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Hallelujah! Abe Foxman Finally 'Retires' From The ADL

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  • Hallelujah! Abe Foxman Finally 'Retires' From The ADL


    Feb 11 2014


    Oh, happy day. Abe Foxman is resigning after more than 50 years at
    the increasingly damaging ADL. I thought that Foxman was going to go
    out feet first. And in a way, he is. Lord knows the man is brain dead.

    He took a once-vital organization and turned it hard left, going
    relentlessly after fierce proud Jews like me. And more than any other,
    Jew-haters loved to flaunt the ADL's condemnation of my work. Foxman's
    ADL freely criticized Israel. He attacked my lawyer, David Yerushalmi,
    an orthodox Jew. Foxman even went after Joan Rivers ( I kid you not).

    But he walked on eggshells with anti-semitic Muslim groups.

    Of course, his successor could be worse, but let's not think about
    that now. Foxman is gone; perhaps the ADL will finally recognize the
    Armenian Genocide.

    One Jewicidal leader down, legions to go. I nominate Charles Jacobs
    to replace Foxman.

    "Abraham Foxman retiring from ADL," JTA, February 10, 2014

    NEW YORK (JTA) -- Abraham Foxman, the national director of
    the Anti-Defamation League, and one of the longest-serving and
    highest-profile American Jewish organizational leaders, is retiring
    from his post.

    Foxman will step down on July 20, 2015, according to an announcement
    Monday by the ADL.

    "For almost five decades, ADL offered me the perfect vehicle to live
    a life of purpose both in standing up on behalf of the Jewish people
    to ensure that what happened during World War II would never happen
    again and in fighting bigotry and all forms of oppression," Foxman,
    73, said in an ADL news release. "My years at ADL, particularly the
    27 spent as National Director, could not have been more rewarding."

    Foxman announced his retirement at the ADL's annual National Executive
    Committee meeting in Palm Beach, Fla. The organization said its search
    for Foxman's successor will be conducted by the executive search firm
    BoardWalk Consulting and will be guided by ADL leadership.

    A lawyer by training, Foxman, a child survivor of the Holocaust,
    started at the ADL in 1965 and became its national director in 1987.

    Under his leadership, ADL has expanded to 30 regional offices across
    the United States and an office in Israel.

    In 2011, the last year for which data is available, the ADL reported
    nearly $54 million in revenue. The organization monitors anti-Semitic
    activity, offers discrimination-sensitivity training and runs
    anti-bigotry programs.

    But it is Foxman's personage for which the ADL may best be known. Seen
    as a spokesman for the Jewish people, Foxman has used his position
    as a bully pulpit to advocate for Israel, warn against discrimination
    and, perhaps most often, issue declamations of what does or does not
    constitute anti-Semitism.

    Whether they be condemnations of foreign leaders or pardons of
    celebrities who have made ill-considered utterances, Foxman's has
    been the authoritative voice on what is or is not acceptable to Jews.

    After he steps down, Foxman will serve as a part-time consultant to
    ADL and sit on the organization's national commission and national
    executive committee, the organization said.
