world. Although these goals have
not yet been completely achieved in all geographical regions, for the
past two years, the United Nations has been working on a new set of
goals post-2015.
These post-2015 goals are called the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). On July 19, 2014, the United Nations General Assembly's Open
Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals forwarded its proposal
for a set of SDGs to the Assembly. The proposal contains 17 goals with
169 targets covering a broad range of sustainable development issues,
including ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education,
making cities more sustainable, combating climate change, and
protecting oceans and forests. The purpose of these goals will be to
"narrow the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should
The Committee on Non-governmental Organizations, also known as CoNGO,
based in Geneva and New York alternately, was established 66 years ago
to support NGOs within the UN system. Its mission is to facilitate,
through various means of development, a dynamic and informed
world-wide NGO Community able to influence policies and actions at all
levels of the United Nations. On April 4, 2014 during the Conference
of NGO's General Assembly, Armenian Relief Society was elected as an
Executive Member of the CoNGO Board from 2014 to 2017.
Currently, the ARS has been an active member with four specific NGO
Substantive Committees within CoNGO: first, the NGO Committee on the
Status of Women; second, the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development;
third, the NGO Committee on Children's Rights; and fourth, the NGO
Committee on Human Rights; as well as the Working Group on Girls. In
addition to being an Executive Member of the CoNGO Board, the ARS has
been part of the Executive Committee of the NGO Committee on the
Status of Women (CSW) for the past year and a half.
A few years ago, ARS, Inc. discovered through UNFPA Armenia (United
Nations Population Fund) the issue of "Sex Selection". In Armenia, sex
selection comprises selective abortions of female fetuses. Driven by
strong son preference, the use of prenatal sex determination
technology and declining fertility, this trend hinders progress toward
gender equality and has serious social, demographic, and health
Attendees of the CSW ARS side event on Sex Selection, in 2014.
ARS members at the CSW58 session, in NYC.
ARS is proud to claim a major influence in helping eradicate the
much-repudiated practice of sex selection in Armenia. ARS UN
Committee organized a panel discussion during the Commission on the
Status of Women 58 (CSW58) in 2014, in partnership with World Vision
while advocating with the Armenian Mission to the UN. After two years
of hard work, in May 2014, Armenia's Health Ministry introduced a
bill to the parliament that will ban the fetal gender determination
until the 30th week of pregnancy. About 20 ARS members from the
Eastern Region and Canada participated at the Sex Selection side
ARS members from New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Montreal, at
the CSW58 forum, in 2014.
ARS NGO Representatives participated in the 65th Annual DPI/NGO
Conference held August 27 to August 29, 2014. Ungerouhi Nory
Boiatchian, a Youth Representative for the ARS, had been involved in
the planning process of the conference as part of the DPI/NGO Youth
Sub-Committee. The purpose of the conference was to harness the
strategies, expertise and resources across the broadest spectrum of
civil society to include poverty eradication, sustainability, human
rights, and climate justice in the mainstream discourse and to spark
sustained public demand for political action in support of ambitious
outcomes from the post-2015 sustainable development process. A
conference declaration was produced as a result of the meetings in
order to frame an ambitious "Action Agenda" for civil society networks
and activists to look at and follow.
ARS members attended the 69th Session of the General Assembly open
debate. They heard President Barack Obama and various other heads of
State address the Assembly. Armenia's President, Serzh Sargsyan, also
addressed the Assembly on various issues related to Armenia's national
foreign policy.
ARSers attending the 69th Session of the General Assembly.
As part of the Executive Committee of the NGO Commission on the Status
of Women (CSW), ARS UN Coordinator attended the NGO CSW Geneva Forum
on November 3-5, 2014 alongside ungerouhiner in Geneva. The Forum is
part of a Global Regional Review to celebrate and help implement the
Beijing Platform for Action which took place almost 20 years ago in
Beijing and produced an unmatched document that addresses women's and
girl's rights, signed by 187 member states. Ungh. Armik Yeromian of
Geneva and Ungh. Houry Geudelekian of New York participated in many
round table discussions and submitted strong recommendations in the
outcome document.
Yeromian and Guedelekian at the NGO CSW forum in Geneva.
For more information, visit:
* [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYfRXM7w0KYjlE0S-XFMaaONJE-yo3TF9n04kQACzA1HX-F6m6OavBgW2cf-KYN0zY_Jx58aSF5bjWpOTZT_T2GYAeJvajh1pujQOZrOdWXnrm v_8lRhEFaw==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
Outcome document:
[ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYPd5dj_ZwcZWz0bQAIBw_khdk u5DbsTSV7Vkp3dkPnwT_WTlpdKi1PbNu1XSKk40zdtrIreC6mt 6BWJvroZ7Rn37OPSJXVkruavgdhsKpPGhTwmIoqZwbICWVmeW9 y70G32oDP5CPc95qOx-nwAnJN-zZTcd3-36H-Fc4-2yeyCctW--c68hMxWJ3YClZGXz6IPfECBtgLY7sgrerGqn5GphxQRpTCrrvW 3GOINabZubFGJpA7x31R9d_GIlSgoFkKIOiHQll2EDybojOsG5 O2g==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ARS UN Executive Committee
* Pauline Getzoyan - USA, CEB liaison
* Rosie Bedrosian- USA, CEB liaison
* Valentine Berberian - USA, Chairperson
* Stephanie Killian - USA, Advisor
* Lara Nercessian - USA, Communications Coordinator
* Tamar Der Bedrosian- Lebanon
* Frida Kezelian-Hadjian- Armenia
* Araxie Apelian-Kolanian- Greece
* Lucy Pamboukjian- South America
* Lucy Pampalian- Australia
ARS UN Representatives in New York
* Suzi Azarian
* Valentine Berberian
* Nory Boiatchian
* Carol Jaffarian
* Linda Tarzian
ARS UN Representatives in Geneva
* Dorine Kouyoumjian
* Armik Yeromian
* Annie Yeromian-Sallier
ARS UN Coordinator
* Houry Geudelekian
* Armenian Genocide Centennial Event at UN New York Headquarters from
March 5 to March 6, 2015.
* The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women
(CSW59)will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from
March 9 to March 20, 2015.
* Sustainable Development Goals:
[ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYnGFJB6nNpPP-FvsxheeeM2plS-qyHPHm0U2eru4EP3vUhNhQvn4kOQ6haZoqqftvxyZBKMw8Zv2H HeUyIwa3vKqzP6q0YH2Zb5c5kg_cvD9WZFxduN86SFzLGmCYNN 6JKhn0OCjRmT6dhMHm3Qm5Sw==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* DPI/NGO Conferences: [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYeel4UPc74NPZh3wYoFXsg5BV MQtBG6KL9jy8oCQ9YaVA_QXl_E9GYVji1x-O_WixjJZAxFouFGedugDB9M9x3LYwdY_-Uf7TanxfJtl_BNs5y4WzjoNNE6KqutgzXOPU4neYYm8vZEQb9b q-AXxPJg==&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* NGO Committee on the Status of Women: [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYtOS8RjnsKsva2v21Jyp6bHzM 9Pxm0IgbqVdajSWUjQOZ_ezBsozKEBInRiicNha6CLUV8h_5N3 6JUhutXCVfuNOO0fTyTgK3PsTWq76Mkdg=&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* Millennium Development Goals: [ YVJ7Jkj4RPg_Bp019d8o_oGNkYE9c1HJk-5XvCjSxt01KXML8Rx2ESNh5Lw1SdtkufS3VS-xcWMENLwkw_aWHhFfllTqVi0FeCxgCkF0JhbwvAJMmnn1RmeB_-oWzkcY8c3TO8rnA761Kv69dX8_Q7NsyN&c=-7nA19qIOf0_1040exd6wqMxdu41tsa9o6f0S7cfJQ9_jxV1ymf iLg==&ch=BbjEpsLet5Ybyl4ia4STHDugmQTm7QPSaJtiIM3_s GrOMHeDCxfWCw==]
* CoNGO:
From: A. Papazian