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Alvina Gyulumyan. "The Number Of Unfounded Applications Submitted By

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  • Alvina Gyulumyan. "The Number Of Unfounded Applications Submitted By


    February 25 2014

    "It was just a figment that the European Court decisions are part
    of RA legislation", - so responded human rights defender Avetik
    Ishkhanyan to the question of of whether the application
    of the European case law is exercised in Armenia at a proper level.

    Referring to the fact that the decisions of the European Court of
    Human Rights (ECHR) are a component part of the RA legislation as
    precedent law, and in any case, the ECHR precedent can be cited, Mr.

    Ishkhanyan expressed the following concern, "The courts, as a rule,
    are rejecting the petitions commenting that the factual circumstances
    do not match. De jure, the precedential decisions are part of the RA
    legislation, however, de facto, they do not have any absolute value,
    as the judicial acts are determined not by law, but by discretion." As
    an example, Mr. Ishkhanyan brought the verdict by the case of "A1+",
    when the decision was made, in addition to compensation, the violation
    should also be removed, which was not done. Basically, also due to the
    fact that the cases against Armenia in ECHR constitute a big number.

    This year, number of applications at the European Court against
    Armenia is more than a thousand. In the conversation with,
    the judge Alvina Gyulumyan, representing Armenia at ECHR, commented
    on the fact as follows, "Most of them are submitted by Azeris, who
    are deprived from the occupied territories and the issue of their
    property is raised." We asked Ms. Gyulumyan whether the fact that there
    are numerous applications against Armenia does not indicate at the
    ECHR that there are numerous problems associated with the European
    case law in Armenia. He responded as follows, "These problems are
    available in any country. It's another question of what actions are
    implemented in a country to prevent it." Ms. Gyulumyan also informed
    that out of 46 verdicts of the European Court against Armenia 20
    refer to violation personal immunity right, from which, in 16 cases,
    the right to fair trial was violated. She expressed the hope that upon
    serious consideration of these verdicts, the RA judicial system has
    made appropriate conclusion. The fact that the number of applications
    to the ECHR against Armenia is reduced, Ms. Gyulumyan is commenting as
    follows, "Often our citizens are not informed to the best about such
    possibility. Unfortunately, I am far from thinking that everything
    is well in our country, therefore, the number of applications to the
    ECHR against Armenia is reduced. On the other hand, we can say that
    our attorneys work well. According to statistics, the European Court
    considers 80 percent of the applications submitted by Armenia subject
    for discussion, which shows that the number of unfounded applications
    submitted by Armenia to the European Court seems to be reduces, whereas
    a few years ago the situation was different." Ms. Gyulumyan referred
    to two sonorous cases at the ECHR: "Khachatryan and others against
    Armenia" and "Melikyan against Armenia". The first one was about the
    criminal prosecution against a person who avoided the alternative
    military service, in the case when criminal responsibility was not
    designed at the time. The second one refers to the fact that no
    legislature was found by domestic legislation towards the citizen
    who wanted to appeal the government decision, where he could defend
    his civil right in any way. Tatev HARUTYUNYAN

    Read more at:

    From: Baghdasarian