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Moscow Summits: Armenia Deepens Integration With Post-Soviet Allies

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  • Moscow Summits: Armenia Deepens Integration With Post-Soviet Allies


    NEWS | 24.12.14 | 10:14


    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    On December 23, Moscow hosted a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian
    Economic Council and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
    that Armenia is a full member of. At these summits contradictions
    between some of the members of these two blocs emerged particularly
    clearly, however, the decisions that were made can be described as
    those primarily meeting Russia's geopolitical interests.

    Though, the presidents of both Belarus and Kazakhstan called for
    finding the line between national and bloc interests.

    At the meeting of the CSTO Council it was decided to establish
    single aviation troops. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan voted for
    this decision. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, apparently,
    had been against it. He urged other partners not to create new CSTO
    military elements and move more toward diplomacy and cooperation with
    other blocs.

    However, Russia insisted on creating unified air forces, and they
    were created. Moreover, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that
    the CSTO countries are already connected to the control center of
    defense of Russia, which keeps track of everything in the world and
    will help coordinate the defense action in all CSTO member countries.

    In Armenia, it was seen as an attempt to deprive the national army
    of the right to sovereign decisions, which is especially important in
    an open conflict with Azerbaijan. In particular, there is information
    that in implementing response or preventive actions the Armenian army
    has so far often used not Russian weapons and Russian intelligence.

    When connected to a single point of control it may become impossible
    to do so.

    At the meeting President Sargsyan thanked the presidents of the
    CSTO and EEU member states for cooperation and reminded about their
    commitments on ensuring collective security. He noted that a number
    of incidents were registered this year at the border of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan and the Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact. At the same
    time, it is not clear whether he thanked the CSTO for non-interference
    or urged the bloc to adequately respond to such incidents in future.

    Still, the main decisions of the CSTO concerned the Afghan-Tajik
    border. President Putin even called on the CSTO to be ready for a
    preemptive strike against the Islamic State in Central Asia. After the
    withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan the Central Asian members
    of the CSTO found themselves under threat of Islamist terror. It is
    not clear yet whether Armenia will participate in pre-emptive strikes
    against Islamists if such strikes are delivered.

    At the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council a number of
    decisions to intensify trade and investment cooperation were made.

    However, Belarus leader Lukashenko tried to point at the "non-partner
    actions" of Russia, which blocks Belarus goods and does not allow free
    transit through the territory of the common customs area. However,
    in the end, he signed all the documents prepared by Moscow.

    President Putin also said that the agreement on the accession of
    Kyrgyzstan to the EEU has been signed and also confirmed Armenia's
    membership in the trade bloc from next year.

    From: A. Papazian