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Villains, Heroes Of 2014

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  • Villains, Heroes Of 2014


    Some of the heroes and villains who visited us this past year are
    perennials while others made the scene for the first time. Some will
    probably leave the stage sometime next year or the year after but
    they will have made an impact--positive and negative, large or small
    on issues of concern to most Armenians. Here it is: our--admittedly
    subjective--choices of 12 villains and 12 heroes who made a difference
    on the Armenian nation in 2014. The list is not in descending or
    ascending order. We invite you to add your choices to the list. Please
    send your candidates to below this article.--Editor

    Picks of


    12. PRINCE ANDREW OF BRITAIN, KG, GCVVO, ADC (P), Duke of York, Earl
    of Inverness, Baron Killyeagh, Knight Companion of the Most Noble
    Order of the Garter, Knight of the Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian
    Order, de jure Prince of Greece(although Greece in not a kingdom),
    and Rear Admiral. The second son of the queen and the former husband
    of the notorious Sarah Ferguson, continued to play footsie with the
    brutal Aliev regime in Azerbaijan so as to feather his already fat
    nest with easy--but dirty--petrodollars. The queen's third issue has
    met Baby Aliev no less than 15 times in the past few years. A friendly
    fellow, the prince was also chummy with Saif al-Islam, son of Moammar
    Gaddafi, was close friend of convicted gun smuggler Tarek Kaikuni,
    and the crooked son-in-law of Kazakhstan's dictator.

    11. ARMENIAN OLIGARCHS The greedy, violent, and criminal parasites
    who are strangling Armenia's economy as they lower the standard of
    living in the republic through their network of monopolies, artificial
    pricing and influence on Serge Sarkissian's government. Of course,
    many citizens of Armenia believe Sarkissian himself is the head honcho
    of one of the bigger oligarchic ziggurats while Robert Kocharian is
    the Corleone of the second-largest.

    10. ISIL/ISIS/IS/DA'ESH For their brutalism, fanaticism, obscurantism
    and for persecuting non-Sunni Muslims and Christian minorities in
    Iraq and in Syria.

    9. ABE FOXMAN, PRESIDENT OF ADL The head of the Anti-Defamation
    League in the United States who was, for years, the ringleader of the
    Armenian Genocide-denying cabal. This apologist of Turkey believes
    white-washing criminal Turkey is more important than acknowledging
    Turkey's holocaust of Armenians. Foxman's agenda is no secret: he
    would sleep with the devil if he thinks it would benefit Israel.

    Luckily for Armenians, this reprehensible blowhard retires, at long
    last, in next June.

    8. THE RENT-A-SCHOLAR SET These are mostly American and some British
    "scholars" who are jobbers deft at inventing purpose-written "historic"
    tracts about Armenian/Turkish relations. The usual suspects Justin
    McCarthy, The Rent-a-Scholar Set. Guenter Lewy, Bernard Lewis, et
    al were joined this year with two brand-new hired guns: Christopher
    Gunn and Tal Buenos. The latter is the hirsute gofer of Hakan Yavuz
    (University of Utah) while the former teaches in a small Southern town
    at the third-rate Coastal Carolinas University. These two juveniles
    have joined the veteran liars in the custom-made scholarship run as
    unacknowledged propagandists for Ankara. They should be extra busy
    this year churning further banalities as Armenians commemorate the
    slaying of 1.5-million Armenians.

    7. CATHOLICOS KAREKIN II For continuing his execrable ways in Armenia
    and in the Diaspora. The recent ambition of the oligarch- catholicos
    is to forcibly turn the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem into an
    Echmiadzin diocese so as to better control the Diaspora and pocket
    the assets of Armenian Diaspora churches. In his spare time, KII
    continues to throw his weight around, arbitrarily firing clergymen
    and checking the bottom line of a Yerevan bus company he partly owns
    with other birds of the flock.

    fronting the Gulen movement, these associations, Anatolian "heritage"
    organizations, friendship and business groups have one goal in mind:
    to diffuse Armenian condemnation of Turkey and perhaps polish the
    traditional negative image of Turks in North America.

    5. PRESIDENT ILHAM ALIEV, aka Aliev Jr., aka Baby Aliev, aka Baku
    Al Capone numbskull who--to divert the attention of Azeris from
    their miserable lives--orders border provocations with Armenian and
    Nagorno-Karabakh almost on a daily and spends millions of dollars
    to persuade the world that the battle of Khojalu was genocide by
    Armenians. So far, nobody--except Turkey--takes lumbering Baby Aliev

    Duo, aka Batman and Robin, aka Tom and Jerry. Where does one begin
    listing the follies of the Neo Caliph-Sultan-Qaid-Padishah Ottomaniac
    and his eager-beaver understudy Davutoglu? Despite Davutoglu's boast
    about "no problems with neighbors" not one of Turkey's neighbors is
    enamored with Turkey, except mercenary Georgia.

    Even Ankara's long-time patron Washington is disenchanted with the
    Erdogan's cantankerous, boastful, provocative rants. At the end of
    the year the long-misunderstood Erdogan made a delightful present to
    world cartoonists and satirists when he announced that Muslims--read
    Turks--discovered America centuries before Columbus was born. You

    it was all a Crusader plot to take the credit for everything.

    3. HAKAN YAVUS Reputedly to be connected to Turkish Military
    Intelligence, Yavuz is ensconced, thanks to Ankara's piggy-bank, at
    University of Utah's Middle East department. From his desert aerie,
    Yavuz spends his time manufacturing fairy tales and organizing symposia
    (funded by Ankara, naturally) to prove Turkey's innocence in the ethnic
    "misunderstanding" a century ago when lots of Turks died.

    Yavus has a perfervid imagination bordering that of Salvador Dali. He
    will continue churning out fantasies with decreasing credibility
    despite his largesse.

    2. BRENDA SHAFFER Political-science professor at the University of
    Haifa hid the fact that he had worked as an adviser "for strategic
    affairs" for the Azeri state-owned company SOCAR when she paraded in
    the U.S. as an objective scholar and wrote articles bolstering corrupt
    Azerbaijan's image in the U.S. In one article she claimed Azerbaijan
    was an "important security partner" of the U.S. To persuade Americans
    to support the Aliev kleptocracy, she wrote that Nagorno-Karabakh
    might become "Russia's next land grab." With her mask ripped, Shaffer
    should return to Haifa and focus her energies on importing watermelons
    from Azerbaijan.

    1. SENATOR ANNE COOLS OF CANADA A former arsonist-terrorist and now
    a Canadian senator, Ms. Anne Cools advocated earlier this year the
    repeal of Canada's recognition of the Genocide. For details about
    this wild woman of Canada's Senate, see our previous issue titled
    "Senator Cools Blow Hot Air... As Usual".


    12. GEOFFREY ROBERTSON, QC For his extensive scholarship of genocides
    and his recent book on the Genocide.

    11. ROBERT FISK, foreign correspondent "The Independent" For not
    forgetting--unlike most Western foreign correspondents--the plight
    of the Middle Eastern Christians, especially in Syria and in Iraq.

    10. YAER AURON and ISRAEL CHARNY, Israeli historians and authors. For
    indefatigably continuing their many years' work to persuade Israeli
    politicians, media, and citizens that refusing to recognize the
    Genocide of Armenians--the prelude to the Jewish Holocaust--is an
    unforgivable omission.

    9. ZORYAN INSTITUTE The Diaspora Armenian think thank which goes
    around quietly hammering further nails to the Turkish government's
    coffin of denial.

    GOVERNMENT The prime minister of Canada, Mr. Kenney, Minister of
    Employment and Social Development and Minister of Multiculturalism,
    and the Canadian Government continued to resist unrelenting pressure
    (blackmail, threats, positive business inducements) from Foreign
    Affairs, from certain Canadian business lobbies, from Ankara and
    Turkey-hired lobbyists to soft pedal, if not reverse, Canada's
    recognition of the Genocide. The Canadian-Armenian community owes
    big time to these politicians of courage, principle, and integrity.

    7. MARK GIRAGOS The California lawyer and TV personality who has
    familiarized million of American viewers with the justice of the
    Armenian Cause.

    6. PRE-PARLIAMENT in ARMENIA For telling it as it is in Armenia's
    lawless governance and for spreading the word that unless the rule
    of law is made supreme Armenia is going nowhere fast. Pre-Parliament
    should also get extra points for advocating peaceful and democratic

    5. ARMENIANS OF ALEPPO/ARMENIA/ARTSAKH For their steadfastness,
    sacrifice, and love of our nation in the face of untold physical and
    economic suffering.

    in challenging the false and harmful narrative of their country's
    history vis-a-vis the Armenians.

    3. SHEIKH SULTAN BIN MOHAMMED AL QASIMI, the ruler of Sharjah; For
    donating $1.7-million to restore the Haghartsin Monastery in northern
    Armenia. The 10th century architectural jewel was in a dilapidated
    state when the sheikh rescued it.

    2. ARGENTINA For being the largest investor country in Armenia,
    for recognizing the Genocide, for giving the brush-off to Turkish
    anti-Armenian lobbying, and for giving us Eduardo Eurnekian.

    1. KIM KARDASHIAN The controversial--to put it mildly--media
    personality did more for the Armenian Cause with a simple tweet than
    countless Armenian projects have managed to do over the decades. Viva
    social media.
