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All Preconditions For Ukrainian Scenario In Armenia - Experts

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  • All Preconditions For Ukrainian Scenario In Armenia - Experts


    13:58 * 24.02.14

    Armenia is similar to Ukraine in that it has an oligarchic regime of
    a similar type.

    Both of them refused to sign Association Agreements with the European
    Union (EU) at the last moment. Both of them are of geopolitical
    interest to Russia and the developments in Ukraine may take place
    in Armenia as well, political analyst Edgar Vardanyan told reporters
    on Monday.

    "This resistance has for a long period been growing. We can see a
    similar situation in Armenia, particularly freedom-fighters' meetings
    in Yerevan's Mashtots park, protests by the movement against funded
    pensions and so on. Such a movement is not ruled out in Armenia
    as well. It is noteworthy that opposition political forces are
    cooperating both with one another and with citizens, and they have
    succeeded. Besides, the civil society is raising global problems,"
    Vardanyan said.

    The latest developments in Ukraine are a striking example of successful
    political opposition, he added.

    "It has been civil opposition because it has been the result of
    citizens' unity."

    Despite Russian propaganda, civil opposition has largely been peaceful
    in Ukraine.

    "Violent actions were in response to the authorities' violence,"
    Vardanyan said. According to him, Maidan represents an entirely new
    institute, a "supra-party" and "supra- civil" institute.

    "Its aim was not to change power. Rather, it was to change the regime,
    the rules of the game. The protesters' common aim was European
    integration," he said.

    Expert Ruben Mehrabyan said that the process began just a few days
    before the Vilnius Summit, when Ukraine's leaders stated they would
    not sign anything.

    "Everything began when Ukrainian students gathered in Maidan to hold
    a protest. But the authorities cracked down on them, which marked
    the beginning of a civil rebellion against the criminal regime,"
    Mehrabyan said.

    "The Ukrainian people has shown they are a heroic people. What they
    did not only opened the door to the European family, but also gave
    hope to the other post-Soviet states. Putin's imperialistic hopes
    burnt together with the burning tyres in Maidan," the analyst said.

    He expressed the confidence that Armenia will embark on this way as
    well - and not only Armenia, but also all the Eastern Partnership

    "Armenia does have this potential, especially its young generation,"
    Mehrabyan said.

    As regards the political forces, they - no matter pro-government or
    opposition ones - do not meet the people's demands.

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