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Businesses' Private Success Vital Also For Armenia's Economy - Presi

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  • Businesses' Private Success Vital Also For Armenia's Economy - Presi


    20:42 * 22.12.14

    The Armenian president stressed the private sector's role in the
    country's economy as he hosted representatives of the business
    community on Monday.

    Congratulating the businessmen on the coming New Year and Christmas
    holidays, Serzh Sarsyan said he finds that the well-being of hundreds
    and thousands Armenian citizens is linked also to the activities and
    achievements of private enterprises.

    He also addressed difficulties and uncertainties of the past year,
    saying that they may also continue in 2015 due to unforeseen reasons
    not depending on Armenia alone. But he emphasized the need of joint
    efforts by the authorities and the business community for ensuring
    maximum perfect results.

    "In any state of the world and in any economy - such as the United
    States and the common economy of the European Union - complications
    and difficulties are always possible. In countries like ours such
    complications and difficulties may occur more frequently. It is
    extremely important here to avoid searching for culprits or putting
    the laurels on our shoulders once the situation stabilizes a little,"
    he said.

    The president further spoke of economic developments. "I have to
    note nonetheless that in my impression, Armenia's business community
    did not work badly in 2014 and managed, in major part, to overcome
    the existing difficulties. Considering this context, where you have
    worked, dear businessmen, considering the economic situation around
    the globe, including Europe, Russia and our region, the year should
    be considered effective," Sargsyan added.

    He then introduced the businessmen to the perspectives opening to the
    country in light of new integration processes. "The new year brings
    along new opportunities which are linked to Armenia's membership
    in the Eurasian Economic Union. But we are also aware that new
    opportunities are simultaneously new challenges. I have no doubt that
    our entrepreneurs are competitive and have serious things to say. So
    they will voice their statements also inside that new economic union.

    You can say that with your deeds, your effective work and new ideas,"
    he president added.

    Sargsyan said he feels that most of the plans outlined for next year
    will have been accomplished by his 2015 end-of-year meeting with
    businesspeople. "I wish all those realized dreams to bring welfare
    to our people and state," the Armenian leader said at the end.
