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Commemoration of The Centennial of The Armenian Genocide in Diyarbak

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  • Commemoration of The Centennial of The Armenian Genocide in Diyarbak

    22-24 APRIL, 2015

    Why Diyarbakir (Dikranagerd)?

    The Gomidas Institute, with the support of the Turkish Human Rights
    Association, is organising a series of commemorative events in Diyarbakir
    between April 22-24, 2015 to mark the centennial of the Armenian Genocide.
    The focus on Diyarbakir is for good historical and political reasons.

    Diyarbakir was a major theatre of the Armenian Genocide

    The Ottoman province of Diyarbakir was a key theatre of the Armenian
    Genocide. Its governor Reshid Bey in 1915 played a prominent role in the
    mass murder of Armenians. Some of the victims - such as the local prelate
    Mgrdich Chlghadian - were killed in the city, thousands more were killed
    outside, and even more further afield.

    Diyarbakir already recognises the Armenian Genocide

    Today, the people living in Diyarbakir recognise the Armenian Genocide and
    wish to make amends. The city's co-mayors and regional representative's at
    the Turkish Parliament speak out on the Armenian issue with a clear voice.
    Diyarbakir city has already supported the reconstruction of Sourp Giragos
    church, one of the largest Armenian churches in the world. Armenians can
    live freely in this city. At last year's commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide, the men and women who stood up for Armenians represented millions
    of people. They included prominent politicians, lawyers, human rights
    activists, and others.

    Making a common stand in Diyarbakir

    A strong Armenian presence in Diyarbakir this coming April will have great
    moral and political significance by strengthening reconciliation between
    Armenians and Kurds, challenging the official Turkish denial of the
    Armenian Genocide.

    The Gomidas Institute has been active in Turkey since the 1990s. While
    opposing the official denials of Turkish state intellectuals, the Institute
    has also built bridges with Turkish civil society and sought just
    resolution of outstanding issues. The Institute has organised successful
    projects in Diyarbakir before, including the commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide - and this coming year's commemoration builds on earlier successes.

    April 22
    Gathering and welcome in Diyarbakir city.

    April 23
    Morning: Visit the major massacre site where over 600 Armenians, including
    the Diyarbakir Armenian leadership, were slaughtered.
    Afternoon: Visit the gravesite of Mihemedê Mistê of Ã=8Alih, the Kurdish
    tribal leader who opposed the Genocide of Armenians.
    Evening: Visit special events and exhibitions in the city or gather at
    Sourp Giragos with human rights activists and supporters.

    April 24
    Morning: Visit the old prison and the governor's building, where many
    victims were held before being killed.
    Noon: A commemorative ceremony in the ruins of St. Sarkis church followed
    by a public rally with featured speakers organised by the Diyarbakir Branch
    of the Human Rights' Association. This event will be followed by serving
    "helva" in memory of all the victims of 1915 and their descendants.

    Additional : Kharpert to Diyarbakir
    For those interested: We plan to fly to Elazig (Harput/Kharpert) on April
    19th and go to Diyarbakir overland, covering a major deportation route and
    crossing key sites related to Armenians and the Genocide of 1915.

    Press Release :
