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A Silent Christmas Celebration: Anatolian Christians

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  • A Silent Christmas Celebration: Anatolian Christians


    Vartan Estukyan 12.24.2014 22:24NEWS

    Christmas is celebrated with great joy and excitement by billions of
    Christians, and in recent times, has also become a visual spectacle.

    The Christmas spirit reveals itself in the intense activity during
    festive season, but it obviously does not mean anything special in
    countries where Islam is the predominant religion. The situation in
    Turkey is slightly different. After all, this is a country that has
    been home to both Christians and Muslims in the past and today.

    Although today the state would have us believe that 99% of the
    country's population is made up of Muslims, Christmas is still
    celebrated in Turkey, and besides, at two separate dates. The first,
    as in the most of the Christian world, is December 24-25, and the other
    is January 6, on which Apostolic Armenians celebrate Surp Dzınunt,
    and the Orthodox world celebrates the baptism of Jesus Christ. We
    wanted to find out how the now very few Anatolian Christians spend
    Christmas, and asked our questions to residents of different cities.

    Sivas: Indoors celebration in winter country

    Once the majority population of the city, the few remaining Armenian
    families of Sivas come together to celebrate New Year. Since the city
    is covered in snow at this time of the year, the Sivas Armenians have a
    very colourful time during Christmas and New Year. Yervant Durmazguler,
    one of the few Armenians who continue to reside in Sivas, explains:
    "Here we have very colourful New Year and Surp Dzınunt celebrations,
    since the dates are close, the preparations for both days are done
    together. We often have a white New Year, and the celebrations are
    held indoors, with family and friends."

    A rich table for New Year

    Durmazguler also mentions the diversity of New Year and Christmas
    table: "The turkey is sent to the bakery's oven in the neighbourhood,
    and the stuffed turkey with seasoned rice form the centrepiece of a
    great New Year and Christmas dinner table. On the evening of December
    31, a special dessert, similar to ashura, but which contains coarse
    wheat, grape molasses and yellow grapes, and is called 'gorgit' is
    made. Preparation for Dzınunt, which is on January 6, begins one or
    two days before. Trotters soup, stuffed leaves and pastry desserts
    are the highlights of the Dzınunt dinner table."

    Christmas Greeting from Official Authorities

    Durmazguler then explains the importance of celebrating Christmas in
    Anatolia: "In Anatolia's warm and sincere environment, we share both
    our joy and sorrow, and connect to each other with strong ties. Our
    Muslim neighbours are also aware of the fact that Christmas is a
    special day for us, and always come to greet us. In recent years,
    besides our neighbours, the Governor, Mayor and Police Chief have also
    visited us at our homes and presented their greetings for Christmas."

    Diyarbakır: Dzınunt at the Syriac Church

    Diyarbakır is another city that had a large Armenian population
    in the past, and both Christmas and New Year are celebrated with
    great joy and excitement. However, since not many Armenians live in
    Diyarbakır anymore, the celebrations are held at the Syriac Ancient
    Virgin Mary Church. Let us lend an ear to Melike Dara Gunal, as she
    tells us about Christmas and New Year celebrations in Diyarbakır:
    "We have no religious official at the Surp Giragos Armenian Church, so
    we can't hold mass. That's why we often take part in mass at the Syriac
    Ancient Virgin Mary Church. Or for a more entertaining and crowded
    festival, we go to Mardin. Since there are no Armenian religious
    officials in the region, many of our traditions have commingled
    with those of our brother Syriac people. For instance, celebrating
    Christmas on December 25 rather than January 6... It is pretty much
    the same as everywhere else in the country. And people are prejudiced,
    since they don't know the difference between Christmas and New Year."

    'They think New Year and Christmas is the same thing'

    Gunal explains that many people in Diyarbakır think that New Year
    and Christmas is the same thing, and are surprised when they find out
    that they are, in fact, separate days: "They think it's the same day,
    so many conservative Muslims are against celebrating this Christian
    tradition. It is worth seeing their surprise when they find out that
    Christmas is actually on December 25. Some even think they have missed
    out on New Year celebrations for nothing, because others have told
    them it is a Christian tradition."

    Wine: The centrepiece of Christmas tables

    Melike Dara Gunal tells us that in addition to turkey, that is
    synonymous with Christmas, the special dishes of the city such as
    kaburga [spare ribs] and tas kebabı [lamb stew] also feature on
    Armenian dinner tables in Diyarbakır. Gunal adds that wine and meze
    are the indispensable centrepieces of Christmas and New Year tables
    for the Christians of Diyarbakır.

    Gunal states that, following the renovation of the Surp Giragos
    Church, New Year celebrations have been held at Church for the past
    two years, but there are those who prefer to celebrate this special
    day at home: "For me, it is special to celebrate this day together
    with our Syriac sisters and brothers, although our New Year is on
    January 6... However, there are many Islamised Armenians who do
    not observe this tradition... Christmas is another matter, there
    are very few Christian Armenians in Diyarbakır, so there is no
    mass celebration. But we have gathered for the last two years and
    celebrated together."

    Mersin: Arab Christians celebrate Christmas together

    There is a small Arab Christian community in Mersin, who of course
    celebrates Christmas. Religious official Ä°spir CoÅ~_kun Teymur,
    also known as Priest Spiro, of the Mersin Greek Orthodox Church,
    told us about the atmosphere in Mersin during Christmas and New Year:
    "Families keep religious traditions alive within the household. We
    perform Christmas mass at our Church with our entire congregation
    in Mersin. On the second day of Christmas, we organize a Christmas
    Ball in a hall. At Christmas and New Year, families prepare menus
    formed of dishes unique to our community and the region. These often
    include meatballs with stuffing, stuffed turkey and various grilled
    meat dishes."

    The city also observes Christmas

    Teymur adds that the people of Mersin are aware of the importance
    of Christmas for Christians, and that district municipalities hang
    up Christmas lights along the main streets for the festive period:
    "In addition to the main streets, large stores and workplaces also
    hang up Christmas decorations. There is clearly a different atmosphere
    compared to the rest of the year."

    Mardin's 'Pifkana hane': the clown in town...

    Mardin, where there is a large Syriac Christian community, is a
    city where Christmas is celebrated with great excitement. Ferit
    Altınsu tells us that everyone goes to church early on December
    25 and explains the atmosphere in Midyat as follows: "As people
    flow out of church, the first greetings are presented among the
    community. Then people take their place in the church hall, and the
    men, the bishop, the priest and all the other religious clergy sit
    for a while to congratulate each other. Then people return home,
    and greet their family members. Often, after church, a main course
    featuring a meat dish is eaten rather than breakfast, then house
    visits begin. Children and youngsters form groups to visit houses
    and to celebrate the Christmas festival of the families in town."

    Altınsu tells us that New Year celebrations are very colourful, and
    that they also have a figure known as 'pifkana hane', who is similar
    to the modern-day clown, who displays certain performances on December
    31: "There aren't many left today, but the performers we call 'pifkana
    hane' and are similar to clowns, form groups of two and visit people's
    homes on New Year's Eve, and entertain the children with various
    short sketches. In return, they would collect some dried and fresh
    fruit from these households, and then distribute them to the needy."

    From: A. Papazian