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Turkey, Armenia should leave genocide row 'to coming years': PM advi

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  • Turkey, Armenia should leave genocide row 'to coming years': PM advi

    Agence France Presse
    December 26, 2014 Friday 3:29 AM GMT

    Turkey, Armenia should leave genocide row 'to coming years': PM adviser

    ISTANBUL, Dec 26 2014

    Turkey and Armenia should not expect to resolve a long-running dispute
    over the mass killing of Armenians in World War I on the 100th
    anniversary of the tragedy in 2015, a top adviser to the prime
    minister said.

    Armenia and its diaspora want Turkey to recognise the mass killings of
    Armenians in the final years of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 as
    genocide, something Turkey has so far vehemently resisted.

    Etyen Mahcupyan, who is himself a member of Turkey's Armenian
    minority, told AFP in an interview that 2015 would be a "tough year"
    because of the anniversary and major breakthroughs would have to wait
    for later.

    "I believe symbolic steps could be taken this year and a more
    emotional relationship could be established," said Mahcupyan, who is a
    senior adviser to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

    "But I believe more political or historical issues will be left to the
    coming years and then it will be easier," he added.

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered an unprecedented
    expression of condolence for the massacres in April when he was still
    prime minister, describing the killings as "our shared pain".

    But this went nowhere near far enough for Armenians, who want the
    deaths of an estimated 1.5 million people recognised as a campaign of
    genocide ordered by the top security leadership of the Ottoman Empire
    from 1915-1916.

    Mahcupyan, one of very few Armenians to have held a government post,
    said the priority for the future should be establishing relations with
    Armenia as well as the millions-strong diaspora, many of whom harbour
    a deep hatred of Turkey.

    "I don't think we need to hurry 100 years on. What happens later on
    should proceed more healthily," he said.

    Armenia will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the massacres on
    April 24, the date when in 1915 hundreds of Armenians were rounded up
    and later massacred in Constantinople (now Istanbul) marking the start
    of the killings.

    Pointing to the striking "rapprochement" in relations between Russia
    and Turkey over the last months, Mahcupyan said Moscow could play a
    role "that facilitates this issue," he said.

    From: A. Papazian