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ANKARA: Said Halim Pasha: Aristocrat and philosopher

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  • ANKARA: Said Halim Pasha: Aristocrat and philosopher

    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Dec 27 2014

    Said Halim Pasha: Aristocrat and philosopher


    Said Halim Pasha (1864-1921), an aristocratic statesman, received both
    Islamic and Western education and was a brilliant analyst of
    contemporary social problems

    Islamism is a reactionary and populist ideology in general. The
    majority of Islamists come from the lower classes of society, and they
    tend to hold points of view that favor a return to a certain previous
    state. This previous state is often the Asr al-Saadah (Age of
    Felicity), taking as example the life and teachings of Prophet
    Muhammad. And the reaction is against Westernization, modernization,
    secularism and nationalism.

    Rare Islamist thinkers have tried to make critical analyses of the
    social behaviors of their fellow Muslims concerning their reactions to
    problems. Sociological criticism has not been common among Islamists.
    Said Halim Pasha was a rare critic of the mentality of the Muslims of
    his age. He was a statesman of aristocratic origins, a very well
    educated man both in the Islamic and Western meanings of the word
    "education" and a brilliant analyst of the contemporary problems of
    Ottoman Muslims with regard to the material superiority of European

    Life of an Ottoman aristocrat

    Said Halim Pasha was born "Mehmed Said" on Feb. 19, 1864, as the son
    of Prince Halim Pasha, the youngest son of Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Pasha
    (the "Muhammad Ali of Egypt"). His grandfather was a successful
    Ottoman commander and self-declared "hedive" of Egypt, though an
    illiterate man. Mehmet Ali established a dynasty that ruled Egypt and
    Sudan until the Egyptian Revolution in 1952 and is seen as the true
    founder of modern Egypt because of his strict reforms concerning the
    military, the economy and culture.

    Mehmet Ali Pasha wanted the males of his family to acquire the utmost
    education they could get. Thus, his sons and grandsons became
    well-educated statesmen of the time. Prince Halim, for instance,
    attended the General Staff school in France.

    Meanwhile, Prince Halim moved his family to Istanbul since he had
    disputes with Hedive Ä°smail Pasha. The Ottoman State settled the
    family in a yalı in Baltalimanı, Istanbul.

    Said Halim was taught Arabic, Persian, English and French from special
    tutors. After that, he and his little brother Abbas Halim were sent to
    Switzerland to get a higher education. Said Halim studied political
    science, while Abbas Halim, who also spoke several Eastern and Western
    languages, worked as the Public Works Minister in the cabinet
    established by Said Halim Pasha in 1913.

    In 1888, Said Halim returned to Istanbul and was assigned to "Å?ura-i
    Devlet" (Council of State) membership by Sultan Abdülhamid II. He also
    was honored with several ranks and medals, including a Mirimiran
    (general rank given to non-military pashas), a "Mecidi" (in the name
    of Sultan Abdülmecit) plaque of the second-degree, an "Osmani"
    (Ottoman) plaque of the second-degree and an Osmani plaque of the
    first-degree. Abbas Halim was also assigned to the Council of State.

    Though he worked as an aristocrat bureaucrat for the Abdülhamit II,
    Said Halim was not a great admirer of the sultan. He was discontented
    with the sultan like many of his peers. He called the sultan "the
    oppressor." And the sultan turned against him. He was investigated for
    treason; however, the inquisition yielded nothing, and Said Halim was
    not charged.

    Said Halim Pasha Yalı

    Said Halim had a yalı (mansion on the Bosporus) constructed for his
    family, which is now among the most precious private buildings in
    Istanbul and Turkey and named after the grand vizier. Historians
    record that the Said Halim Pasha Yalı was constructed after he became
    Rumeli Beylerbeyi (General Governor of the Ottoman State for the
    European provinces).

    The pasha was an intellectual statesman. He collected countless
    manuscripts in all three major languages of Islam, namely Arabic,
    Turkish and Persian. He had a library full of European books and spoke
    the languages too. He was said to be a good reader. History and
    humanities were his main areas of interest.

    Said Halim was also an art collector. He gathered many Islamic works
    in his yalı. He was fond of music and collected musical manuscripts,

    Exile and return

    Eventually, Said and his brother Abbas were exiled to Egypt in spite
    of their innocence. There is no evidence that he had a connection with
    Ä°ttihat-Terakki Cemiyeti (Union and Progress Association) members
    while he was in Turkey. The two brothers contacted Ä°ttihat-Terakki
    members in Europe. They provided help to the Young Turks in both
    monetary and philosophical aspects.

    After "Hürriyet" (freedom) was announced by Sultan Abdülhamid in 1908,
    Said Halim returned to Istanbul. He received his previous position in
    the Council of State, but this lasted just a few months. He worked as
    the Yeniköy mayor for a while. In December 1908, he was assigned by
    the Sultan as a member of the Ayan Meclisi (Assembly of Notables, a
    kind of senate).

    Said Halim attended the Ä°ttihat-Terakki Congress held in Selanik
    (Thessaloniki) in 1909. Meanwhile, he wrote his first book. The Pasha
    always wrote in French, and his articles and books were translated
    into Turkish and published in "SebilürreÅ?ad" magazine, which was owned
    by EÅ?ref Edip and edited by Mehmet Akif. This was an article on
    fanaticism. In this article, Said Halim argues that Islam is the real
    freedom and illumination, that Europe's approach to Islam and the
    Ottomans is biased, that backwardness in the Islamic world is due to
    not living according to the rules of shariah and not because of Islam
    and shariah.


    In 1912, Said Halim was assigned as the Chairman of the Council of
    State. He represented the Ottoman State in Lausanne in peace meetings
    with the Italians for the Trablusgarp (Libya) War. However, after the
    Ä°ttihat-Terakki cabinet resigned, he returned to Istanbul and left
    office in the Council of State. He became the General Secretary of the
    Ä°ttihat-Terakki party.

    In 1913, Said Halim was assigned as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in
    the Mahmut Å?evket Pasha Cabinet. After Mahmut Å?evket Pasha was
    assassinated, Said Halim was first assigned as Deputy Grand Vizier
    (Deputy Prime Minister) for a while, and after that he became the
    Grand Vizier of the Ottoman State.

    Said Halim's becoming grand vizier in the Ä°ttihat-Terakki period is
    interesting since the Pasha was an Islamist despite the nationalism of
    the Ä°ttihat-Terakki leaders. Said Halim was a critical thinker and he
    always criticized westernization. He sought a return to a classical
    understanding and performing of Islam, both in the religious and
    social sense. In his articles, Said Halim Pasha defines a crisis in
    our society, compares our situation to that of Europe, shows our
    backwardness and proposes an Islamic revival to cope with contemporary

    As for politics, the Said Halim Pasha Cabinet was an exceptional one
    since Turkey was in a process of coup d'états and wars. Said Halim was
    in office for four years, three during World War I. Said Halim Pasha
    did not want the Ottoman State to enter the war, and he made great
    efforts to keep the State out of this. However, Britain did not accept
    allying with the Ottoman State, and the Ottomans had to establish an
    alliance with the Germans.


    Said Halim Pasha left the office of Grand Vizier in 1917 because of
    disputes with the triumvirate of the Ä°ttihat-Terakki, namely Enver,
    Talat and Cemal pashas. Said Halim Pasha resigned from the office of
    Grand Vizier and was succeeded by Talat Pasha. He returned to writing
    his social and Islamic thoughts. He had his works translated and
    published, now under his own name.

    After World War I ended, Enver, Talat and Cemal pashas escaped, and
    Said Halim was also offered an escape, but he preferred to stay and
    continue to struggle for the country in Istanbul. He tried to
    establish a new political party, but the occupation forces of Britain,
    France and Italy prevented any political resurrection in Istanbul.

    Said Halim was tried three times after the war. First, the Ottoman
    Senate established a Commission of Investigation that questioned Said
    Halim Pasha for World War I. Second, he was arrested and tried by the
    Martial Law Court during the period of the Damat Ferit Pasha Cabinet.
    Third, he was interrogated by the occupation forces. The British and
    the French wanted Said Halim Pasha to accept responsibility for the
    forced emigration of Ottoman Armenians and the associated crimes. Said
    Halim Pasha's statement against that allegation is a piece of art.

    The occupation forces imprisoned Said Halim Pasha with many other
    prominent Ottoman politicians and exiled them to Malta. In 1921, the
    Malta exiles were released by an agreement between Britain and the
    Ankara Cabinet of Mustafa Kemal. Said Halim and his brother were sent
    to Italy. Abbas Halim returned to Istanbul; however, Said Halim was
    not allowed by the Istanbul Cabinet to return.

    Said Halim Pasha stayed in Rome, Italy, and was martyred by Arshavir
    Shirakian, an Ottoman Armenian and member of the Dashnaktsutyun
    (Armenian Revolutionary Federation), on Dec. 6, 1921. His corpse was
    taken to Istanbul and buried in the Sultan Mahmut Tomb.

    From: A. Papazian