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A Jailed Iranian Pastor's Christmas Prayer

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  • A Jailed Iranian Pastor's Christmas Prayer


    Wall Street Journal
    Dec 23 2014

    This will be Pastor Farshid Fathi's fourth Christmas in an Iranian
    prison, yet his fortitude, faith and indomitable spirit continues to
    impress and encourage.

    By Miles Windsor Dec. 23, 2014 4:09 p.m. ET

    For Christians across the West, this week is a time to celebrate.

    Multitudes will throng to church for Christmas services--some dragged
    along by family members, others seeking peaceful sanctuary from the
    worries of daily life. They will gather there to mark the birth of
    their savior, of the God who entered the world in the most humble
    of circumstances.

    Elsewhere in the world, millions of their co-religionists are
    threatened and prevented from exercising their fundamental right to
    worship openly, even in this holy season. Christian communities in
    North Korea, Pakistan and across much of the Middle East and Africa,
    among other places, face various forms of persecution, whether meted
    by tyrannical governments or by Islamist fanatics. According to an
    estimate by the International Society for Human Rights, some 80%
    of all acts of religious violence target Christians.

    One of those persecuted Christians is Farshid Fathi, a pastor who this
    year will mark his fourth Christmas in an Iranian prison cell. Born
    in 1979, the year Ayatollah Khomeini toppled the shah and founded
    the Islamic Republic, Pastor Fathi converted to Christianity at the
    age of 17. As the pastor would soon learn, Iran is a very dangerous
    place to worship Christ.

    The Tehran regime likes to tout its treatment of Iran's historic
    Christian communities, the Armenians and Assyrians, as a testament to
    its tolerance. It's true that Armenians and Assyrians are officially
    recognized as "People of the Book" under Iranian law, and that status
    affords them a measure of legal protection. But it also relegates
    them to second-class status. Their churches and schools are intensely
    surveilled, their inheritance rights are subsidiary to their Muslim
    relatives', and they are barred from many public offices.

    The mullahs reserve the most vicious treatment for Iranian Muslims,
    like Pastor Fathi, who have dared to convert to Christianity.

    Persian-language Bibles are banned in the country, and apostasy is
    punishable by death under Shariah law, which lies at the heart of the
    Iranian penal code. Yet to mask its naked persecution of Christian
    converts, the Tehran regime usually jails them on national-security
    charges or on the pretext that they spy for foreign powers.

    That's what happened to Pastor Fathi. In December 2010, the father
    of two was arrested and arbitrarily detained in Tehran's nightmarish
    Evin Prison. His "crime" was serving as the leader of a network of
    underground evangelical house churches. After a yearlong interval,
    during which he spent months in solitary confinement and was subjected
    to psychological abuse, he was convicted by a revolutionary court of
    "acting against national security" and sentenced to six years.

    In April, Pastor Fathi was one of several prisoners beaten during
    an attack by security forces on Ward 350 of Evin, which houses many
    of the country's most prominent dissidents. More recently, he was
    transferred to a different prison, Rajai Shahr, outside Tehran,
    where he shares a cell with hardened criminals. His right to family
    visits, guaranteed under Iran's own laws, is routinely violated. He
    isn't permitted to sing Christians hymns, and prison authorities have
    confiscated his Bible.

    For the past few years, I have been advocating on behalf of Pastor
    Fathi and other Iranian Christians in Westminster and before the
    regime's representatives. Though his case angers me and calls me
    to action, I am more often impressed and encouraged by the pastor's
    fortitude, faith and indomitable spirit as they are reflected in his
    letters to supporters from prison.

    His latest contains a powerful Christmas message: "Although the beauty
    of Christmas or the signs of Christmas cannot be found in this prison,"
    the pastor writes, "with the ears of faith I can hear the everlasting
    and beautiful truth that: 'The virgin will conceive and give birth
    to a son, and they will call him Immanuel.'"

    It is signed "your captive brother who is free in Christ."

    Mr. Windsor, a London-based public-affairs strategist, works on behalf
    of Christians persecuted in the Middle East.
