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Agriculture Student Shares Armenian Experiences

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  • Agriculture Student Shares Armenian Experiences


    Daily O'Collegian, Oklahoma State Univ.

    Feb 21 2014

    Brandon Schmitz Features Reporter Daily O'Collegian

    One of the first things stressed to Michael Anderson upon entering
    Armenia was how conservative many of the people were. Imagine his
    surprise, then, when the first Armenians he met outside of the country
    were prostitutes.

    Anderson, a Peace Corps member from 2009-2011, ended his second
    service day by traveling to the neighboring city of Trabzon.

    Unfortunately, his hotel reservation had been canceled, and he couldn't
    simply check into a Holiday Inn.

    Given the scarcity of his options, a pay-by-the-hour motel was
    a godsend.

    "So we're kind of terrified," Anderson said. "And there are these
    three voluptuous women. They're asking us if, you know, we want to
    spend a little money for a little fun."

    It wasn't until the women began speaking Armenian among one another
    that Anderson felt at ease. So much so that he and his friends decided
    to join their table.

    "They bought us tea and coffee," Anderson said. "Told us about all
    of the good tourist sites. They were super nice ladies -- not the
    type you would expect to have tea with."

    The Hows and Whys

    Oklahoma State University's Master of International Agriculture
    Program has its fair share of requirements.

    Specifically, all students must spend at least four weeks abroad,
    while keeping tracking of his or her daily activities. The experience
    culminates with the creation of an internship report, as well as a
    PowerPoint presentation.

    And though the basic guidelines are set in stone, the program is

    "It's awesome in that students get to pick their own focus area,"
    said graduate coordinator Katie Meeks. "You pick classes that pick
    your professional, educational and personal goals."

    Why Do People Join the Program?

    Anderson initially wanted to work for the State Department and had
    heard that the Peace Corps was a popular gateway. Underneath that,
    though, his motivation to go abroad was much like his fellow student's.

    "At least 95 percent of our American students - we are hoping to get
    more international [ones] - are attracted by the opportunity to have
    international experience," said program director Shida Henneberry.

    "Also, having a master's degree that's this unique is important."

    A Different Culture

    If Anderson's experience is any indication, being one of the only
    Americans in a given area is going to draw attention -- for better
    or worse.

    "You kind of become a celebrity," Anderson said. "But your privacy is
    kind of taken from you. I mean, you want to be polite, but sometimes
    you just want to be alone. People always want to ask you questions,
    like 'how much money do you make?'"

    Although Anderson began his service by training with seven other
    American volunteers - people he came to know as friends - he was sent
    off on his own three months later. It took some time to get used to
    that - to say the least.

    "It's, like, you go from this really high experience to kind of a
    low one at first," he said. "I felt pretty lonely."

    Lasting Impressions

    Although several friends were lost, a new one was made. A woman, who
    had been scavenging a cherry tree, spotted Anderson. Having taught
    herself how to speak English, she was no stranger to Peace Corps
    volunteers. It wasn't long until she became Anderson's best friend,
    as well as his Armenian tutor.

    Anderosn said he is most thankful for, though, is her introducing
    him to dolma.

    "Since it's cabbage-based, I thought it was disgusting," he said. "But
    it's a poor country, so when you're offered something to eat, you
    generally take it. I sort of learned to like it, and since then,
    I've grown to love it."

    It isn't just Armenian dishes that Anderson has brought home, for his
    experience abroad instilled in him an unbridled belief in hospitality.

    Certainly, being treated to a quality meal by a complete stranger
    has got to be infectious.

    "I used to be stingy when cutting cake for other people," Anderson
    said. "Now they get the biggest piece."
