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Heading For A Jew-Free Turkey

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  • Heading For A Jew-Free Turkey


    Middle East Forum
    Dec 23 2014

    by Burak Bekdil
    The Gatestone Institute

    At the beginning of the 20th century, there were about 200,000 Jews
    in Turkish lands - when the entire population was barely 10 million.

    Today, the Turkish population has reached 77 million - and there are
    fewer than 17,000 Jews.

    Mois Gabay, a Turkish Jewish writer for Salom, the Istanbul
    Jewish newspaper, recently wrote in his column, "Are Turkish Jews
    Leaving?": "We face threats, attacks and harassment every day. Hope
    is fading. Is it necessary for a 'Hrant among us' to be shot in order
    for the government, the opposition, civil society, our neighbors and
    jurists to see this?" The 'Hrant' to whom he referred is Hrant Dink,
    a Turkish Armenian journalist who was shot dead in 2007 by a gang of
    nationalist Turks.

    On Dec. 15, the Turkish liberal daily Radikal interviewed Gabay,
    who started by showing Radikal's reporter dozens of threats and hate
    messages he has received through Twitter, Facebook and mail messages.

    "This is almost daily," he said.

    According to Gabay, only this year 37% of high-school graduates in
    Istanbul's Jewish community left Turkey to study abroad, twice as many
    as in previous years. "We don't know how many of them will return,"
    he says. "But the idea to leave Turkey (for good) is also in the
    minds of my generation."

    The reason is simple: "The circle is closing in," according to Gabay.

    "In an atmosphere like this, especially if you are a trader, you tend
    to change your name. Mois's tends to become "Musa's," "Cefi's," become
    "Cem's" and "Meri's" become "Peri's" (all the latter are Turkish
    names.) His Jewish friends tell Gabay that they are elaborating on
    the idea of leaving Turkey and settling in far-away countries such
    as Canada, Panama and Australia. Two Jewish friends of his who have
    shops in Istanbul's busy Unkapani district recently complained to
    him that "The imam in the neighbourhood has the habit of preaching
    to his congregation 'not to make friends with Jews and Christians.'"

    According to Gabay, the Turkish government's [anti-Israeli/anti-Jewish]
    rhetoric paves the way for this, provokes Turks and spreads [hatred]
    to even larger masses. But there is more.

    "Thanks to the spread of social media, the previously 'invisible Jew'
    is reachable now. There are laws against hate speech. But not a single
    person has ever been prosecuted [let alone sentenced] for threatening
    and insulting [Jews].

    But according to a prominent Turkish Armenian, part of the blame is
    on Turkey's tiny non-Muslim minorities.

    Etyen Mahcupyan is a leading Turkish Armenian intellectual, writer
    and columnist. He has published more than 15 books and has written
    regular columns in Turkey's leading liberal newspapers. Last October,
    Mahcupyan, one of a dwindling number of liberals keenly supporting
    Turkey's Islamist government, was appointed as "chief advisor" to
    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. In a recent interview with Turkey's
    leading daily, Hurriyet, Mahcupyan said,

    Whatever has been a [political] asset for Turkey's Armenian community
    (they number around 60,000) is an asset for the Jewish community too.

    But... there is Israel... As long as the psychology of the Israel
    issue continues to influence politics in Turkey and relations between
    the two countries do not normalize...

    The line Mahcupyan shyly did not finish probably would have gone on
    like this: "Turkey's Jews will keep on paying the price."

    Turkish Armenian intellectual Etyen Mahcupyan thinks that daily
    attacks on Turkey's Jews and other non-Muslims happen because they
    are better-educated then Muslims and have a "superiority complex."

    In a recent article, Mahcupyan, a former editor of Agos, where the
    slain Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink wrote, argued that
    Turkey's [secularist] Jews harboured an allergy against Muslims.

    Mahcupyan apparently deserves his new position as "his master's voice."

    He admits that it is the government's responsibility to do something
    if Turkey's Jews felt awfully alienated. But he thinks "there is the
    other side of the story."

    Mahcupyan said: "All of this [anti-Semitism in Turkey] is related
    to the Jewish community's perception of Islam and the region. This
    is a perception that powerfully produced politics and positions. If
    the Armenians do not behave like them [the Jews] we can understand
    the historical difference between the two [Jewish and Armenian]

    Apparently, Mahcupyan, the prime minister's chief advisor, tends
    to blame the victim, not the criminal. "I have lived through this
    personally for the past 60 years," he explains. "Among Turkey's
    non-Muslim minorities, including Jews and Armenians, there is an
    [established] opinion about humiliating Muslims." So, did your poor
    friend Dink deserve to be murdered because he humiliated Muslims?

    Secondly, Mahcupyan continues, "Both Jews and Armenians are
    better-educated [than Muslim Turks] and more open to the West. And
    this brings in a feeling of superiority complex."

    To sum up, the Turkish Armenian liberal intellectual, who also happens
    to be advising the Turkish prime minister, thinks that daily attacks
    on Turkey's Jews and other non-Muslims, including the murder of his
    "friend" Dink, happen because: Jews and Armenians humiliate Muslims;
    they are better-educated then Muslims and hence their superiority
    complex. Lovely!

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Ottoman state machinery produced
    several non-Muslim converts (the devshirme) who enjoyed higher
    echelons of the palace bureaucracy and finer things of life because
    their pragmatism earned them excellent relations with the ruling
    Muslim elite. It looks like the devshirme system is still alive in
    post-Ottoman Turkey.

    Burak Bekdil, based in Ankara, is a columnist for the Turkish daily
    Hurriyet and a fellow at the Middle East Forum.
