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Azerbaijan Shuts Down Radio Free Europe Office

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  • Azerbaijan Shuts Down Radio Free Europe Office


    UPI United Press International
    Dec 29 2014

    By Ed Adamczyk

    BAKU , Azerbaijan, Dec. 29 (UPI) -- Employees of a U.S.-funded radio
    station in Baku, Azerbaijan, were detained for up to 12 hours after
    a raid in a government crackdown on journalists.

    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty offices in the Central Asian capital,
    known locally as Radio Azadliq, were raided Friday by police and
    prosecutors. Computers, flash drives and other equipment were seized,
    and 12 employees, including the station's cleaning woman, were
    questioned at a police station over the weekend. All were released,
    and no charges were formally filed.

    The station said it was an attempt to silence one of Azerbaijan's
    last remaining independent news sources, and Nenad Pajic, Radio Free
    Europe chief editor told Voice of America the raid was "a flagrant
    violation of every international commitment and standard Azerbaijan
    has pledged to uphold."

    "(There were) No allegations. What we do know is they (police) say
    they (are investigating) our operations. That's it. We assume (staff
    members) are going to be asked questions about our operations, maybe
    about salaries, maybe who works, who doesn't work, this kind of stuff.

    Frankly, this is, from my point of view, not important at all,
    because officials are going to say what they want to say."

    He added the government of President Ilham Aliyev has arrested over
    200 journalists in the past three years and has shown increasing
    antagonism toward local news organizations.

    The U.S. State Dept. called on Azerbaijan to respect an "international
    commitment to respecting press freedom." Jeff Shell, chairman of the
    U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors which funds Radio Free Europe/
    Radio Liberty, said, "This unwarranted action is an escalation of
    the Azeri (Azerbaijan) government's abusive attempt to intimidate
    independent journalists and repress free media," in demanding the
    radio station reopen.

    Supporters of Azerbaijan's regime have warned foreign-backed
    organizations could be helping to provoke a revolution on the model
    of North Africa's "Arab Spring," and the government has accused some
    non-governmental organizations of working in concert with neighboring
    Armenia, which has territorial disputes with Azerbaijan.

    From: Baghdasarian