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ANCA-Western Region 2013 Annual Report

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  • ANCA-Western Region 2013 Annual Report

    Friday, January 3rd, 2014


    ANCA-WR Mission Statement The Armenian National Committee of
    America-Western Region is the largest Armenian American grassroots
    advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in
    coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters
    throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations
    around the country, the ANCA-WR works to promote understanding
    regarding issues of concern to the Armenian American community.

    ANCA-WR Board chairperson Nora Hovsepian

    Board Chairperson's Message I have had the privilege of serving as the
    Chair of ANCA WR for two years now though I have served in different
    capacities within the organization off and on since the 1980's. In that
    time not a day has gone by that I was not inspired by the work that
    is done here and the devotion and perseverance of the people who do
    it. From the dedicated and committed volunteers who serve on the Board
    of Directors and various committees, to our donors and supporters,
    staff and interns, the ANCA is not just a community organization,
    but a family that digs its roots deep and expands its branches far -
    to fortify, advance and give voice to the Armenian-American community.

    We have come a long way, and as our community has grown and evolved,
    we have grown and evolved with it to make sure its needs are met. Our
    programs have expanded, our staff has increased, and our reputation
    and initiatives have become a model for others.

    The work of our local chapters has now come to include many community
    service initiatives like free legal clinics, community town hall
    forums, voter education and registration, pathways to maximize civic
    engagement in all levels of government, media response mechanisms,
    and other means by which our community can fully integrate, all the
    while continuing to stay true to our mission of fighting for Armenian
    Genocide recognition and reparations, helping Armenia and Artsakh
    develop and prosper, and working hard to ensure the safety and security
    of our Homeland against all threats. This multi-disciplinary approach
    is more important than ever as it is part of a long-term approach
    in ensuring that we have thriving communities across the region that
    will help bring justice and accountability in all levels of government
    while simultaneously helping to advance the Armenian Cause overall.

    In the past two years, we have also created an Advisory Board composed
    of our elder statesmen who had the vision to create and develop this
    organization and from whose institutional memory, collective wisdom and
    diverse experience we have greatly benefitted. We are deeply grateful
    to them, and to all of those who have supported the organization over
    time and helped us to get to where we are today.

    Despite the difficult economic climate, and the many challenges it has
    brought, we have been able to continue and expand our work because of
    such support and backing of our community. The many accomplishments
    we have achieved this year are the result of this partnership and
    teamwork. As we move forward, I know we will only be building on the
    strong foundation that has been set, stone by stone, for so many years.

    By standing together and continuing to develop mechanisms to strengthen
    and amplify our community's voice, I know we will reach even greater
    heights of distinction and accomplishments as we continue to strive
    toward our ultimate goals.

    In Common Cause, Nora Hovsepian, Esq.

    Chair, ANCA Western Region

    ANCA-WR Board members meet with Calif. Governor Jerry Brown

    Strengthening The Grassroots

    Powering Up Our Local Chapters Recognizing that our strength lies in
    the incredible work conducted by our local chapters in their respective
    communities, one of the major undertakings of the ANCA Western Region
    in 2013 has been to strengthen and work more closely with our local
    chapters. Through allocation of additional resources and support from
    the ANCA WR Board liaisons and staff, our local chapters are able to
    with greater ease successfully implement programs and initiatives.

    The ANCA WR now works alongside with local chapters toward cultivating
    relationships with local public officials and entities, is more
    involved in community activities and community development, and helps
    promote grassroots activism on a local level to be utilized at the
    state, regional and national levels in advancing the Armenian Cause.

    The results of this effort in the past year have been incredible,
    as we have witnessed existing and new chapters become more organized,
    active and proactive in addressing issues in their local communities.

    Expanding Our Reach Through Town Halls In an effort to educate and
    remain in close ties with existing ANCA local chapters and establish
    new chapters in the region, the ANCA WR conducted a number of town
    hall meetings in Idaho, Texas, Arizona, San Diego, Seattle, Nevada
    among other locations.

    Given the incredible response by local community members to attend
    the town hall meetings and their eagerness to start a local chapter
    or become involved with an existing one, the ANCA WR will continue
    to host similar community gatherings to engage communities outside
    of its headquarters base in Los Angeles, CA.

    Making Our Community's Voice Heard Through Hye Votes In 2012, the ANCA
    WR launched the very successful Hye Votes initiative as a region wide,
    non-partisan program to engage community members in the electoral
    process. The Hye Votes efforts in coalition with our local chapters,
    a network of non-profit organizations, student groups, and community
    members, are intended to register and encourage the community to vote
    in the Elections while also serving as a source for voter information.

    For the 2012 Presidential Elections, the 2013 Los Angeles Mayoral
    Elections, and more recently for the Montebello City Elections, Hye
    Votes along with area specific ANCA WR local chapters, coordinated a
    multi-faceted civic participation campaign designed to walk first-time
    and disadvantaged voters through the entire political process. The
    components of the campaign included: voter registration, voter
    education, voter mobilization, voter assistance, voter research,
    voting rights advocacy and get-out-the-vote efforts.

    The aforementioned combined with on-the-ground field organizers,
    advertising, direct mail, trainings, phone banking, and canvassing
    resulted in over 5,500 additional registered Armenian voters and
    unprecedented turnouts in the Elections by the Armenian-American
    community. Given the success and the importance of the initiative,
    the ANCA-Western Region is currently in the midst of establishing a
    Hye Votes task force to be comprised of representatives from local
    chapters to continue implementing the initiative across the region.

    California state and local officials during the ANCA-WR trip to Armenia

    Elevating Awareness And Advocacy

    Legislative Affairs 2013 has been an extremely busy year for the
    ANCA WR in the area of legislative affairs. We continued to stand
    strong on issues of importance to the Armenian-American communities
    by working closely with our national office on proper recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide through the Armenian Genocide Truth and Justice
    Act that was recently introduced in the US House of Representatives,
    calling upon the White House and Congress to prominently display
    the Armenian Genocide Orphan Rug at the Smithsonian, activating
    our grassroots to voice opposition on US strikes against Syria,
    and advocating for foreign aid to Armenia and Artsakh.

    Moreover, in order to have a stronger presence in the CA State
    Capitol and take proactive steps in minimizing the recent efforts of
    infiltrating the CA legislature by the Turkish and Azeri lobby, the
    ANCA Western Region hired a Legislative Affairs Director to educate
    elected officials, hold regular meetings, cultivate relationships,
    and work on policy issues as they relate to the benefit of the Armenian
    communities in the region, Armenia, and Artsakh.

    All the while, our local chapters took on demanding proper
    representation in their city institutions, opposing electrical fee
    hikes that would heavily impact the livelihood of the Armenian-American
    residents in their region, partnering with their school districts to
    ensure that Armenian parents and students with language barriers were
    able to successfully navigate the education system, and serving as the
    bridge between issues in city departments and their Armenian-American

    Meetings With Officials The ANCA WR held more than 150 meetings in
    2013 with just state and federal level elected officials to educate and
    advocate on issues of concern to the Armenian-American community. This
    high volume number of meetings does not include those held with local
    elected officials, appointed high level administrators, any meetings
    held by the ANCA National Headquarters, or the local chapters of the
    ANCA WR.

    Groundbreaking Delegation Trip To Armenia And Artsakh In an effort
    to establish direct ties between U.S. elected officials and the
    Homeland by providing policymakers with a first-hand understanding
    of the rich Armenian history and culture, the ANCA Western Region
    helped organize a delegation of prominent city and state officials
    for a 5 day in-depth visit to Armenia followed by a two day visit to
    Artsakh. The groundbreaking trip, which took place from September 17 to
    September 24, 2013 was hosted by the Governments of Armenia and NKR,
    and facilitated by the Consul General of Los Angeles in coordination
    with the California State Assembly and the City of Los Angeles.

    The delegation included CA State Assembly Speaker John Perez,
    Assemblymembers Katcho Achadjian, Cheryl Brown, Adrin Nazarian,
    Scott Wilk, Los Angeles City Councilmembers Bob Blumenfield
    and Paul Krekorian, Assemblymember Nazarian's Chief of Staff Dan
    Savage, Councilmember Krekorian's Chief of Staff Areen Ibranossian,
    Communications Director Jeremy Oberstein and Director of Planning
    and Land Usage Karo Torossian, ANCA WR Chair Nora Hovsepian, and ANCA
    WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan. The ANCA WR intends to organize
    similar trips on an annual basis.

    2013 ANCA-WR Advocay Day in Sacrament

    Advocacy Day In Sacramento On April 15, 2013, the ANCA WR hosted more
    than 200 activists from all over California for its annual Advocacy Day
    and for the Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the California
    State Legislature.

    Community activists of every age spent the entire day advocating
    issues concerning the community by educating their legislators
    about the consequences of the denial of the Genocide, while viewing
    the month-long exhibit of Armenian American inventors that have
    contributed to the well-being of the American population. Participants
    also observed the State Assembly's and State Senate's commemorations
    which recognized various community groups including the ANCA WR. The
    day's events were highlighted by passage of the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution in both chambers of the State legislature.

    Candidates' Forum In order to bring together large segments of
    the Armenian-American community to hear and interact with political
    candidates at the local, state, and federal levels of government, the
    ANCA WR organized numerous town-halls and debates during elections. The
    most successful of these forums/debates was the Berman and Sherman
    debate as it was the first time we watched incumbent congressmen
    debate issues of importance to Armenian-Americans that was also aired
    live nationwide.

    ANCA-WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan speaks to college students
    about Hye Tad

    Investing In The Future

    ANCA WR Internship Program Acknowledging the importance of providing a
    pipeline of support to the next generation of our community's leaders,
    the ANCA WR re-launched its internship program for the 8th year in
    May 2013, while our Glendale Chapter kicked off its 7th year, and
    our Crescenta Valley chapter established one for their region. This
    selective, part time, leadership training program provides high
    school and college students as well as recent college graduates an
    opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of community issues
    as well as advocacy efforts on the local, regional, and federal
    levels. During their tenure, interns are given valuable opportunities
    to interact with public officials, develop leadership and advocacy
    skills, represent the ANCA WR at community and media events,
    organize various grassroots campaigns and events, work with staff,
    Board members, committee members, and local ANCA chapters as well
    as attend weekly educational lectures. The multi-faceted internship
    compounds professional skill-building with networking opportunities
    to promote well-rounded individuals to serve in our community and on
    future ANCA Western Region and local chapter committees. The program
    hosts spring, summer, and fall sessions.

    ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship Program In that same spirit, the
    ANCA WR also sponsored two local students to participate in the
    prestigious ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship Program in Washington,
    DC. The Internship program, now in its 29th year, provides Armenian
    American youth leaders from the across the U.S. an opportunity to
    learn first-hand about the inner workings of the American political
    system during its eight week training session in the nation's capital.

    ANCA WR-AYF Mentorship Program In the summer of 2013, ANCA WR partnered
    with the Armenian Youth Federation Western Region to establish a
    mentorship program for the youth in the area. Through this new program,
    ANCA Professional Network members are paired with AYF members to assist
    them with such matters as choosing a college, college applications,
    professional development, and professional internships.

    Path To College Program (PTC) Originally launched by the ANCA
    Glendale Chapter in 2007, the PTC program consists of a series
    of forums organized to educate the non-English speaking immigrant
    Armenian population about the multitude of opportunities available
    to secondary school students. Though the program is geared toward the
    non-English speaking immigrant population, it is open to all students
    and parents who need assistance.

    The objective of the program is to increase high school retention
    and admission to college. The forums cover such topic matters as
    high school graduation requirements, 4 year plan, English Language
    Development classes, the college application process and deadlines,
    financial aid, SAT & ACT college admission exams, how to write personal
    statements, and the difference between community colleges and 4-year
    universities. Given the success and the need in our communities for
    such services, the ANCA WR brought the PTC program on the regional
    level to help organize similar forum across the region using the
    Glendale model.

    Key Events

    ANCA Grassroots Conference In 2013, the much anticipated Grassroots
    Conference returned Thanksgiving Weekend, bringing together 31 expert
    panelists and more than 550 hundred activists from all over the world
    to analyze issues related to the Armenian Cause and to develop and
    promote new avenues of leadership and advocacy. The ANCA Grassroots
    Conference has been established as a bi-annual event.

    ANCA-WR Annual Gala Banquet The premier annual fundraising event
    for the ANCA-WR, the 2013 Annual Banquet Gala was attended by more
    than 1,000 activists, supporters, donors and public officials who
    came together to acknowledge the work of the organization and to
    pay homage to the 2013 honorees Primate of Artsakh Archbishop Barkev
    Martirosyan, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Legendary Coach Jerry
    Tarkanian, Lifelong Philanthropist Manas Boujikian, Assemblymember
    Katcho Achadjian, and Activist and Filmmaker Ara Soudjian for their
    contributions to the Armenian Cause.

    ANCA-PN Destination Weekend The inaugural event was successfully held
    in October, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and will hereafter be organized
    bi-annually, alternating years with the ANC Grassroots Conference. The
    locale will change each year with the goal of bringing together
    young Armenian professionals from all over the world to network,
    share ideas, identify mentors, socialize, and share their interest
    in the Armenian Cause.

    ANCA-WR Board of Directors and staff

    How does all of this happen? It's Simple... Through Grassroots Efforts

    Because we have a proven track record and the work we do is so
    critical, we have hundreds of dedicated community members across
    the region who serve on our regional and local boards, committees,
    and subcommittees, while others graciously contribute financially to
    make our programs and initiatives possible. No matter the size of the
    group or task being completed, all of our dedicated volunteers play
    a vital role in helping us fulfill our goal of educating, motivating
    and activating our community, all the while demanding accountability,
    proper representation, and justice from our representatives.

    2 Ways You Can Help

    1. Donate We rely on region-wide monetary donations for the bulk of
    our operating funds. No matter how large or small. Every donation
    helps keep our lights on and fuels our advocacy, community outreach,
    civic engagement, youth, and development programs. A $15 donation
    allows us to purchase a case of paper, while a $100 donation covers
    the monthly bill of keeping our community informed of issues that
    are important to them through monthly e-newsletters.

    You can be sure that we will stretch every dollar of your donation
    and ensure that your voice will be heard through local, state, and
    federal government agencies and grassroots action on the issues that
    matter to you most.

    4 Ways To Donate 1. ANCA WR 2. Become a monthly ANCA WR donor.

    3. Earmark Your Donation to the ANCA WR Initiative You Care About
    Most. Note: Contributions, gifts, and dues to the ANCA WR are not tax
    deductible. They support our effective, citizen-based advocacy efforts.

    4. Make a tax-deductible gift to the ANC WR and help us continue our
    education and community outreach efforts.

    Visit to contribute today.

    2. Get Involved Contact us at: ANCA Western Region 104 N. Belmont,
    Ste. 200, Glendale, CA 91206 (818) 500-1918 [email protected]


    Bay Area [email protected]

    Burbank 75 E. Santa Anita Ave., Burbank, CA 91502 [email protected] (818) 562-1918

    Central California 2348 Ventura St., Fresno, CA 93721 [email protected] (559) 233-2315

    Crescenta Valley 2633 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA 91020 [email protected] (818) 527-6361

    Glendale 211 W. Chestnut St. Ste. 302, Glendale, CA
    91204 [email protected] (818) 243-3444

    Hollywood [email protected] (323)

    Houston [email protected] (281) 202-8274

    Orange County

    Pasadena 2242 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 [email protected] (626)
    356-3674 Ext.103

    Sacramento [email protected] (626) 394-9832

    San Fernando Valley East [email protected]
    (818) 497-8790

    San Fernando Valley North [email protected] (818) 468-7007

    San Fernando Valley West [email protected] (818)

    San Gabriel Valley
    [email protected] (323) 728-6493

    ANCA WR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nora Hovsepian, Esq., Chair Steve Artinian,
    Treasurer Garo Madenlian, Esq., Secretary Armen Abrahamian Pattyl
    Aposhian-Kasparian Oshin Harootoonian Arpie Jivalagian, Esq.

    Raffi Kassabian, Esq.

    Karo Khanjian Patil Aslanian, AYF Central Executive Liaison

    ANCA WR ADVISORY BOARD Seto Boyadjian, Esq., ANCA National Board
    Member Steven Dadaian, Esq.

    Raffi Hamparian, ANCA National Board Member Berdj Karapetian Levon
    Kirakosian, Esq.

    Michael Mahdesian Harut Sassounian Mourad Topalian

    ANCA WR STAFF Elen Asatryan, Executive Director Tereza Yerimyan,
    Government Affairs Director Haig Baghdassarian, Esq., Legislative
    Affairs Director Armine Der Grigorian, Accounting Talar Malakian,
    ANCA-Glendale Executive Director Nare Kupelian, ANCA-San Gabriel
    Valley Executive Director Patil Derderian, ANCA-Crescenta Valley
    Executive Director Ani Nazaryan, Banquet & Grassroots Coordinator

    Chair Raffi Kassabian, Esq., Board Liaison Arpie Jivalagian, Esq.,
    Board Liaison

    ANCA WR PROFESSIONAL NETWORK Linda Adran, Chair Raffi Kassabian,
    Esq., Board Liaison

    ANCA WR EDUCATION COMMITTEE Alice Petrossian, Chair Berdj Karapetian,
    Board Liaison

    HYE VOTES TASK FORCE Karo Khanjian, Board Liaison


    Chair Nora Hovsepian, Esq., Board Liaison

    ANCA WR SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE Aida Yeghiazarian, Chair Pattyl
    Aposhian-Kasparian, Board Liaison

    Artinian, Board Liaison

    ANCA WR INTERN ALUMNI COMMITTEE Tatev Oganyan, Co Chair Tamar
    Thomassian, Co Chair

    Educate Motivate Activate

    From: Baghdasarian