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Detroit resident wants to make film on city's Armenian musical histo

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  • Detroit resident wants to make film on city's Armenian musical histo

    Detroit resident wants to make film on city's Armenian musical history

    February 8, 2014 - 16:26 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Musician Ara Topouzian living in Detroit, the most
    populous city in the U.S. state of Michigan, wants to preserve the
    city's Armenian musical history on film, Hometownlife reports.

    "My goal is to show the hidden story about Detroit, the ethnic
    community," said the Farmington Hills resident. "Our music represents
    sadness, happiness, weddings, parties, picnics."

    The idea for the film stems from a project Topouzian, Troy Chamber of
    Commerce executive director, created when he received a fellowship
    from the Kresge Foundation in 2012.

    His Kresge fellowship gave Topouzian yet another opportunity to open
    the doors to preserving Armenian music.

    "It allowed me to create a project for the public that was a
    lecture/concert about the history of Armenian music in Detroit," he
    said. "I thought it would be great if it was a film."

    That dream is on its way to reality thanks to a $12,000 matching grant
    from the Knight Foundation. That joy, however, presents a hurdle.
    Topouzian must raise the $12,000 match and he has until September,
    Hometownlife says.

    He is working through the Miami Foundation and the online Kickstarter
    to raise the necessary money. The former executive director of the
    Farmington Area Chamber of Commerce and former economic development
    director for the city of Novi is also accepting private donations to
    help with the grant match.

    With Kickstarter, Topouzian had to set a dollar goal and if that
    fundraising goal is not reached by March 18, that's the end of that.
    "No money goes in my pocket from any fundraising for the film. I get
    nothing except maybe the notoriety of the film," Topouzian said.

    Progress is under way. If he can raise the minimum $5,000 on
    Kickstarter, then he has $2,600 already with a total of $7,600 so far.

    If all goes as planned, Brian Golden, Farmington area historian, will
    film the historical project Topouzian has in mind. And again, if all
    goes as planned, he wants to pitch a completed film to PBS. The film
    in 2015 would coincide with 100th anniversary of the Armenian

    Before the genocide, Detroit could boast some 3,000-4,000 Armenians.
    Following the genocide, the ranks swelled to some 30,000 as survivors
    made their way to Detroit and jobs with Henry Ford.

    For the most part, Armenians brought their culture and music and
    settled in the southeast section of Detroit. "They had no tape
    recorders but they brought the tunes in their heads and desperately
    made a life here and brought the culture they lost," Topouzian said.

    And this is the story he wants to tell the world. At first, Armenian
    musicians played in churches, community centers and halls. In time,
    nightclub owners realized Armenian music was popular and began
    inviting the musicians to play a few nights a week.

    "It is a story that needs to be told," he said. "About how important
    Armenians have been in Detroit preserving their culture and their

    Topouzian plans to return to the spots where those nightclubs once
    stood and interview Armenian immigrants and musicians who steadfastly
    protected and preserved their culture.

    "I want them to tell their stories. This is the history the Turks did not get."
