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Garry Levesley: "We Would Do Everything To Support The Energy Securi

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  • Garry Levesley: "We Would Do Everything To Support The Energy Securi


    Monday 17 February 2014 09:59
    Photo: Press service of the Armenian government

    Exclusive interview of Contour Global's Executive Vice President for
    Europe Garry Levesley to Mediamax

    - The agreement on buying Vorotan Hydroelectric Power Plant Complex by
    "Contour Global Hydro Cascade" is the largest investment that U.S. has
    ever made in the Armenia and the first one in energy field. Your
    company has power stations in 17 countries. What exactly attracted
    the company to make such a large-scale investment in Armenia?

    - ContourGlobal is a New York based international power-generation
    company with approximately 3500 MW in operations or under construction
    in 17 countries and on four continents. Out total assets worldwide
    are worth more than US$ 3.5bln at present.

    This acquisition will add to ContourGlobal's growing presence in
    Eastern Europe, where it owns power generation facilities in Bulgaria,
    Ukraine, Romania, and Poland, and will contribute to ContourGlobal's
    renewable energy portfolio, which currently comprises approximately
    1000 MW of hydro, wind, solar and biogas production in Latin America,
    Europe and Africa.

    We base our portfolio investments on what makes sense for the client
    and location. Armenia has a well functioning and reliable electricity
    generation and distribution system that has been re-organized by the
    Government of Armenia under the guidance of the World Bank. The Vorotan
    HPP is one of the major hydro power plants in Armenia contributing
    with 15% to the total electricity production in country.

    Its production will always be in demand since the hydro energy is
    among the lower-cost energy types and, by Armenian law, will be
    consumed solely in the internal market.

    - It was reported earlier that besides your company, 4 more companies
    including a Russian one were interested in the Vorotan Hydroelectric
    Complex. The Complex is the first company producing energy in Armenia
    which was sold not to a Russian but an American company. How did
    you manage in some sense to "break through the Russian monopoly"
    in Armenian energy field?

    - We were approached by the Armenian Government to consider the
    purchase and then investing into the modernization of the Vorotan
    hydro power plant, they may also have approached other interested
    companies however we are not aware if they did, and if they did who
    they approached.

    For over a year, we have done an extensive research of the Vorotan
    facilities, in particular, through technical, financial and legal due
    diligence performed by some of the leading international companies
    for us. We have based our decision to acquire the Vorotan on business
    development, economic benefit and country investment climate factors,
    including political stability - all of which we assessed as quite
    positive and encouraging for a private company like ours to engage in
    the business. We hope our investment will prove to be successful in
    the years to come and, as I mentioned during the brief meeting with
    the Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, will also encourage more western
    companies to consider doing business and investing in Armenia.

    - Your company obliged to invest around USD70mln in modernization of
    the Hydroelectric Complex within coming 6 years. Would you speak in
    more detail exactly what modernization programs will be implemented
    and in what areas?

    - Under the terms of the agreement, the ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade
    closed joint stock company (CJSC), a direct and wholly owned local
    subsidiary of the ContourGlobal, will own and operate the three
    hydroelectric facilities located on the Vorotan river and will supply
    power to the Armenian grid under a long-term (25 years) power purchase

    ContourGlobal will also invest $70 million over the next six years
    in a refurbishment program to modernize the plants and improve their
    operational performance, safety, reliability, and efficiency. We
    expect the modernization to create 150 near-term jobs in addition to
    more than 150 long-term technicians employed at the plants.

    Before we embark on any investment though, in accordance with the
    signed Assets Purchase Agreement (APA), we have to prepare, present
    and get the approval of the Public Services Regulatory Commission for
    the Vorotan refurbishment and modernization program. At present, we
    think the rehabilitation programme will be primarily focused on the
    upgrading and replacement of the main Electro-Mechanical equipment,
    including turbines, generators, electrical switch gear and control
    systems. The goal is to improve the reliability, efficiency and
    longevity of the plants, of course each plant has its own specific
    needs which we are assessing in detail but this is the general scope.

    For example, the work in Spandaryan station is likely to be primarily
    focused on improving the control, monitoring and communications from
    the plant. Our initial technical assessment in Shamb revealed that
    there was a vibration problem with one of the units that would be
    investigated further prior to the replacement of the main turbine
    equipment. In Tatev station, we presume the work will be focused on
    refurbishment or replacement of the main generation equipment.

    This does not mean, however, that the $70mln program will be the only
    investment the company does within the time-span of its operation
    of Vorotan. We are contractually committed to keeping the plant
    functioning uninterruptedly, in accordance with high international
    norms and practice, inlcuding from the point of view of health and
    safety and environmental standards.

    - Vorotan Complex provides 15% of the energy produced in Armenia and
    that's why it's an object of strategic significance for Armenia.

    Taking into account Armenia's being blockaded and Russia's dominant
    position in the country's energy sector, how are you going to support
    the country's energy security?

    - This acquisition represents the largest single U.S. private
    investment in Armenia's history and the first U.S. investment
    in Armenia's energy sector. The Vorotan Hydro Cascade accounts for
    roughly 15 percent of the installed capacity of Armenia's electricity
    system and provides sufficient energy to power 250,000 homes. We
    are committed to keeping the plant functioning uninterruptedly,
    in accordance with high international norms and practice.

    The company is not just encouraged by the business opportunities
    but also understands the responsibility that we have taken on our
    shoulders, and we would do everything to further support the energy
    security of Armenia. We also understand that there are expansion
    opportunities on the cascade that the Government has asked us to
    looking to the economic feasibility of, we will do this in due course
    and if they prove feasible this could lead to an expansion of the
    complex in future years.

    - Armenia sells energy to neighboring countries including Iran. In
    this regard, can purchasing Vorotan Complex become some kind of a
    bridge between U.S.-Iran relations? Do you plan to sell energy to Iran?

    - ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade (CJSC) will not be involved in any energy
    sale or swaps with the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, I
    should mention that we, as an American based company investing outside
    of the US, are bound by the laws and regulations of the US Government.

    - Do you see any possibilities for cooperation with Turkey?

    - As a multinational company that has grown rapidly in the past 8
    years to own and operate 33 different energy-type plants worldwide,
    including Eastern Europe, we are, of course, interested in further
    promoting our business in the region, not just Turkey. At present,
    though, we are focused on finalizing the Vorotan deal and establishing
    a well-functioning and high standard operation in Armenia. In future,
    we do not exclude considering attractive investment opportunities in
    the region, including doing more investments in Armenia and, in fact,
    further towards the East, too.

    From: A. Papazian