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America has it right in standing with Armenia

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  • America has it right in standing with Armenia
    Dec 27 2014

    America has it right in standing with Armenia

    I read the letter from Lala Aliyeva ("U.S. sending too much money to
    Armenia," Dec. 20) with some interest as she complained that America
    is wrong to stand with the democratic country of Armenia, an ancient
    Christian nation with powerful moral and cultural ties to the U.S. and
    the Western world.

    Armenia is a democracy. While its elections have not been perfect,
    there is, by any standard, a night-and-day difference with the
    single-family petro-monarchy that's taken over Azerbaijan. The
    disenfranchisement of Azerbaijan's own citizens is reflected annually
    in the State Department's human rights reports.

    Armenia is operating its economy on a model driven by Western reform.
    Its market-based policies face pressure from the blockade of its
    borders by Azerbaijan and Turkey. Without these illegal blockades,
    Armenia would more quickly complete its transition to a prosperous
    democratic republic with a fully Western-style economy.

    Armenians worldwide will, in 2015, commemorate the 100th anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of Ottoman Turkey. This small
    Christian country has faced genocide and persecution throughout its
    existence. The Karabagh war with Azerbaijan over the freedom and
    future of this historically Armenian province resulted in the
    persecution of Armenians in Azerbaijan. Bloody pogroms in Sumgait
    (1988), Ganja (1988), and Baku (1990) resulted in the deaths of
    countless Armenians.

    Despite all these challenges, Armenia spends on arms only a tiny
    fraction of what Turkey and Azerbaijan allocate to their massive
    militaries. In fact, Baku's military budget this year was larger than
    the combined total of all of Armenia's government spending.

    America is right to stand on the side of peace, of democracy, and
    shared Western values. America is right to stand with Armenia.

    Steve Hagopian * Glen Carbon
