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BAKU: Baku Sees Anti-Azerbaijani Sentiments In Israel

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  • BAKU: Baku Sees Anti-Azerbaijani Sentiments In Israel


    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    December 22, 2014 Monday

    Baku/22.12.14/Turan: Presidential spokesman Azer Gasimov sharply
    criticized the government of Israel. Reason for this was the critical
    articles about Azerbaijan in newspapers "Jerusalem Post" and "Haaretz".

    These papers periodically publish hostile, absolutely unfounded slander
    articles about Azerbaijanm, said Gasimov in an interview with state
    agency "Azertaj."

    "Taking into account the relationship between the government and
    the media in Israel, you come to the conclusion that all this is
    not accidental. In particular, the absence of any response from the
    formal structures of these materials gives reason to believe that it
    is an official order," said Gasimov.

    In his opinion, the articles in "Haaretz" and "Jerusalem Post" are
    far from journalistic ethics and are defamatory materials. "These
    articles, undoubtedly, are funded by the leading anti-Azerbaijani
    campaign, and are fully ordered," said the spokesman.

    The articles in the Israeli press described the facts of suppression
    of human rights and harassment of journalists in Azerbaijan. In
    particular, the fate of the arrested journalist Khadija Ismayilova and
    human rights activist Leyla Yunus. "It would be nice if the authors
    of these articles drew attention to the disruption of human rights,
    freedom of speech and conscience, democratic principles in their
    country," said Gasimov. He further said that in Israel the situation
    of journalists is "deplorable."

    As an evidence Gasimov refers to the reports of international
    organizations, fixing violations of media freedom. But for some reason,
    when these same organizations have documented similar violations in
    Azerbaijan, Azer Gasimov and his chiefs vehemently deny them, and
    call them political order and the machinations of the Armenian lobby.

    In particular, Gasimov lists the facts stated in the reports of
    "Reporters Without Borders", Freedom House, Amnesty International and
    other structures, pointing out that according to the World freedom
    index, this year Israel dropped by 36 points.

    In the higher echelons of the Israeli authorities " are serious
    cases of corruption", and Israeli citizens are deprived of educational
    opportunities, and so on. "I believe that the authors of these articles
    and those who are behind these materials seriously undermine the
    international image of Israel. The Government of Israel has always
    said that it is trying to improve relations with Azerbaijan. Those
    who have ordered these articles, no doubt, set a goal to undermine
    the Israeli-Azerbaijani relations," makes far-reaching conclusions
    the spokesman. -02D-
