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PSAA: Aghdam Events A Symptomatic Example Of The Azerbaijani Authori

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  • PSAA: Aghdam Events A Symptomatic Example Of The Azerbaijani Authori


    14:52 25.02.2014

    On February 22, 2014, an enlarged session of the Board of Political
    Science Association of Armenia (PSAA) was held on the Azerbaijani
    falsifications of the Aghdam events (Khojalu provocation) of February
    26, 1992, at the Drastamat Kanayan Institute for National Strategic
    Studies of the Ministry of Defense, RA. The Chairman of the PSAA,
    Doctor of Political Science Hayk Kotanjian headed the Session. At
    the session the PSAA made the following announcement on "The Aghdam
    Events (Khojalu Provocation) a Symptomatic Example of the Azerbaijani
    Authorities' Falsification Policy".

    "On February 26, 1992, the Aghdam events took place, which are
    presented by the Azerbaijani side as the "Khojalu massacre", during
    which a group of inhabitants of Khojalu was cold-bloodedly shot
    down by the Azerbaijani paramilitary forces in the territories under
    their control.

    Aiming to overthrow President Mutalibov, the oppositional Popular
    Front of Azerbaijan used the Karabakh troops' forced operation to
    suppress the Azerbaijani forces' Khojalu-stationed weapon emplacements
    regularly shelling the Armenian-populated Stepanakert and surrounding
    villages. President Mutalibov personally testified it in his interview
    to the Russian "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" in 1992.

    Prior to the operation, the Karabakh side abiding by the norms of
    humanitarian law informed Khojalu authorities of the planned operation
    and of a safe humanitarian corridor left for the evacuation of the
    Azerbaijani population.

    Right after the tragic events in the Azerbaijani-controlled
    territories, the Azerbaijani journalist Chingiz Mustafayev photographed
    and video-recorded the corpses, which were not mutilated.

    Meanwhile, on the photos taken by the same Mustafayev two days later,
    these people were already scalped, and their bodies were mutilated -
    to demonstrate the Armenians' "cruelty and inhumanity". The existing
    irrefutable facts prove that the Karabakh side did not have a physical
    access to those territories where the people were killed, and later
    on their corpses mutilated. It is symptomatic, that Mustafayev having
    witnessed the horrific crime died a few months later in circumstances
    not clarified yet in the vicinity of the same Aghdam during his
    journalistic investigation of the villainous Aghdam events.

    After the takeover of power in Baku in 1992, following the Aghdam
    provocation, the new leadership of Azerbaijan, with Abulfaz Elchibey
    at the helm, tried hard to hush up the heinous crime committed by
    itself against the citizens of Khojalu, and initiated a targeted
    falsification of events presenting its own provocation as a "massacre"
    of civilian population organized by the Karabakh forces. The official
    Azerbaijan continues this policy to this day.

    By means of the vicious propaganda of the "Khojalu events" the
    Azerbaijani authorities try to harm the international reputation of the
    two Armenian states, as well as to impose a distorted picture of events
    on the young generation, thereby favoring Armenophobia and xenophobia.

    Considering the fact of the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem's activated
    propaganda, in particular, the presentation of the myth about the
    "Khojalu massacre" in the run-up to the 100th Anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide, the Political Science Association of Armenia
    strictly condemns the malicious policy of distorting the facts
    connected with this tragedy urging the international community not
    to succumb to the falsifications of Baku and Ankara authorities. The
    Political Science Association of Armenia calls the international
    community to prevent the distortion of the historical truth.

    The Political Science Association of Armenia also appeals to the
    honest Azerbaijanis to impartially assess the historical facts and
    not to fall for the Aliyev regime's xenophobic policy."

    From: Baghdasarian